446 lines
15 KiB
446 lines
15 KiB
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var ewww_error_counter = 30;
min: 0,
max: 30,
value: $("#ewww-delay").val(),
slide: function(event, ui) {
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ewwwdelayinput.onblur = function() {
if (isNaN(this.value)) {
this.value = 0;
} else {
this.value = Math.ceil(this.value);
var ewww_attachments = ewww_vars.attachments;
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var ewww_k = 0;
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var ewww_batch_limit = 0;
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var ewww_scan_failures = 0;
var ewww_bulk_start_time = 0;
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var ewww_time_per_image = 0;
var ewww_time_remaining = 0;
var ewww_days_remaining = 0;
var ewww_hours_remaining = 0;
var ewww_minutes_remaining = 0;
var ewww_seconds_remaining = 0;
var ewww_countdown = false;
var ewww_tiny_skip = '';
// initialize the ajax actions for the appropriate bulk page
var ewww_quota_update_data = {
action: 'bulk_quota_update',
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
if (ewww_vars.gallery == 'flag') {
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var ewww_cleanup_action = 'bulk_flag_cleanup';
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var ewww_preview_action = 'bulk_ngg_preview';
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var ewww_loop_action = 'bulk_ngg_loop';
var ewww_cleanup_action = 'bulk_ngg_cleanup';
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var ewww_scan_action = 'bulk_scan';
var ewww_init_action = 'bulk_init';
var ewww_loop_action = 'bulk_loop';
var ewww_cleanup_action = 'bulk_cleanup';
ewww_main = true;
var ewww_init_data = {
action: ewww_init_action,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
var ewww_table_action = 'bulk_aux_images_table';
var ewww_table_count_action = 'bulk_aux_images_table_count';
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var ewww_import_loop_action = 'bulk_import_loop';
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ewww_webp_only = 1;
return false;
function ewwwStartScan() {
var ewww_scan_data = {
action: ewww_scan_action,
ewww_force: ewww_force,
ewww_force_smart: ewww_force_smart,
ewww_webp_only: ewww_webp_only,
ewww_scan: true,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
$.post(ajaxurl, ewww_scan_data, function(response) {
var is_json = true;
try {
var ewww_response = JSON.parse(response);
} catch (err) {
is_json = false;
if ( ! is_json ) {
$('#ewww-scanning').html('<span class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.invalid_response + '</b></span>');
console.log( response );
return false;
ewww_init_data = {
action: ewww_init_action,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
if ( ewww_response.error ) {
$('#ewww-scanning').html('<span class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_response.error + '</b></span>');
} else if ( ewww_response.remaining ) {
//if ( ! ewww_response.notice ) {
// ewww_response.notice = '';
$('#ewww-scanning').html( ewww_response.remaining );
if ( ewww_response.notice ) {
$('#ewww-scanning').append( '<br>' + ewww_response.notice );
if ( ewww_response.tiny_skip ) {
$('#ewww-scanning').append( '<br>' + ewww_response.tiny_skip );
ewww_tiny_skip = ewww_response.tiny_skip;
console.log( 'skipped some tiny images' );
if ( ewww_response.bad_attachment ) {
$('#ewww-scanning').append( '<br>' + ewww_vars.bad_attachment + ' ' + ewww_response.bad_attachment );
ewww_scan_failures = 0;
} else if ( ewww_response.ready ) {
ewww_attachments = ewww_response.ready;
if ( ewww_tiny_skip ) {
$('#ewww-scanning').append( '<br><i>' + ewww_tiny_skip + '</i>' );
console.log( 'done, skipped some tiny images' );
} else if ( ewww_response.ready === 0 ) {
if ( ewww_tiny_skip ) {
