630 lines
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630 lines
19 KiB
namespace WpAssetCleanUp;
use WpAssetCleanUp\OptimiseAssets\OptimizeCommon;
* Class CleanUp
* @package WpAssetCleanUp
class CleanUp
public function init()
// Is "Test Mode" is enabled and the page is viewed by a regular visitor (not administrator with plugin activation privileges)?
// Stop here as the script will NOT PREVENT any of the elements below to load
// They will load as they used to for the regular visitor while the admin debugs the website
add_action('init', array($this, 'doClean'), 12);
public function doClean()
if ( ! method_exists( '\WpAssetCleanUp\Plugin', 'preventAnyFrontendOptimization' ) ) {
return; // something's funny as, for some reason, on very rare occasions, the class is not found, so don't continue
if ( (defined('WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES') && WPACU_ALLOW_ONLY_UNLOAD_RULES) || Main::instance()->preventAssetsSettings() || Plugin::preventAnyFrontendOptimization() ) {
$settings = Main::instance()->settings;
// Remove "Really Simple Discovery (RSD)" link?
if ($settings['remove_rsd_link'] == 1 || $settings['disable_xmlrpc'] === 'disable_all') {
// <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="https://yourwebsite.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd" />
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
// Remove "Windows Live Writer" link?
if ($settings['remove_wlw_link'] == 1) {
// <link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="http://yourwebsite.com/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml">
remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
// Remove "REST API" link?
if ($settings['remove_rest_api_link'] == 1) {
// <link rel='https://api.w.org/' href='https://yourwebsite.com/wp-json/' />
remove_action('wp_head', 'rest_output_link_wp_head');
// Removes the following printed within "Response headers":
// <https://yourwebsite.com/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/"
remove_action( 'template_redirect', 'rest_output_link_header', 11 );
// Remove "Shortlink"?
if ($settings['remove_shortlink'] == 1) {
// <link rel='shortlink' href="https://yourdomain.com/?p=1">
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_shortlink_wp_head');
// link: <https://yourdomainname.com/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/", <https://yourdomainname.com/?p=[post_id_here]>; rel=shortlink
remove_action('template_redirect', 'wp_shortlink_header', 11);
// Remove "Post's Relational Links"?
if ($settings['remove_posts_rel_links'] == 1) {
// <link rel='prev' title='Title of adjacent post' href='https://yourdomain.com/adjacent-post-slug-here/' />
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head');
// Remove "WordPress version" tag?
if ($settings['remove_wp_version']) {
// <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.9.8" />
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
// also hide it from RSS
add_filter('the_generator', '__return_false');
if ($settings['disable_rss_feed']) {
// Remove Main RSS Feed Link?
if ($settings['remove_main_feed_link']) {
add_filter('feed_links_show_posts_feed', '__return_false');
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
// Remove Comment RSS Feed Link?
if ($settings['remove_comment_feed_link']) {
add_filter('feed_links_show_comments_feed', '__return_false');
// Disable XML-RPC protocol support (partially or completely)
if (in_array($settings['disable_xmlrpc'], array('disable_all', 'disable_pingback'))) {
// Partially or Completely Options / Pingback will be disabled
// Complete disable the service
if ($settings['disable_xmlrpc'] === 'disable_all') {
add_filter('xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false');
* Called in OptimiseAssets/OptimizeCommon.php
* @param $htmlSource
* @return string|string[]|null
public static function cleanPingbackLinkRel($htmlSource)
$pingBackUrl = get_bloginfo('pingback_url');
$matchRegExps = array(
'#<link rel=("|\')pingback("|\') href=("|\')'.$pingBackUrl.'("|\')( /|)>#',
