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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
import $ from 'jquery';
const { screenSizes } = window.VPData;
// fix masonry items position for Tiles layout.
// https://github.com/nk-crew/visual-portfolio/issues/111
if (
typeof window.Isotope !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.Isotope.LayoutMode !== 'undefined'
) {
const MasonryMode = window.Isotope.LayoutMode.modes.masonry;
if (MasonryMode) {
const defaultMeasureColumns = MasonryMode.prototype.measureColumns;
MasonryMode.prototype.measureColumns = function () {
let runDefault = true;
// if columnWidth is 0, default to columns count size.
if (!this.columnWidth) {
const $vp = $(this.element).closest(
// change column size for Tiles type only.
if ($vp.length && $vp[0].vpf) {
const { vpf } = $vp[0];
const settings = vpf.getTilesSettings();
// get columns number
let columns = parseInt(settings[0], 10) || 1;
// calculate responsive.
let count = columns - 1;
let currentPoint = Math.min(screenSizes.length - 1, count);
for (; currentPoint >= 0; currentPoint -= 1) {
if (
count > 0 &&
typeof screenSizes[currentPoint] !== 'undefined'
) {
if (
window.innerWidth <= screenSizes[currentPoint]
) {
columns = count;
count -= 1;
if (columns) {
this.columnWidth = this.containerWidth / columns;
this.columnWidth += this.gutter;
this.cols = columns;
runDefault = false;
if (runDefault) {
// Extend VP class.
$(document).on('extendClass.vpf', (event, VP) => {
if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') {
* Get Tiles Layout Settings
* @return {string} tiles layout
VP.prototype.getTilesSettings = function () {
const self = this;
const layoutArr = self.options.tilesType.split(/[:|]/);
// remove last empty item
if (
typeof layoutArr[layoutArr.length - 1] !== 'undefined' &&
!layoutArr[layoutArr.length - 1]
) {
return layoutArr;
// Init Options.
$(document).on('initOptions.vpf', (event, self) => {
if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') {
self.defaults.tilesType = '3|1,1|';
if (!self.options.tilesType) {
self.options.tilesType = self.defaults.tilesType;
// Init Layout.
$(document).on('initLayout.vpf', (event, self) => {
if (event.namespace !== 'vpf') {
if (self.options.layout !== 'tiles') {
const settings = self.getTilesSettings();
// get columns number
const columns = parseInt(settings[0], 10) || 1;
// set columns
self.addStyle('.vp-portfolio__item-wrap', {
width: `${100 / columns}%`,
// set items sizes
if (settings && settings.length) {
for (let k = 0; k < settings.length; k += 1) {
const size = settings[k].split(',');
const w = parseFloat(size[0]) || 1;
const h = parseFloat(size[1]) || 1;
let itemSelector = '.vp-portfolio__item-wrap';
if (settings.length > 1) {
itemSelector += `:nth-of-type(${settings.length}n+${k + 1})`;
if (w && w !== 1) {
self.addStyle(itemSelector, {
width: `${(w * 100) / columns}%`,
`${itemSelector} .vp-portfolio__item-img-wrap::before`,
'padding-top': `${h * 100}%`,
// calculate responsive.
let count = columns - 1;
let currentPoint = Math.min(screenSizes.length - 1, count);
for (; currentPoint >= 0; currentPoint -= 1) {
if (count > 0 && typeof screenSizes[currentPoint] !== 'undefined') {
width: `${100 / count}%`,
`screen and (max-width: ${screenSizes[currentPoint]}px)`
width: `${100 / count}%`,
`screen and (max-width: ${screenSizes[currentPoint]}px)`
count -= 1;