$step = empty( $_GET['step'] ) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['step'];
switch ( $step ) {
case 0:
case 1:
check_admin_referer( 'import-upload' );
if ( $this->handle_upload() ) {
case 2:
check_admin_referer( 'import-wordpress' );
$this->fetch_attachments = ( ! empty( $_POST['fetch_attachments'] ) && $this->allow_fetch_attachments() );
$this->id = (int) $_POST['import_id'];
$file = get_attached_file( $this->id );
set_time_limit( 0 );
$this->import( $file );
* The main controller for the actual import stage.
* @param string $file Path to the WXR file for importing
function import( $file ) {
add_filter( 'import_post_meta_key', array( $this, 'is_valid_meta_key' ) );
add_filter( 'http_request_timeout', array( &$this, 'bump_request_timeout' ) );
$this->import_start( $file );
wp_suspend_cache_invalidation( true );
wp_suspend_cache_invalidation( false );
// update incorrect/missing information in the DB
* Parses the WXR file and prepares us for the task of processing parsed data
* @param string $file Path to the WXR file for importing
function import_start( $file ) {
if ( ! is_file( $file ) ) {
echo '
' . __( 'Sorry, there has been an error.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ';
echo __( 'The file does not exist, please try again.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . '
$import_data = $this->parse( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $import_data ) ) {
echo '' . __( 'Sorry, there has been an error.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ';
echo esc_html( $import_data->get_error_message() ) . '
$this->version = $import_data['version'];
$this->get_authors_from_import( $import_data );
$this->posts = $import_data['posts'];
$this->terms = $import_data['terms'];
$this->categories = $import_data['categories'];
$this->tags = $import_data['tags'];
$this->base_url = esc_url( $import_data['base_url'] );
wp_defer_term_counting( true );
wp_defer_comment_counting( true );
do_action( 'import_start' );
* Performs post-import cleanup of files and the cache
function import_end() {
wp_import_cleanup( $this->id );
foreach ( get_taxonomies() as $tax ) {
delete_option( "{$tax}_children" );
_get_term_hierarchy( $tax );
wp_defer_term_counting( false );
wp_defer_comment_counting( false );
echo '' . __( 'All done.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ' . __( 'Have fun!', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ' . '
echo '' . __( 'Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . '
do_action( 'import_end' );
* Handles the WXR upload and initial parsing of the file to prepare for
* displaying author import options
* @return bool False if error uploading or invalid file, true otherwise
function handle_upload() {
$file = wp_import_handle_upload();
if ( isset( $file['error'] ) ) {
echo '' . __( 'Sorry, there has been an error.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ';
echo esc_html( $file['error'] ) . '
return false;
} elseif ( ! file_exists( $file['file'] ) ) {
echo '' . __( 'Sorry, there has been an error.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ';
printf( __( 'The export file could not be found at %s
. It is likely that this was caused by a permissions problem.', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $file['file'] ) );
echo '
return false;
$this->id = (int) $file['id'];
$import_data = $this->parse( $file['file'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $import_data ) ) {
echo '' . __( 'Sorry, there has been an error.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ';
echo esc_html( $import_data->get_error_message() ) . '
return false;
$this->version = $import_data['version'];
if ( $this->version > $this->max_wxr_version ) {
echo '';
printf( __( 'This WXR file (version %s) may not be supported by this version of the importer. Please consider updating.', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $import_data['version'] ) );
echo '
$this->get_authors_from_import( $import_data );
return true;
* Retrieve authors from parsed WXR data
* Uses the provided author information from WXR 1.1 files
* or extracts info from each post for WXR 1.0 files
* @param array $import_data Data returned by a WXR parser
function get_authors_from_import( $import_data ) {
if ( ! empty( $import_data['authors'] ) ) {
$this->authors = $import_data['authors'];
// no author information, grab it from the posts
} else {
foreach ( $import_data['posts'] as $post ) {
$login = sanitize_user( $post['post_author'], true );
if ( empty( $login ) ) {
printf( __( 'Failed to import author %s. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $post['post_author'] ) );
echo ' ';
if ( ! isset( $this->authors[ $login ] ) ) {
$this->authors[ $login ] = array(
'author_login' => $login,
'author_display_name' => $post['post_author'],
* Display pre-import options, author importing/mapping and option to
* fetch attachments
function import_options() {
$j = 0;
// phpcs:disable Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.Incorrect
' . esc_html( $author['author_display_name'] );
if ( '1.0' != $this->version ) {
echo ' (' . esc_html( $author['author_login'] ) . ')';
echo ' ';
if ( '1.0' != $this->version ) {
echo '';
$create_users = $this->allow_create_users();
if ( $create_users ) {
echo '';
if ( '1.0' != $this->version ) {
_e( 'or create new user with login name:', 'wordpress-importer' );
$value = '';
} else {
_e( 'as a new user:', 'wordpress-importer' );
$value = esc_attr( sanitize_user( $author['author_login'], true ) );
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '';
if ( ! $create_users && '1.0' == $this->version ) {
_e( 'assign posts to an existing user:', 'wordpress-importer' );
} else {
_e( 'or assign posts to an existing user:', 'wordpress-importer' );
echo ' ';
echo ' ' . wp_dropdown_users(
'name' => "user_map[$n]",
'id' => 'imported_authors_' . $n,
'multi' => true,
'show_option_all' => __( '- Select -', 'wordpress-importer' ),
'show' => 'display_name_with_login',
'echo' => 0,
echo ' ';
if ( '1.0' != $this->version ) {
echo '
* Map old author logins to local user IDs based on decisions made
* in import options form. Can map to an existing user, create a new user
* or falls back to the current user in case of error with either of the previous
function get_author_mapping() {
if ( ! isset( $_POST['imported_authors'] ) ) {
$create_users = $this->allow_create_users();
foreach ( (array) $_POST['imported_authors'] as $i => $old_login ) {
// Multisite adds strtolower to sanitize_user. Need to sanitize here to stop breakage in process_posts.