'#<link href=("|\')'.$pingBackUrl.'("|\') rel=("|\')pingback("|\')( /|)>#'
foreach ($matchRegExps as $matchRegExp) {
$htmlSource = preg_replace($matchRegExp, '', $htmlSource);
return $htmlSource;
public function disableXmlRpcPingback()
// Disable Pingback method
add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', static function ($methods) {
unset($methods['pingback.ping'], $methods['pingback.extensions.getPingbacks']);
return $methods;
} );
// Remove X-Pingback HTTP header
add_filter('wp_headers', static function ($headers) {
return $headers;
* @param $htmlSource
* @return mixed
public static function removeMetaGenerators($htmlSource)
$fetchMethod = 'dom'; // 'regex' or 'dom'
if ( $fetchMethod === 'dom' && Misc::isDOMDocumentOn() && $htmlSource ) {
$domTag = OptimizeCommon::getDomLoadedTag($htmlSource, 'removeMetaGenerators');
$metaTagsToStrip = array();
foreach ( $domTag->getElementsByTagName( 'meta' ) as $tagObject ) {
$nameAttrValue = $tagObject->getAttribute( 'name' );
if ( $nameAttrValue === 'generator' ) {
$outerTag = $outerTagRegExp = trim( Misc::getOuterHTML( $tagObject ) );
// As DOMDocument doesn't retrieve the exact string, some alterations to the RegEx have to be made
// Leave no room for errors as all sort of characters can be within the "content" attribute
$last2Chars = substr( $outerTag, - 2 );
if ( $last2Chars === '">' || $last2Chars === "'>" ) {
$tagWithoutLastChar = substr( $outerTag, 0, - 1 );
$outerTagRegExp = preg_quote( $tagWithoutLastChar, '/' ) . '(.*?)>';
$outerTagRegExp = str_replace(
array( '"', '<', '>' ),
array( '("|\'|)', '(<|<)', '(>|>)' ),
if ( strpos( $outerTagRegExp, '<meta' ) !== false ) {
$outerTagRegExp = str_replace('#', '\#', $outerTagRegExp);
preg_match_all( '#' . $outerTagRegExp . '#si', $htmlSource, $matches );
if ( isset( $matches[0][0] ) && ! empty( $matches[0][0] ) && strip_tags( $matches[0][0] ) === '' ) {
$metaTagsToStrip[$matches[0][0]] = '';
$htmlSource = strtr($htmlSource, $metaTagsToStrip);
/* [wpacu_timing] */ Misc::scriptExecTimer( 'alter_html_source_for_remove_meta_generators', 'end' ); /* [/wpacu_timing] */
return $htmlSource;
* @param $htmlSource
* @param bool $ignoreExceptions
* @param $for
* @return string|string[]
public static function removeHtmlComments($htmlSource, $ignoreExceptions = false)
if ( strpos($htmlSource, '<!--') === false || ! Misc::isDOMDocumentOn() ) {
return $htmlSource;
$domTag = OptimizeCommon::getDomLoadedTag($htmlSource, 'removeHtmlComments');
if (! $domTag) {
return $htmlSource;
$xpathComments = new \DOMXPath($domTag);
$comments = $xpathComments->query('//comment()');
if ($comments === null) {
return $htmlSource;
preg_match_all('#<!--(.*?)-->#s', $htmlSource, $matchesRegExpComments);
// "comments" within tag attributes or script tags?
// e.g. <script>var type='<!-- A comment here -->';</script>
// e.g. <div data-info="This is just a <!-- comment --> text">Content here</div>
$commentsWithinQuotes = array();
if (isset($matchesRegExpComments[1]) && count($matchesRegExpComments[1]) !== count($comments)) {
preg_match_all('#=(|\s+)([\'"])(|\s+)<!--(.*?)-->(|\s+)([\'"])#s', $htmlSource, $matchesCommentsWithinQuotes);
if (isset($matchesCommentsWithinQuotes[0]) && ! empty($matchesCommentsWithinQuotes[0])) {
foreach ($matchesCommentsWithinQuotes[0] as $matchedDataOriginal) {
$matchedDataUpdated = str_replace(
array('', '<!--', '-->'),
array('--wpacu-space-del--', '--wpacu-start-comm--', '--wpacu-end-comm--'),
$htmlSource = str_replace($matchedDataOriginal, $matchedDataUpdated, $htmlSource);
$commentsWithinQuotes[] = array(
'original' => $matchedDataOriginal,
'updated' => $matchedDataUpdated
$stripCommentsList = array();
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$entireComment = '<!--' . $comment->nodeValue . '-->';
// Do not strip MSIE conditional comments
if ( strpos( $entireComment, '<!--<![endif]-->' ) !== false ||
preg_match( '#<!--\[if(.*?)]>(.*?)<!-->#si', $entireComment ) ||
preg_match( '#<!--\[if(.*?)\[endif]-->#si', $entireComment ) ) {
// Any exceptions set in "Strip HTML comments?" textarea?
