128 lines
6.3 KiB
128 lines
6.3 KiB
* No direct access to this file
if (! isset($data)) {
include_once '_top-area.php';
$wpacuTabList = array(
'bulk_unloaded' => __('Bulk Unloaded (page types)', 'wp-asset-clean-up'),
'regex_unloads' => __('RegEx Unloads', 'wp-asset-clean-up'),
'regex_load_exceptions' => __('RegEx Load Exceptions', 'wp-asset-clean-up'),
'preloaded_assets' => __('Preloaded CSS/JS', 'wp-asset-clean-up'),
'script_attrs' => __('Defer & Async (site-wide)', 'wp-asset-clean-up'),
'assets_positions' => __('Updated CSS/JS positions', 'wp-asset-clean-up')
$wpacuTabCurrent = isset($_REQUEST['wpacu_bulk_menu_tab']) && array_key_exists( $_REQUEST['wpacu_bulk_menu_tab'], $wpacuTabList ) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['wpacu_bulk_menu_tab']) : 'bulk_unloaded';
<div class="wpacu-wrap <?php if ($data['plugin_settings']['input_style'] !== 'standard') { echo 'wpacu-switch-enhanced'; } ?>">
<ul class="wpacu-bulk-changes-tabs">
foreach ($wpacuTabList as $wpacuTabKey => $wpacuTabValue) {
<li <?php if ($wpacuTabKey === $wpacuTabCurrent) { ?>class="current"<?php } ?>>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url(admin_url('admin.php?page=wpassetcleanup_bulk_unloads&wpacu_bulk_menu_tab='.$wpacuTabKey)); ?>"><?php echo esc_html($wpacuTabValue); ?></a>
if ($wpacuTabCurrent === 'bulk_unloaded') {
include_once '_admin-page-settings-bulk-changes/_bulk-unloaded.php';
} elseif($wpacuTabCurrent === 'regex_unloads') {
include_once '_admin-page-settings-bulk-changes/_regex-unloads.php';
} elseif($wpacuTabCurrent === 'regex_load_exceptions') {
include_once '_admin-page-settings-bulk-changes/_regex-load-exceptions.php';
} elseif ($wpacuTabCurrent === 'preloaded_assets') {
include_once '_admin-page-settings-bulk-changes/_preloaded-assets.php';
} elseif ($wpacuTabCurrent === 'script_attrs') {
include_once '_admin-page-settings-bulk-changes/_script-attrs.php';
} elseif ($wpacuTabCurrent === 'assets_positions') {
include_once '_admin-page-settings-bulk-changes/_assets-positions.php';
* @param $handle
* @param $assetType
* @param $data
* @param string $for ('default': bulk unloads, regex unloads)
function wpacuRenderHandleTd($handle, $assetType, $data, $for = 'default')
global $wp_version;
$isCoreFile = false; // default
if ( $for === 'default' ) {
// Show the original "src" and "ver, not the altered one
// (in case filters such as "wpacu_{$handle}_(css|js)_handle_obj" were used to load alternative versions of the file, depending on the situation)
$srcKey = isset($data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ]['src_origin']) ? 'src_origin' : 'src';
$verKey = isset($data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ]['ver_origin']) ? 'ver_origin' : 'ver';
$src = (isset( $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$srcKey] ) && $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$srcKey]) ? $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$srcKey] : false;
$isExternalSrc = true;
if (\WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::getLocalSrc($src)
|| strpos($src, '/?') !== false // Dynamic Local URL
|| strpos(str_replace(site_url(), '', $src), '?') === 0 // Starts with ? right after the site url (it's a local URL)
) {
$isExternalSrc = false;
$isCoreFile = \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::isCoreFile($data['assets_info'][$assetType][$handle]);
if (strpos($src, '/') === 0 && strpos($src, '//') !== 0) {
$src = site_url() . $src;
if (isset($data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey]) && $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey]) {
$verToPrint = is_array($data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey])
? implode(',', $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey])
: $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey];
$verToAppend = is_array($data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey])
? http_build_query(array('ver' => $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey]))
: 'ver='.$data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ][$verKey];
} else {
$verToAppend = 'ver='.$wp_version;
$verToPrint = $wp_version;
<strong><span style="color: green;"><?php echo esc_html($handle); ?></span></strong>
<small><em>v<?php echo esc_html($verToPrint); ?></em></small>
if ($isCoreFile) {
<span title="WordPress Core File" style="font-size: 15px; vertical-align: middle;" class="dashicons dashicons-wordpress-alt wpacu-tooltip"></span>
// [wpacu_pro]
$preloadedStatus = isset($data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ]['preloaded_status']) ? $data['assets_info'][ $assetType ][ $handle ]['preloaded_status'] : false;
if ($preloadedStatus === 'async') { echo ' (<strong><em>'.$preloadedStatus.'</em></strong>)'; }
// [/wpacu_pro]
if ( $src ) {
$appendAfterSrc = strpos($src, '?') === false ? '?'.$verToAppend : '&'.$verToAppend;
<div><a <?php if ($isExternalSrc) { ?> data-wpacu-external-source="<?php echo esc_attr($src . $appendAfterSrc); ?>" <?php } ?> href="<?php echo esc_html($src . $appendAfterSrc); ?>" target="_blank"><small><?php echo str_replace( site_url(), '', $src ); ?></small></a> <?php if ($isExternalSrc) { ?><span data-wpacu-external-source-status></span><?php } ?></div>
$maybeInactiveAsset = \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::maybeIsInactiveAsset($src);
if (is_array($maybeInactiveAsset) && ! empty($maybeInactiveAsset)) {
if ($maybeInactiveAsset['from'] === 'plugin') { ?>
<small><strong>Note:</strong> <span style="color: darkred;">The plugin `<strong><?php echo esc_html($maybeInactiveAsset['name']); ?></strong>` seems to be inactive, thus any rules set are also inactive & irrelevant, unless you re-activate the plugin.</span></small>
<?php } elseif ($maybeInactiveAsset['from'] === 'theme') { ?>
<small><strong>Note:</strong> <span style="color: darkred;">The theme `<strong><?php echo esc_html($maybeInactiveAsset['name']); ?></strong>` seems to be inactive, thus any rules set are also inactive & irrelevant, unless you re-activate the theme.</span></small>
<?php }