$santized_old_login = sanitize_user( $old_login, true );
$old_id = isset( $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_id'] ) ? intval( $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_id'] ) : false;
if ( ! empty( $_POST['user_map'][ $i ] ) ) {
$user = get_userdata( intval( $_POST['user_map'][ $i ] ) );
if ( isset( $user->ID ) ) {
if ( $old_id ) {
$this->processed_authors[ $old_id ] = $user->ID;
$this->author_mapping[ $santized_old_login ] = $user->ID;
} elseif ( $create_users ) {
if ( ! empty( $_POST['user_new'][ $i ] ) ) {
$user_id = wp_create_user( $_POST['user_new'][ $i ], wp_generate_password() );
} elseif ( '1.0' != $this->version ) {
$user_data = array(
'user_login' => $old_login,
'user_pass' => wp_generate_password(),
'user_email' => isset( $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_email'] ) ? $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_email'] : '',
'display_name' => $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_display_name'],
'first_name' => isset( $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_first_name'] ) ? $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_first_name'] : '',
'last_name' => isset( $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_last_name'] ) ? $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_last_name'] : '',
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $user_data );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $user_id ) ) {
if ( $old_id ) {
$this->processed_authors[ $old_id ] = $user_id;
$this->author_mapping[ $santized_old_login ] = $user_id;
} else {
printf( __( 'Failed to create new user for %s. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $this->authors[ $old_login ]['author_display_name'] ) );
if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) {
echo ' ' . $user_id->get_error_message();
echo ' ';
// failsafe: if the user_id was invalid, default to the current user
if ( ! isset( $this->author_mapping[ $santized_old_login ] ) ) {
if ( $old_id ) {
$this->processed_authors[ $old_id ] = (int) get_current_user_id();
$this->author_mapping[ $santized_old_login ] = (int) get_current_user_id();
* Create new categories based on import information
* Doesn't create a new category if its slug already exists
function process_categories() {
$this->categories = apply_filters( 'wp_import_categories', $this->categories );
if ( empty( $this->categories ) ) {
foreach ( $this->categories as $cat ) {
// if the category already exists leave it alone
$term_id = term_exists( $cat['category_nicename'], 'category' );
if ( $term_id ) {
if ( is_array( $term_id ) ) {
$term_id = $term_id['term_id'];
if ( isset( $cat['term_id'] ) ) {
$this->processed_terms[ intval( $cat['term_id'] ) ] = (int) $term_id;
$parent = empty( $cat['category_parent'] ) ? 0 : category_exists( $cat['category_parent'] );
$description = isset( $cat['category_description'] ) ? $cat['category_description'] : '';
$data = array(
'category_nicename' => $cat['category_nicename'],
'category_parent' => $parent,
'cat_name' => wp_slash( $cat['cat_name'] ),
'category_description' => wp_slash( $description ),
$id = wp_insert_category( $data, true );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $id ) && $id > 0 ) {
if ( isset( $cat['term_id'] ) ) {
$this->processed_terms[ intval( $cat['term_id'] ) ] = $id;
} else {
printf( __( 'Failed to import category %s', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $cat['category_nicename'] ) );
if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) {
echo ': ' . $id->get_error_message();
echo ' ';
$this->process_termmeta( $cat, $id );
unset( $this->categories );
* Create new post tags based on import information
* Doesn't create a tag if its slug already exists
function process_tags() {
$this->tags = apply_filters( 'wp_import_tags', $this->tags );
if ( empty( $this->tags ) ) {
foreach ( $this->tags as $tag ) {
// if the tag already exists leave it alone
$term_id = term_exists( $tag['tag_slug'], 'post_tag' );
if ( $term_id ) {
if ( is_array( $term_id ) ) {
$term_id = $term_id['term_id'];
if ( isset( $tag['term_id'] ) ) {
$this->processed_terms[ intval( $tag['term_id'] ) ] = (int) $term_id;
$description = isset( $tag['tag_description'] ) ? $tag['tag_description'] : '';
$args = array(
'slug' => $tag['tag_slug'],
'description' => wp_slash( $description ),
$id = wp_insert_term( wp_slash( $tag['tag_name'] ), 'post_tag', $args );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $id ) ) {
if ( isset( $tag['term_id'] ) ) {
$this->processed_terms[ intval( $tag['term_id'] ) ] = $id['term_id'];
} else {
printf( __( 'Failed to import post tag %s', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $tag['tag_name'] ) );
