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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
namespace ShortPixel\Model;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log;
use ShortPixel\Controller\QuotaController as QuotaController;
// Central place for user / access checking, roles etc.
class AccessModel
// Instance of class
private static $instance;
// Array of known SPIO Capabilities mapped to WordPress variants
private $caps;
// int . The current user id
private $current_user_id;
public function __construct()
protected function setDefaultPermissions()
$spioCaps = array(
'notices' => 'activate_plugins', // used in AdminNoticesController
'quota-warning' => 'manage_options', // used in AdminController
'image_all' => 'edit_others_posts',
'image_user' => 'edit_post',
'custom_all' => 'edit_others_posts',
'is_admin_user' => 'manage_options',
'actions' => array(),
$spioCaps = apply_filters('shortpixel/init/permissions', $spioCaps);
// $this->cap_actions = bla.
$this->caps = $spioCaps;
public static function getInstance()
if (is_null(self::$instance))
self::$instance = new AccessModel();
return self::$instance;
/** Check for allowing a notice
* @param $notice Object of type notice.
public function noticeIsAllowed($notice)
$cap = $this->getCap('notices');
return $this->user()->has_cap($cap);
@param SPIO capability to check again the user WordPress permissions.
public function userIsAllowed($cap)
$cap = $this->getCap($cap);
return $this->user()->has_cap($cap);
public function imageIsEditable($mediaItem)
$type = $mediaItem->get('type');
if ($type == 'custom' )
return $this->user()->has_cap($this->getCap('custom_all'), $mediaItem->get('id'));
elseif ($type == 'media') // media
if ($this->user()->has_cap($this->getCap('image_all'), $mediaItem->get('id')) || $this->user()->has_cap($this->getCap('image_user'), $mediaItem->get('id')) )
return true;
return false;
public function isFeatureAvailable($name)
$available = true;
case 'avif':
$quotaControl = QuotaController::getInstance();
$quota = $quotaControl->getQuota();
if (property_exists($quota, 'unlimited') && $quota->unlimited === true)
$available = false;
case 'webp':
return $available;
protected function user()
return wp_get_current_user();
/** Find the needed capability
* This translates a SPIO capability into the associated cap that is registered within WordPress.
* @param $cap The required Capability
* @param $default The default value if not found. This is defaults to an admin cap to prevent access leaking.
protected function getCap($cap, $default = 'manage_options')
if (isset($this->caps[$cap]))
return $this->caps[$cap];
return $default;
} // CLASS