// $ignoreExceptions has to be set to false (as it is by default)
if (! $ignoreExceptions && Main::instance()->settings['remove_html_comments_exceptions']) {
$removeHtmlCommentsExceptions = trim(Main::instance()->settings['remove_html_comments_exceptions']);
if (strpos($removeHtmlCommentsExceptions, "\n") !== false) {
foreach (explode("\n", $removeHtmlCommentsExceptions) as $removeCommExceptionPattern) {
$removeCommExceptionPattern = trim($removeCommExceptionPattern);
if (stripos($entireComment, $removeCommExceptionPattern) !== false) {
continue 2;
} elseif (stripos($entireComment, $removeHtmlCommentsExceptions) !== false) {
if (strlen($entireComment) < 200) {
$stripCommentsList[ $entireComment ] = '';
} else {
$htmlSource = str_replace($entireComment, '', $htmlSource);
if (! empty($stripCommentsList)) {
$htmlSource = strtr( $htmlSource, $stripCommentsList );
if (! empty($commentsWithinQuotes)) {
foreach ($commentsWithinQuotes as $commentQuote) {
$htmlSource = str_replace($commentQuote['updated'], $commentQuote['original'], $htmlSource);
return $htmlSource;
* @param $strContains
* @param $htmlSource
* @return mixed
public static function cleanLinkTagFromHtmlSource($strContains, $htmlSource)
if (! is_array($strContains)) {
$strContains = array($strContains);
$strContains = array_map(function($value) {
if (strpos($value, 'data-wpacu-style-handle') !== false) {
return $value; // no need to use preg-quote
return preg_quote($value, '/');
}, $strContains);
'#<link[^>]*('.implode('|', $strContains).')[^>].*(>)#Usmi',
if (empty($matchesSourcesFromTags)) {
return $htmlSource;
foreach ($matchesSourcesFromTags as $matchesFromTag) {
if (! (isset($matchesFromTag[0]) && $matchesFromTag[0])) {
$linkTag = $matchesFromTag[0];
if (stripos($linkTag, '<link') === 0 && substr($linkTag, -1) === '>' && strip_tags($linkTag) === '') {
$htmlSource = str_replace($linkTag, '', $htmlSource);
return $htmlSource;
* @param $strContains
* @param $htmlSource
* @return mixed
public static function cleanScriptTagFromHtmlSource($strContains, $htmlSource)
if (! is_array($strContains)) {
$strContains = array($strContains);
$strContains = array_map(function($value) {
if (strpos($value, 'data-wpacu-script-handle') !== false) {
return $value; // no need to use preg-quote
return preg_quote($value, '/');
}, $strContains);
'#<script[^>]*('.implode('|', $strContains).')[^>].*(>)#Usmi',
if (empty($matchesSourcesFromTags)) {
return $htmlSource;
foreach ($matchesSourcesFromTags as $matchesFromTag) {
if (isset($matchesFromTag[0]) && $matchesFromTag[0] && strip_tags($matchesFromTag[0]) === '') {
$htmlSource = str_replace($matchesFromTag[0] . '</script>', '', $htmlSource);
return $htmlSource;
public function doDisableEmojis()
// Emojis Actions and Filters
remove_action('admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');
remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7);
remove_action('admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script');
remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');
remove_filter('wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email');
remove_filter('the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji');
remove_filter('comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji');
// TinyMCE Emojis
add_filter('tiny_mce_plugins', array($this, 'removeEmojisTinymce'));
add_filter('emoji_svg_url', '__return_false');
* @param $plugins
* @return array
public function removeEmojisTinymce($plugins)
if (is_array($plugins)) {
return array_diff($plugins, array('wpemoji'));
return array();
public function doDisableOembed()
add_action('init', static function() {
// Remove the REST API endpoint.
remove_action('rest_api_init', 'wp_oembed_register_route');
// Turn off oEmbed auto discovery.
add_filter('embed_oembed_discover', '__return_false');
// Don't filter oEmbed results.
remove_filter('oembed_dataparse', 'wp_filter_oembed_result');
// Remove oEmbed discovery links.
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links');
// Remove oEmbed-specific JavaScript from the front-end and back-end.
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_host_js');
add_filter('tiny_mce_plugins', static function ($plugins) {
return array_diff($plugins, array('wpembed'));
// Remove all embeds rewrite rules.
add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', static function ($rules) {
if ( ! empty($rules) ) {
foreach ( $rules as $rule => $rewrite ) {
if ( is_string($rewrite) && false !== strpos( $rewrite, 'embed=true' ) ) {
unset( $rules[ $rule ] );
return $rules;
// Remove filter of the oEmbed result before any HTTP requests are made.