if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) {
echo ': ' . $id->get_error_message();
echo ' ';
$this->process_termmeta( $tag, $id['term_id'] );
unset( $this->tags );
* Create new terms based on import information
* Doesn't create a term its slug already exists
function process_terms() {
$this->terms = apply_filters( 'wp_import_terms', $this->terms );
if ( empty( $this->terms ) ) {
foreach ( $this->terms as $term ) {
// if the term already exists in the correct taxonomy leave it alone
$term_id = term_exists( $term['slug'], $term['term_taxonomy'] );
if ( $term_id ) {
if ( is_array( $term_id ) ) {
$term_id = $term_id['term_id'];
if ( isset( $term['term_id'] ) ) {
$this->processed_terms[ intval( $term['term_id'] ) ] = (int) $term_id;
if ( empty( $term['term_parent'] ) ) {
$parent = 0;
} else {
$parent = term_exists( $term['term_parent'], $term['term_taxonomy'] );
if ( is_array( $parent ) ) {
$parent = $parent['term_id'];
$description = isset( $term['term_description'] ) ? $term['term_description'] : '';
$args = array(
'slug' => $term['slug'],
'description' => wp_slash( $description ),
'parent' => (int) $parent,
$id = wp_insert_term( wp_slash( $term['term_name'] ), $term['term_taxonomy'], $args );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $id ) ) {
if ( isset( $term['term_id'] ) ) {
$this->processed_terms[ intval( $term['term_id'] ) ] = $id['term_id'];
} else {
printf( __( 'Failed to import %1$s %2$s', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $term['term_taxonomy'] ), esc_html( $term['term_name'] ) );
if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) {
echo ': ' . $id->get_error_message();
echo ' ';
$this->process_termmeta( $term, $id['term_id'] );
unset( $this->terms );
* Add metadata to imported term.
* @since 0.6.2
* @param array $term Term data from WXR import.
* @param int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
protected function process_termmeta( $term, $term_id ) {
if ( ! isset( $term['termmeta'] ) ) {
$term['termmeta'] = array();
* Filters the metadata attached to an imported term.
* @since 0.6.2
* @param array $termmeta Array of term meta.
* @param int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
* @param array $term Term data from the WXR import.
$term['termmeta'] = apply_filters( 'wp_import_term_meta', $term['termmeta'], $term_id, $term );
if ( empty( $term['termmeta'] ) ) {
foreach ( $term['termmeta'] as $meta ) {
* Filters the meta key for an imported piece of term meta.
* @since 0.6.2
* @param string $meta_key Meta key.
* @param int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
* @param array $term Term data from the WXR import.
$key = apply_filters( 'import_term_meta_key', $meta['key'], $term_id, $term );
if ( ! $key ) {
// Export gets meta straight from the DB so could have a serialized string
$value = maybe_unserialize( $meta['value'] );
add_term_meta( $term_id, wp_slash( $key ), wp_slash_strings_only( $value ) );
* Fires after term meta is imported.
* @since 0.6.2
* @param int $term_id ID of the newly created term.
* @param string $key Meta key.
* @param mixed $value Meta value.
do_action( 'import_term_meta', $term_id, $key, $value );
* Create new posts based on import information
* Posts marked as having a parent which doesn't exist will become top level items.
* Doesn't create a new post if: the post type doesn't exist, the given post ID
* is already noted as imported or a post with the same title and date already exists.
* Note that new/updated terms, comments and meta are imported for the last of the above.
function process_posts() {
$this->posts = apply_filters( 'wp_import_posts', $this->posts );
foreach ( $this->posts as $post ) {
$post = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_data_raw', $post );
if ( ! post_type_exists( $post['post_type'] ) ) {
__( 'Failed to import “%1$s”: Invalid post type %2$s', 'wordpress-importer' ),
esc_html( $post['post_title'] ),
esc_html( $post['post_type'] )
echo ' ';
do_action( 'wp_import_post_exists', $post );
if ( isset( $this->processed_posts[ $post['post_id'] ] ) && ! empty( $post['post_id'] ) ) {
if ( 'auto-draft' == $post['status'] ) {
if ( 'nav_menu_item' == $post['post_type'] ) {
$this->process_menu_item( $post );
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post['post_type'] );
$post_exists = post_exists( $post['post_title'], '', $post['post_date'] );
* Filter ID of the existing post corresponding to post currently importing.
* Return 0 to force the post to be imported. Filter the ID to be something else
* to override which existing post is mapped to the imported post.
* @see post_exists()
* @since 0.6.2
* @param int $post_exists Post ID, or 0 if post did not exist.
* @param array $post The post array to be inserted.