$('#ewww-nothing').append( '<br><i>' + ewww_tiny_skip + '</i>' );
console.log( 'done, skipped some tiny images' );
.fail(function() {
if (ewww_scan_failures > 10) {
$('#ewww-scanning').html('<span class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.scan_fail + ':</b> ' + ewww_vars.bulk_fail_more + '</span>');
} else {
$('#ewww-scanning').html('<span class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.scan_incomplete + '</b></span>');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
$('#ewww-bulk-start').submit(function() {
return false;
function ewwwUpdateQuota() {
if ($('#ewww-bulk-credits-available').length > 0) {
ewww_quota_update_data.ewww_wpnonce = ewww_vars._wpnonce;
$.post(ajaxurl, ewww_quota_update_data, function(response) {
function ewwwStartOpt () {
ewww_k = 0;
ewww_quota_update = setInterval( ewwwUpdateQuota, 60000 );
$('#ewww-bulk-stop').submit(function() {
ewww_k = 9;
return false;
if ( ! $('#ewww-delay').val().match( /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) ) {
ewww_delay = 0;
} else {
ewww_delay = $('#ewww-delay').val();
if (ewww_delay) {
ewww_batch_limit = 1;
$('#ewww-bulk-last h2').html( ewww_vars.last_image_header );
$.post(ajaxurl, ewww_init_data, function(response) {
var is_json = true;
try {
var ewww_init_response = JSON.parse(response);
} catch (err) {
is_json = false;
if ( ! is_json || ! response ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').append('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.invalid_response + '</b></p>');
console.log( response );
return false;
if ( ewww_init_response.error ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').append('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_init_response.error + '</b></p>');
if ( ewww_init_response.data ) {
console.log( ewww_init_response.data );
} else {
if ( ewww_init_response.start_time ) {
ewww_bulk_start_time = ewww_init_response.start_time;
$('#ewww-bulk-progressbar').progressbar({ max: ewww_attachments });
$('#ewww-bulk-counter').html( ewww_vars.optimized + ' 0/' + ewww_attachments);
function ewwwProcessImage() {
if ($('#ewww-force:checkbox:checked').val()) {
ewww_force = 1;
if ($('#ewww-force-smart:checkbox:checked').val()) {
ewww_force_smart = 1;
if ($('#ewww-webp-only:checkbox:checked').val()) {
ewww_webp_only = 1;
var ewww_loop_data = {
action: ewww_loop_action,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
ewww_force: ewww_force,
ewww_force_smart: ewww_force_smart,
ewww_webp_only: ewww_webp_only,
ewww_batch_limit: ewww_batch_limit,
ewww_error_counter: ewww_error_counter,
var ewww_jqxhr = $.post(ajaxurl, ewww_loop_data, function(response) {
var is_json = true;
try {
var ewww_response = JSON.parse(response);
} catch (err) {
is_json = false;
if ( ! is_json || ! response ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').append('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.invalid_response + '</b></p>');
if ( ! response ) {
console.log( 'empty response' );
} else {
console.log( response );
return false;
ewww_i += ewww_response.completed;
$('#ewww-bulk-progressbar').progressbar( "option", "value", ewww_i );
$('#ewww-bulk-counter').html(ewww_vars.optimized + ' ' + ewww_i + '/' + ewww_attachments);
if ( ewww_response.update_meta ) {
var ewww_updatemeta_data = {
action: 'ewww_bulk_update_meta',
attachment_id: ewww_response.update_meta,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
$.post(ajaxurl, ewww_updatemeta_data);
if ( ewww_response.error ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading img').hide();
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').append('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_response.error + '</b></p>');
else if (ewww_k == 9) {
if ( ewww_response.results ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-last .inside').html( ewww_response.results );
$('#ewww-bulk-status .inside').append( ewww_response.results );