remove_filter('pre_oembed_result', 'wp_filter_pre_oembed_result');
}, 9999 );
public function doDisableRssFeed()
add_action('do_feed', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
add_action('do_feed_rdf', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
add_action('do_feed_rss', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
add_action('do_feed_rss2', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
add_action('do_feed_atom', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
add_action('do_feed_rss2_comments', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
add_action('do_feed_atom_comments', array($this, 'disabledRssFeedMsg'), 1);
public function disabledRssFeedMsg()
$wpacuSettings = new Settings();
$settingsArray = $wpacuSettings->getAll();
$feedDisableMsg = isset($settingsArray['disable_rss_feed_message']) ? $settingsArray['disable_rss_feed_message'] : '';
wp_die( __($feedDisableMsg, 'wp-asset-clean-up') );
public function cleanUpHtmlOutputForAssetsCall()
if (isset($_GET['wpacu_clean_load'])) {
// No Admin Bar
add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false', PHP_INT_MAX);
// No Autoptimize
add_filter('autoptimize_filter_noptimize', '__return_false');
// Use less resources during CSS/JS fetching by preventing other plugins to interfere with the HTML output as it's completely unnecessary in this instance
if (Misc::isPluginActive('autoptimize/autoptimize.php')) {
foreach (array('autoptimize_html', 'autoptimize_css', 'autoptimize_js', 'autoptimize_cdn_url', 'autoptimize_optimize_logged') as $aoOption) {
add_filter('pre_option_'.$aoOption, static function($value) { return ''; });
// No Fast Velocity Minify
add_action('plugins_loaded', static function() {
remove_action( 'setup_theme', 'fastvelocity_process_frontend' );
// No WP Rocket (Minify / Concatenate)
add_filter( 'get_rocket_option_minify_css', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'get_rocket_option_minify_concatenate_css', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'get_rocket_option_minify_js', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'get_rocket_option_minify_concatenate_js', '__return_false' );
// No W3 Total Cache: Minify
add_filter('w3tc_minify_enable', '__return_false');
// [NO SG Optimiser]
// Emulate page builder param to view page with no SG Optimiser on request
// Extra params to be used in case 'SG Optimiser' is called before Asset CleanUp: 'fl_builder', 'vcv-action', 'et_fb', 'ct_builder', 'tve'
add_filter('sgo_pb_params', static function($pbParams) {
$pbParams[] = WPACU_LOAD_ASSETS_REQ_KEY; // fetching assets
$pbParams[] = 'wpacu_clean_load'; // loading the page unoptimized for debugging purposes
return $pbParams;
// Fallback in case SG Optimizer is triggered BEFORE Asset CleanUp and the filter above will not work
add_filter('sgo_css_combine_exclude', array($this, 'allCssHandles'));
add_filter('sgo_css_minify_exclude', array($this, 'allCssHandles'));
add_filter('sgo_js_minify_exclude', array($this, 'allJsHandles'));
add_filter('sgo_js_async_exclude', array($this, 'allJsHandles'));
add_filter('sgo_html_minify_exclude_params', static function ($excludeParams) {
$excludeParams[] = WPACU_LOAD_ASSETS_REQ_KEY; // fetching assets
$excludeParams[] = 'wpacu_clean_load'; // loading the page unoptimized for debugging purposes
return $excludeParams;
// [/NO SG Optimiser]
public static function filterSGOptions()
// SG Optimizer Plugin
$sgOptimizerMapping = array(
'autoflush' => 'siteground_optimizer_autoflush_cache',
'dynamic-cache' => 'siteground_optimizer_enable_cache',
'memcache' => 'siteground_optimizer_enable_memcached',
'ssl-fix' => 'siteground_optimizer_fix_insecure_content',
'html' => 'siteground_optimizer_optimize_html',
'js' => 'siteground_optimizer_optimize_javascript',
'js-async' => 'siteground_optimizer_optimize_javascript_async',
'css' => 'siteground_optimizer_optimize_css',
'combine-css' => 'siteground_optimizer_combine_css',
'querystring' => 'siteground_optimizer_remove_query_strings',
'emojis' => 'siteground_optimizer_disable_emojis',
'images' => 'siteground_optimizer_optimize_images',
'lazyload_images' => 'siteground_optimizer_lazyload_images',
'lazyload_gravatars' => 'siteground_optimizer_lazyload_gravatars',
'lazyload_thumbnails' => 'siteground_optimizer_lazyload_thumbnails',
'lazyload_responsive' => 'siteground_optimizer_lazyload_responsive',
'lazyload_textwidgets' => 'siteground_optimizer_lazyload_textwidgets',
'ssl' => 'siteground_optimizer_ssl_enabled',
'gzip' => 'siteground_optimizer_enable_gzip_compression',
'browser-caching' => 'siteground_optimizer_enable_browser_caching',
foreach ($sgOptimizerMapping as $optionName) {
add_filter('pre_option_'.$optionName, '__return_false');
* @return array
public function allCssHandles()
global $wp_styles;
$allCssHandles = array();
if (isset($wp_styles->registered) && ! empty($wp_styles->registered)) {
$allCssHandles = array_keys($wp_styles->registered);
return $allCssHandles;
* @return array
public function allJsHandles()
global $wp_scripts;
$allJsHandles = array();
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered) && ! empty($wp_scripts->registered)) {
$allJsHandles = array_keys($wp_scripts->registered);
return $allJsHandles;