$post_exists = apply_filters( 'wp_import_existing_post', $post_exists, $post );
if ( $post_exists && get_post_type( $post_exists ) == $post['post_type'] ) {
printf( __( '%1$s “%2$s” already exists.', 'wordpress-importer' ), $post_type_object->labels->singular_name, esc_html( $post['post_title'] ) );
echo ' ';
$comment_post_id = $post_exists;
$post_id = $post_exists;
$this->processed_posts[ intval( $post['post_id'] ) ] = intval( $post_exists );
} else {
$post_parent = (int) $post['post_parent'];
if ( $post_parent ) {
// if we already know the parent, map it to the new local ID
if ( isset( $this->processed_posts[ $post_parent ] ) ) {
$post_parent = $this->processed_posts[ $post_parent ];
// otherwise record the parent for later
} else {
$this->post_orphans[ intval( $post['post_id'] ) ] = $post_parent;
$post_parent = 0;
// map the post author
$author = sanitize_user( $post['post_author'], true );
if ( isset( $this->author_mapping[ $author ] ) ) {
$author = $this->author_mapping[ $author ];
} else {
$author = (int) get_current_user_id();
$postdata = array(
'import_id' => $post['post_id'],
'post_author' => $author,
'post_date' => $post['post_date'],
'post_date_gmt' => $post['post_date_gmt'],
'post_content' => $post['post_content'],
'post_excerpt' => $post['post_excerpt'],
'post_title' => $post['post_title'],
'post_status' => $post['status'],
'post_name' => $post['post_name'],
'comment_status' => $post['comment_status'],
'ping_status' => $post['ping_status'],
'guid' => $post['guid'],
'post_parent' => $post_parent,
'menu_order' => $post['menu_order'],
'post_type' => $post['post_type'],
'post_password' => $post['post_password'],
$original_post_id = $post['post_id'];
$postdata = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_data_processed', $postdata, $post );
$postdata = wp_slash( $postdata );
if ( 'attachment' == $postdata['post_type'] ) {
$remote_url = ! empty( $post['attachment_url'] ) ? $post['attachment_url'] : $post['guid'];
// try to use _wp_attached file for upload folder placement to ensure the same location as the export site
// e.g. location is 2003/05/image.jpg but the attachment post_date is 2010/09, see media_handle_upload()
$postdata['upload_date'] = $post['post_date'];
if ( isset( $post['postmeta'] ) ) {
foreach ( $post['postmeta'] as $meta ) {
if ( '_wp_attached_file' == $meta['key'] ) {
if ( preg_match( '%^[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}%', $meta['value'], $matches ) ) {
$postdata['upload_date'] = $matches[0];
$comment_post_id = $this->process_attachment( $postdata, $remote_url );
$post_id = $comment_post_id;
} else {
$comment_post_id = wp_insert_post( $postdata, true );
$post_id = $comment_post_id;
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_post', $post_id, $original_post_id, $postdata, $post );
if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) {
__( 'Failed to import %1$s “%2$s”', 'wordpress-importer' ),
esc_html( $post['post_title'] )
if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) {
echo ': ' . $post_id->get_error_message();
echo ' ';
if ( 1 == $post['is_sticky'] ) {
stick_post( $post_id );
// map pre-import ID to local ID
$this->processed_posts[ intval( $post['post_id'] ) ] = (int) $post_id;
if ( ! isset( $post['terms'] ) ) {
$post['terms'] = array();
$post['terms'] = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_terms', $post['terms'], $post_id, $post );
// add categories, tags and other terms
if ( ! empty( $post['terms'] ) ) {
$terms_to_set = array();
foreach ( $post['terms'] as $term ) {
// back compat with WXR 1.0 map 'tag' to 'post_tag'
$taxonomy = ( 'tag' == $term['domain'] ) ? 'post_tag' : $term['domain'];
$term_exists = term_exists( $term['slug'], $taxonomy );
$term_id = is_array( $term_exists ) ? $term_exists['term_id'] : $term_exists;
if ( ! $term_id ) {
$t = wp_insert_term( $term['name'], $taxonomy, array( 'slug' => $term['slug'] ) );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $t ) ) {
$term_id = $t['term_id'];
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_term', $t, $term, $post_id, $post );
} else {
printf( __( 'Failed to import %1$s %2$s', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $taxonomy ), esc_html( $term['name'] ) );
if ( defined( 'IMPORT_DEBUG' ) && IMPORT_DEBUG ) {
echo ': ' . $t->get_error_message();
echo ' ';
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_term_failed', $t, $term, $post_id, $post );
$terms_to_set[ $taxonomy ][] = intval( $term_id );
foreach ( $terms_to_set as $tax => $ids ) {
$tt_ids = wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $ids, $tax );
do_action( 'wp_import_set_post_terms', $tt_ids, $ids, $tax, $post_id, $post );
unset( $post['terms'], $terms_to_set );
if ( ! isset( $post['comments'] ) ) {
$post['comments'] = array();
$post['comments'] = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_comments', $post['comments'], $post_id, $post );
// add/update comments
if ( ! empty( $post['comments'] ) ) {
$num_comments = 0;
$inserted_comments = array();
foreach ( $post['comments'] as $comment ) {
$comment_id = $comment['comment_id'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_post_ID'] = $comment_post_id;
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_author'] = $comment['comment_author'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_author_email'] = $comment['comment_author_email'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_author_IP'] = $comment['comment_author_IP'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_author_url'] = $comment['comment_author_url'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_date'] = $comment['comment_date'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_date_gmt'] = $comment['comment_date_gmt'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_content'] = $comment['comment_content'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_approved'] = $comment['comment_approved'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_type'] = $comment['comment_type'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['comment_parent'] = $comment['comment_parent'];
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['commentmeta'] = isset( $comment['commentmeta'] ) ? $comment['commentmeta'] : array();
if ( isset( $this->processed_authors[ $comment['comment_user_id'] ] ) ) {
$newcomments[ $comment_id ]['user_id'] = $this->processed_authors[ $comment['comment_user_id'] ];
ksort( $newcomments );
foreach ( $newcomments as $key => $comment ) {
// if this is a new post we can skip the comment_exists() check
if ( ! $post_exists || ! comment_exists( $comment['comment_author'], $comment['comment_date'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $inserted_comments[ $comment['comment_parent'] ] ) ) {
$comment['comment_parent'] = $inserted_comments[ $comment['comment_parent'] ];
$comment_data = wp_slash( $comment );
unset( $comment_data['commentmeta'] ); // Handled separately, wp_insert_comment() also expects `comment_meta`.