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').html('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.operation_stopped + '</b></p>');
else if ( response == 0 ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').html('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.operation_stopped + '</b></p>');
else if ( ewww_i < ewww_attachments && ! ewww_response.done ) {
if ( ewww_bulk_start_time && ewww_response.current_time ) {
ewww_bulk_elapsed_time = ewww_response.current_time - ewww_bulk_start_time;
ewww_time_per_image = ewww_bulk_elapsed_time / ewww_i;
ewww_time_remaining = Math.floor((ewww_attachments - ewww_i) * ewww_time_per_image);
if ( ! ewww_countdown) {
$('#ewww-bulk-timer').html(ewww_days_remaining + ':' + ewww_hours_remaining + ':' + ewww_minutes_remaining + ':' + ewww_seconds_remaining + ' ' + ewww_vars.time_remaining);
ewww_countdown = setInterval( ewwwCountDown, 1000 );
$('#ewww-bulk-status h2').show();
$('#ewww-bulk-last h2').show();
if ( ewww_response.results ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-last .inside').html( ewww_response.results );
$('#ewww-bulk-status .inside').append( ewww_response.results );
if ( ewww_response.next_file ) {
if ( ewww_response.new_nonce ) {
ewww_vars._wpnonce = ewww_response.new_nonce;
ewww_error_counter = 30;
setTimeout(ewwwProcessImage, ewww_delay * 1000);
else {
if ( ewww_response.results ) {
$('#ewww-bulk-status h2').show();
$('#ewww-bulk-status .inside').append( ewww_response.results );
var ewww_cleanup_data = {
action: ewww_cleanup_action,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
$.post(ajaxurl, ewww_cleanup_data, function(response) {
.fail(function() {
if (ewww_error_counter == 0) {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').html('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.operation_interrupted + ':</b> ' + ewww_vars.bulk_fail_more + '</p>');
} else {
$('#ewww-bulk-loading').html('<p class="ewww-bulk-error"><b>' + ewww_vars.temporary_failure + ' ' + ewww_error_counter + ' (' + ewww_vars.bulk_fail_more + ')</b></p>');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
function ewwwAuxCleanup() {
if (ewww_main == true) {
var ewww_table_count_data = {
action: ewww_table_count_action,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
ewww_inline: 1,
$.post(ajaxurl, ewww_table_count_data, function(response) {
ewww_vars.image_count = response;
if (ewww_aux == true) {
} else {
ewww_attachments = ewww_vars.attachments;
ewww_init_action = 'bulk_init';
ewww_filename_action = 'bulk_filename';
ewww_loop_action = 'bulk_loop';
ewww_cleanup_action = 'bulk_cleanup';
ewww_init_data = {
action: ewww_init_action,
ewww_wpnonce: ewww_vars._wpnonce,
ewww_aux = false;
ewww_i = 0;
ewww_force = 0;
ewww_force_smart = 0;
ewww_webp_only = 0;
function ewwwCountDown() {
if (ewww_time_remaining > 1) {
$('#ewww-bulk-timer').html(ewww_days_remaining + ':' + ewww_hours_remaining + ':' + ewww_minutes_remaining + ':' + ewww_seconds_remaining + ' ' + ewww_vars.time_remaining);
function ewwwTimeIncrementsUpdate() {
ewww_days_remaining = Math.floor(ewww_time_remaining / 86400);
ewww_hours_remaining = Math.floor((ewww_time_remaining - (ewww_days_remaining * 86400)) / 3600);
ewww_minutes_remaining = Math.floor((ewww_time_remaining - (ewww_days_remaining * 86400) - (ewww_hours_remaining * 3600)) / 60);
ewww_seconds_remaining = ewww_time_remaining - (ewww_days_remaining * 86400) - (ewww_hours_remaining * 3600) - (ewww_minutes_remaining * 60);
if (ewww_days_remaining < 10) { ewww_days_remaining = '0'+ewww_days_remaining; }
if (ewww_hours_remaining < 10) { ewww_hours_remaining = '0'+ewww_hours_remaining; }
if (ewww_minutes_remaining < 10) { ewww_minutes_remaining = '0'+ewww_minutes_remaining; }
if (ewww_seconds_remaining < 10) { ewww_seconds_remaining = '0'+ewww_seconds_remaining; }