113 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
( function() {
// Grab the data
var labels = [],
data = [];
jQuery( '#ab_chart_data tfoot th' ).each( function() {
labels.push( jQuery( this ).text() );
} );
jQuery( '#ab_chart_data tbody td' ).each( function() {
data.push( jQuery( this ).text() );
} );
// Draw
var width = jQuery( '#ab_chart' ).parent().width() + 8,
height = 140,
leftgutter = 0,
bottomgutter = 22,
topgutter = 22,
color = '#135e96',
r = Raphael( 'ab_chart', width, height ),
txt = { font: 'bold 12px "Open Sans", sans-serif', fill: '#1d2327' },
X = ( width - leftgutter * 2 ) / labels.length,
max = Math.max.apply( Math, data ),
Y = ( height - bottomgutter - topgutter ) / max;
// Max value
.text( 16, 16, max )
font: 'normal 10px "Open Sans", sans-serif',
fill: '#a7aaad',
var path = r.path().attr( { stroke: color, 'stroke-width': 2, 'stroke-linejoin': 'round' } ),
bgp = r.path().attr( { stroke: 'none', opacity: .3, fill: color } ),
label = r.set(),
lx = 0,
ly = 0,
is_label_visible = false,
blanket = r.set();
label.push( r.text( 60, 12, '' ).attr( txt ) );
label.push( r.text( 60, 27, '' ).attr( txt ).attr( { fill: color } ) );
var frame = r.popup( 100, 100, label, 'right' ).attr( { fill: '#fff', stroke: '#444', 'stroke-width': 1 } ).hide();
var p, bgpp;
for ( var i = 0, ii = labels.length; i < ii; i++ ) {
var y = Math.round( height - bottomgutter - Y * data[i] ),
x = Math.round( leftgutter + X * ( i + .5 ) );
if ( ! i ) {
p = [ 'M', x, y, 'C', x, y ];
bgpp = [ 'M', leftgutter + X * .5, height - bottomgutter, 'L', x, y, 'C', x, y ];
if ( i && i < ii - 1 ) {
var Y0 = Math.round( height - bottomgutter - Y * data[i - 1] ),
X0 = Math.round( leftgutter + X * ( i - .5 ) ),
Y2 = Math.round( height - bottomgutter - Y * data[i + 1] ),
X2 = Math.round( leftgutter + X * ( i + 1.5 ) );
var a = getAnchors( X0, Y0, x, y, X2, Y2 );
p = p.concat( [ a.x1, a.y1, x, y, a.x2, a.y2 ] );
bgpp = bgpp.concat( [ a.x1, a.y1, x, y, a.x2, a.y2 ] );
var dot = r.circle( x, y, 4 ).attr( { fill: '#fff', stroke: color, 'stroke-width': 1 } );
blanket.push( r.rect( leftgutter + X * i, 0, X, height - bottomgutter ).attr( { stroke: 'none', fill: '#fff', opacity: .2 } ) );
var rect = blanket[blanket.length - 1];
( function( x, y, data, date, dot ) {
var timer,
i = 0;
rect.hover( function() {
clearTimeout( leave_timer );
var side = 'right';
if ( x + frame.getBBox().width > width ) {
side = 'left';
// set label content to determine correct dimensions
label[0].attr( { text: date } );
label[1].attr( { text: data + '× Spam' } );
var ppp = r.popup( x, y, label, side, 1 ),
anim = Raphael.animation( {
path: ppp.path,
transform: [ 't', ppp.dx, ppp.dy ],
}, 200 * is_label_visible );
lx = label[0].transform()[0][1] + ppp.dx;
ly = label[0].transform()[0][2] + ppp.dy;
frame.show().stop().animate( anim );
label[0].show().stop().animateWith( frame, anim, { transform: [ 't', lx, ly ] }, 200 * is_label_visible );
label[1].show().stop().animateWith( frame, anim, { transform: [ 't', lx, ly ] }, 200 * is_label_visible );
dot.attr( 'r', 6 );
is_label_visible = true;
}, function() {
dot.attr( 'r', 4 );
leave_timer = setTimeout( function() {
is_label_visible = false;
}, 1 );
} );
}( x, y, data[i], labels[i], dot ) );
p = p.concat( [ x, y, x, y ] );
bgpp = bgpp.concat( [ x, y, x, y, 'L', x, height - bottomgutter, 'z' ] );
path.attr( { path: p } );
bgp.attr( { path: bgpp } );
}() );