$comment_data = wp_filter_comment( $comment_data );
$inserted_comments[ $key ] = wp_insert_comment( $comment_data );
do_action( 'wp_import_insert_comment', $inserted_comments[ $key ], $comment, $comment_post_id, $post );
foreach ( $comment['commentmeta'] as $meta ) {
$value = maybe_unserialize( $meta['value'] );
add_comment_meta( $inserted_comments[ $key ], wp_slash( $meta['key'] ), wp_slash_strings_only( $value ) );
unset( $newcomments, $inserted_comments, $post['comments'] );
if ( ! isset( $post['postmeta'] ) ) {
$post['postmeta'] = array();
$post['postmeta'] = apply_filters( 'wp_import_post_meta', $post['postmeta'], $post_id, $post );
// add/update post meta
if ( ! empty( $post['postmeta'] ) ) {
foreach ( $post['postmeta'] as $meta ) {
$key = apply_filters( 'import_post_meta_key', $meta['key'], $post_id, $post );
$value = false;
if ( '_edit_last' == $key ) {
if ( isset( $this->processed_authors[ intval( $meta['value'] ) ] ) ) {
$value = $this->processed_authors[ intval( $meta['value'] ) ];
} else {
$key = false;
if ( $key ) {
// export gets meta straight from the DB so could have a serialized string
if ( ! $value ) {
$value = maybe_unserialize( $meta['value'] );
add_post_meta( $post_id, wp_slash( $key ), wp_slash_strings_only( $value ) );
do_action( 'import_post_meta', $post_id, $key, $value );
// if the post has a featured image, take note of this in case of remap
if ( '_thumbnail_id' == $key ) {
$this->featured_images[ $post_id ] = (int) $value;
unset( $this->posts );
* Attempt to create a new menu item from import data
* Fails for draft, orphaned menu items and those without an associated nav_menu
* or an invalid nav_menu term. If the post type or term object which the menu item
* represents doesn't exist then the menu item will not be imported (waits until the
* end of the import to retry again before discarding).
* @param array $item Menu item details from WXR file
function process_menu_item( $item ) {
// skip draft, orphaned menu items
if ( 'draft' == $item['status'] ) {
$menu_slug = false;
if ( isset( $item['terms'] ) ) {
// loop through terms, assume first nav_menu term is correct menu
foreach ( $item['terms'] as $term ) {
if ( 'nav_menu' == $term['domain'] ) {
$menu_slug = $term['slug'];
// no nav_menu term associated with this menu item
if ( ! $menu_slug ) {
_e( 'Menu item skipped due to missing menu slug', 'wordpress-importer' );
echo ' ';
$menu_id = term_exists( $menu_slug, 'nav_menu' );
if ( ! $menu_id ) {
printf( __( 'Menu item skipped due to invalid menu slug: %s', 'wordpress-importer' ), esc_html( $menu_slug ) );
echo ' ';
} else {
$menu_id = is_array( $menu_id ) ? $menu_id['term_id'] : $menu_id;
foreach ( $item['postmeta'] as $meta ) {
${$meta['key']} = $meta['value'];
if ( 'taxonomy' == $_menu_item_type && isset( $this->processed_terms[ intval( $_menu_item_object_id ) ] ) ) {
$_menu_item_object_id = $this->processed_terms[ intval( $_menu_item_object_id ) ];
} elseif ( 'post_type' == $_menu_item_type && isset( $this->processed_posts[ intval( $_menu_item_object_id ) ] ) ) {
$_menu_item_object_id = $this->processed_posts[ intval( $_menu_item_object_id ) ];
} elseif ( 'custom' != $_menu_item_type ) {
// associated object is missing or not imported yet, we'll retry later
$this->missing_menu_items[] = $item;
if ( isset( $this->processed_menu_items[ intval( $_menu_item_menu_item_parent ) ] ) ) {
$_menu_item_menu_item_parent = $this->processed_menu_items[ intval( $_menu_item_menu_item_parent ) ];
} elseif ( $_menu_item_menu_item_parent ) {
$this->menu_item_orphans[ intval( $item['post_id'] ) ] = (int) $_menu_item_menu_item_parent;
$_menu_item_menu_item_parent = 0;
// wp_update_nav_menu_item expects CSS classes as a space separated string
$_menu_item_classes = maybe_unserialize( $_menu_item_classes );
if ( is_array( $_menu_item_classes ) ) {
$_menu_item_classes = implode( ' ', $_menu_item_classes );
$args = array(
'menu-item-object-id' => $_menu_item_object_id,
'menu-item-object' => $_menu_item_object,
'menu-item-parent-id' => $_menu_item_menu_item_parent,
'menu-item-position' => intval( $item['menu_order'] ),
'menu-item-type' => $_menu_item_type,
'menu-item-title' => $item['post_title'],
'menu-item-url' => $_menu_item_url,
'menu-item-description' => $item['post_content'],
'menu-item-attr-title' => $item['post_excerpt'],
'menu-item-target' => $_menu_item_target,
'menu-item-classes' => $_menu_item_classes,
'menu-item-xfn' => $_menu_item_xfn,
'menu-item-status' => $item['status'],
$id = wp_update_nav_menu_item( $menu_id, 0, $args );
if ( $id && ! is_wp_error( $id ) ) {
$this->processed_menu_items[ intval( $item['post_id'] ) ] = (int) $id;
* If fetching attachments is enabled then attempt to create a new attachment
* @param array $post Attachment post details from WXR
* @param string $url URL to fetch attachment from
* @return int|WP_Error Post ID on success, WP_Error otherwise
function process_attachment( $post, $url ) {
if ( ! $this->fetch_attachments ) {
return new WP_Error(
__( 'Fetching attachments is not enabled', 'wordpress-importer' )
// if the URL is absolute, but does not contain address, then upload it assuming base_site_url
if ( preg_match( '|^/[\w\W]+$|', $url ) ) {
$url = rtrim( $this->base_url, '/' ) . $url;
$upload = $this->fetch_remote_file( $url, $post );
if ( is_wp_error( $upload ) ) {
return $upload;
$info = wp_check_filetype( $upload['file'] );
if ( $info ) {
$post['post_mime_type'] = $info['type'];
} else {
return new WP_Error( 'attachment_processing_error', __( 'Invalid file type', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$post['guid'] = $upload['url'];
// as per wp-admin/includes/upload.php
$post_id = wp_insert_attachment( $post, $upload['file'] );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $upload['file'] ) );
// remap resized image URLs, works by stripping the extension and remapping the URL stub.
if ( preg_match( '!^image/!', $info['type'] ) ) {
$parts = pathinfo( $url );
$name = basename( $parts['basename'], ".{$parts['extension']}" ); // PATHINFO_FILENAME in PHP 5.2
$parts_new = pathinfo( $upload['url'] );
$name_new = basename( $parts_new['basename'], ".{$parts_new['extension']}" );
$this->url_remap[ $parts['dirname'] . '/' . $name ] = $parts_new['dirname'] . '/' . $name_new;
return $post_id;
* Attempt to download a remote file attachment
* @param string $url URL of item to fetch
* @param array $post Attachment details
* @return array|WP_Error Local file location details on success, WP_Error otherwise
function fetch_remote_file( $url, $post ) {
// Extract the file name from the URL.
$path = parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH );
$file_name = '';
if ( is_string( $path ) ) {
$file_name = basename( $path );
if ( ! $file_name ) {
$file_name = md5( $url );
$tmp_file_name = wp_tempnam( $file_name );
if ( ! $tmp_file_name ) {
return new WP_Error( 'import_no_file', __( 'Could not create temporary file.', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
// Fetch the remote URL and write it to the placeholder file.
$remote_response = wp_safe_remote_get(
'timeout' => 300,
'stream' => true,
'filename' => $tmp_file_name,
'headers' => array(
'Accept-Encoding' => 'identity',
if ( is_wp_error( $remote_response ) ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error(
/* translators: 1: The WordPress error message. 2: The WordPress error code. */
__( 'Request failed due to an error: %1$s (%2$s)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
esc_html( $remote_response->get_error_message() ),
esc_html( $remote_response->get_error_code() )
$remote_response_code = (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $remote_response );
// Make sure the fetch was successful.
if ( 200 !== $remote_response_code ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error(
/* translators: 1: The HTTP error message. 2: The HTTP error code. */
__( 'Remote server returned the following unexpected result: %1$s (%2$s)', 'wordpress-importer' ),
get_status_header_desc( $remote_response_code ),
esc_html( $remote_response_code )
$headers = wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $remote_response );
// Request failed.
if ( ! $headers ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'Remote server did not respond', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$filesize = (int) filesize( $tmp_file_name );
if ( 0 === $filesize ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'Zero size file downloaded', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
if ( ! isset( $headers['content-encoding'] ) && isset( $headers['content-length'] ) && $filesize !== (int) $headers['content-length'] ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'Downloaded file has incorrect size', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$max_size = (int) $this->max_attachment_size();
if ( ! empty( $max_size ) && $filesize > $max_size ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', sprintf( __( 'Remote file is too large, limit is %s', 'wordpress-importer' ), size_format( $max_size ) ) );
// Override file name with Content-Disposition header value.
if ( ! empty( $headers['content-disposition'] ) ) {
$file_name_from_disposition = self::get_filename_from_disposition( (array) $headers['content-disposition'] );
if ( $file_name_from_disposition ) {
$file_name = $file_name_from_disposition;
// Set file extension if missing.
$file_ext = pathinfo( $file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
if ( ! $file_ext && ! empty( $headers['content-type'] ) ) {
$extension = self::get_file_extension_by_mime_type( $headers['content-type'] );
if ( $extension ) {
$file_name = "{$file_name}.{$extension}";
// Handle the upload like _wp_handle_upload() does.
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $tmp_file_name, $file_name );
$ext = empty( $wp_filetype['ext'] ) ? '' : $wp_filetype['ext'];
$type = empty( $wp_filetype['type'] ) ? '' : $wp_filetype['type'];
$proper_filename = empty( $wp_filetype['proper_filename'] ) ? '' : $wp_filetype['proper_filename'];
// Check to see if wp_check_filetype_and_ext() determined the filename was incorrect.
if ( $proper_filename ) {
$file_name = $proper_filename;
if ( ( ! $type || ! $ext ) && ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_upload' ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
$uploads = wp_upload_dir( $post['upload_date'] );
if ( ! ( $uploads && false === $uploads['error'] ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'upload_dir_error', $uploads['error'] );
// Move the file to the uploads dir.
$file_name = wp_unique_filename( $uploads['path'], $file_name );
$new_file = $uploads['path'] . "/$file_name";
$move_new_file = copy( $tmp_file_name, $new_file );
if ( ! $move_new_file ) {
@unlink( $tmp_file_name );
return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __( 'The uploaded file could not be moved', 'wordpress-importer' ) );
// Set correct file permissions.
$stat = stat( dirname( $new_file ) );
$perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666;
chmod( $new_file, $perms );
$upload = array(
'file' => $new_file,
'url' => $uploads['url'] . "/$file_name",
'type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
'error' => false,
// keep track of the old and new urls so we can substitute them later
$this->url_remap[ $url ] = $upload['url'];
$this->url_remap[ $post['guid'] ] = $upload['url']; // r13735, really needed?
// keep track of the destination if the remote url is redirected somewhere else
if ( isset( $headers['x-final-location'] ) && $headers['x-final-location'] != $url ) {
$this->url_remap[ $headers['x-final-location'] ] = $upload['url'];
return $upload;
* Attempt to associate posts and menu items with previously missing parents
* An imported post's parent may not have been imported when it was first created
* so try again. Similarly for child menu items and menu items which were missing
* the object (e.g. post) they represent in the menu
function backfill_parents() {
global $wpdb;
// find parents for post orphans
foreach ( $this->post_orphans as $child_id => $parent_id ) {
$local_child_id = false;
$local_parent_id = false;
if ( isset( $this->processed_posts[ $child_id ] ) ) {
$local_child_id = $this->processed_posts[ $child_id ];
if ( isset( $this->processed_posts[ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$local_parent_id = $this->processed_posts[ $parent_id ];
if ( $local_child_id && $local_parent_id ) {
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_parent' => $local_parent_id ), array( 'ID' => $local_child_id ), '%d', '%d' );
clean_post_cache( $local_child_id );
// all other posts/terms are imported, retry menu items with missing associated object
$missing_menu_items = $this->missing_menu_items;
foreach ( $missing_menu_items as $item ) {
$this->process_menu_item( $item );
// find parents for menu item orphans
foreach ( $this->menu_item_orphans as $child_id => $parent_id ) {
$local_child_id = 0;
$local_parent_id = 0;
if ( isset( $this->processed_menu_items[ $child_id ] ) ) {
$local_child_id = $this->processed_menu_items[ $child_id ];
if ( isset( $this->processed_menu_items[ $parent_id ] ) ) {
$local_parent_id = $this->processed_menu_items[ $parent_id ];
if ( $local_child_id && $local_parent_id ) {
update_post_meta( $local_child_id, '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', (int) $local_parent_id );
* Use stored mapping information to update old attachment URLs
function backfill_attachment_urls() {
global $wpdb;
// make sure we do the longest urls first, in case one is a substring of another
uksort( $this->url_remap, array( &$this, 'cmpr_strlen' ) );
foreach ( $this->url_remap as $from_url => $to_url ) {
// remap urls in post_content
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->posts} SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, %s, %s)", $from_url, $to_url ) );
// remap enclosure urls
$result = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, %s, %s) WHERE meta_key='enclosure'", $from_url, $to_url ) );
* Update _thumbnail_id meta to new, imported attachment IDs
function remap_featured_images() {
// cycle through posts that have a featured image
foreach ( $this->featured_images as $post_id => $value ) {
if ( isset( $this->processed_posts[ $value ] ) ) {
$new_id = $this->processed_posts[ $value ];
// only update if there's a difference
if ( $new_id != $value ) {
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $new_id );
* Parse a WXR file
* @param string $file Path to WXR file for parsing
* @return array Information gathered from the WXR file
function parse( $file ) {
$parser = new WXR_Parser();
return $parser->parse( $file );
// Display import page title
function header() {
echo '';
echo '
' . __( 'Import WordPress', 'wordpress-importer' ) . ' ';
$updates = get_plugin_updates();
$basename = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );
if ( isset( $updates[ $basename ] ) ) {
$update = $updates[ $basename ];
echo '
printf( __( 'A new version of this importer is available. Please update to version %s to ensure compatibility with newer export files.', 'wordpress-importer' ), $update->update->new_version );
echo '
// Close div.wrap
function footer() {
echo '
* Display introductory text and file upload form
function greet() {
echo '';
echo '
' . __( 'Howdy! Upload your WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) file and we’ll import the posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags into this site.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . '
echo '
' . __( 'Choose a WXR (.xml) file to upload, then click Upload file and import.', 'wordpress-importer' ) . '
wp_import_upload_form( 'admin.php?import=wordpress&step=1' );
echo '
* Decide if the given meta key maps to information we will want to import
* @param string $key The meta key to check
* @return string|bool The key if we do want to import, false if not
function is_valid_meta_key( $key ) {
// skip attachment metadata since we'll regenerate it from scratch
// skip _edit_lock as not relevant for import
if ( in_array( $key, array( '_wp_attached_file', '_wp_attachment_metadata', '_edit_lock' ), true ) ) {
return false;
return $key;
* Decide whether or not the importer is allowed to create users.
* Default is true, can be filtered via import_allow_create_users
* @return bool True if creating users is allowed
function allow_create_users() {
return apply_filters( 'import_allow_create_users', true );
* Decide whether or not the importer should attempt to download attachment files.
* Default is true, can be filtered via import_allow_fetch_attachments. The choice
* made at the import options screen must also be true, false here hides that checkbox.
* @return bool True if downloading attachments is allowed
function allow_fetch_attachments() {
return apply_filters( 'import_allow_fetch_attachments', true );
* Decide what the maximum file size for downloaded attachments is.
* Default is 0 (unlimited), can be filtered via import_attachment_size_limit
* @return int Maximum attachment file size to import
function max_attachment_size() {
return apply_filters( 'import_attachment_size_limit', 0 );
* Added to http_request_timeout filter to force timeout at 60 seconds during import
* @return int 60
function bump_request_timeout( $val ) {
return 60;
// return the difference in length between two strings
function cmpr_strlen( $a, $b ) {
return strlen( $b ) - strlen( $a );
* Parses filename from a Content-Disposition header value.
* As per RFC6266:
* content-disposition = "Content-Disposition" ":"
* disposition-type *( ";" disposition-parm )
* disposition-type = "inline" | "attachment" | disp-ext-type
* ; case-insensitive
* disp-ext-type = token
* disposition-parm = filename-parm | disp-ext-parm
* filename-parm = "filename" "=" value
* | "filename*" "=" ext-value
* disp-ext-parm = token "=" value
* | ext-token "=" ext-value
* ext-token =
* @since 0.7.0
* @see WP_REST_Attachments_Controller::get_filename_from_disposition()
* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388
* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266
* @param string[] $disposition_header List of Content-Disposition header values.
* @return string|null Filename if available, or null if not found.
protected static function get_filename_from_disposition( $disposition_header ) {
// Get the filename.
$filename = null;
foreach ( $disposition_header as $value ) {
$value = trim( $value );
if ( strpos( $value, ';' ) === false ) {
list( $type, $attr_parts ) = explode( ';', $value, 2 );
$attr_parts = explode( ';', $attr_parts );
$attributes = array();
foreach ( $attr_parts as $part ) {
if ( strpos( $part, '=' ) === false ) {
list( $key, $value ) = explode( '=', $part, 2 );
$attributes[ trim( $key ) ] = trim( $value );
if ( empty( $attributes['filename'] ) ) {
$filename = trim( $attributes['filename'] );
// Unquote quoted filename, but after trimming.
if ( substr( $filename, 0, 1 ) === '"' && substr( $filename, -1, 1 ) === '"' ) {
$filename = substr( $filename, 1, -1 );
return $filename;
* Retrieves file extension by mime type.
* @since 0.7.0
* @param string $mime_type Mime type to search extension for.
* @return string|null File extension if available, or null if not found.
protected static function get_file_extension_by_mime_type( $mime_type ) {
static $map = null;
if ( is_array( $map ) ) {
return isset( $map[ $mime_type ] ) ? $map[ $mime_type ] : null;
$mime_types = wp_get_mime_types();
$map = array_flip( $mime_types );
// Some types have multiple extensions, use only the first one.
foreach ( $map as $type => $extensions ) {
$map[ $type ] = strtok( $extensions, '|' );
return isset( $map[ $mime_type ] ) ? $map[ $mime_type ] : null;