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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
* Implements WebP rewriting using page parsing and JS functionality.
* @link https://ewww.io
* @package EWWW
namespace EWWW;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Enables EWWW IO to filter the page content and replace img elements with WebP markup.
class JS_Webp extends Page_Parser {
* A list of user-defined exclusions, populated by validate_user_exclusions().
* @access protected
* @var array $user_exclusions
protected $user_exclusions = array();
* A list of user-defined (element-type) exclusions, populated by validate_user_exclusions().
* @access protected
* @var array $user_exclusions
protected $user_element_exclusions = array();
* A list of user-defined page/URL exclusions, populated by validate_user_exclusions().
* @access protected
* @var array $user_page_exclusions
protected $user_page_exclusions = array();
* Base64-encoded placeholder image.
* @access protected
* @var string $placeholder_src
protected $placeholder_src = '';
* The 'check webp' script contents.
* @access private
* @var string $check_webp_script
private $check_webp_script = '';
* The 'load webp' script contents.
* @access private
* @var string $load_webp_script
private $load_webp_script = '';
* A list of attributes to be added to the inline scripts.
* @access private
* @var array $inline_script_attrs
private $inline_script_attrs = array(
'data-cfasync' => 'false',
'data-no-defer' => '1',
'data-no-minify' => '1',
'data-no-optimize' => '1',
* Request URI.
* @var string $request_uri
public $request_uri = '';
* Register (once) actions and filters for JS WebP.
public function __construct() {
global $eio_js_webp;
if ( \is_object( $eio_js_webp ) ) {
return 'you are doing it wrong';
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
$this->request_uri = \add_query_arg( '', '' );
if ( false === \strpos( $this->request_uri, 'page=ewww-image-optimizer-options' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "request uri is {$this->request_uri}" );
} else {
$this->debug_message( 'request uri is EWWW IO settings' );
\add_filter( 'eio_do_js_webp', array( $this, 'should_process_page' ), 10, 2 );
* Allow pre-empting JS WebP by page.
* @param bool Whether to parse the page for images to rewrite for WebP, default true.
* @param string The URI/path of the page.
if ( ! \apply_filters( 'eio_do_js_webp', true, $this->request_uri ) ) {
// Hook into the output buffer callback function.
\add_filter( 'ewww_image_optimizer_filter_page_output', array( $this, 'filter_page_output' ), 20 );
// Filter for NextGEN image urls within JSON.
\add_filter( 'ngg_pro_lightbox_images_queue', array( $this, 'ngg_pro_lightbox_images_queue' ), 11 );
// Filter for WooCommerce product variations (individual items).
\add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_variation', array( $this, 'woocommerce_available_variation' ) );
// Filter for FacetWP JSON responses.
\add_filter( 'facetwp_render_output', array( $this, 'filter_facetwp_json_output' ) );
// Filter for LL when multiple background images are used--because it uses JSON, and the background image parser skips elements containing JSON.
\add_filter( 'eio_ll_multiple_bg_images_for_webp', array( $this, 'filter_image_url_array' ) );
// Load up the minified check script.
$this->check_webp_script = \file_get_contents( EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_PATH . 'includes/check-webp.min.js' );
// Load up the minified script so we can inline it.
$this->load_webp_script = \file_get_contents( EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_PATH . 'includes/load-webp.min.js' );
$allowed_urls = $this->get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_webp_paths' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $allowed_urls ) ) {
$this->allowed_urls = \array_merge( $this->allowed_urls, $allowed_urls );
$this->allowed_urls = \apply_filters( 'webp_allowed_urls', $this->allowed_urls );
$this->allowed_domains = \apply_filters( 'webp_allowed_domains', $this->allowed_domains );
$this->debug_message( 'checking any images matching these URLs/patterns for webp: ' . \implode( ',', $this->allowed_urls ) );
$this->debug_message( 'rewriting any images matching these domains to webp: ' . \implode( ',', $this->allowed_domains ) );
// Load the appropriate JS, in the footer, but as early as possible.
if ( \defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) {
// Load the non-minified, non-inline version of the webp rewrite script.
\add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'debug_script' ), -99 );
// Load the minified, non-inline version of the webp rewrite script.
\add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'min_external_script' ), -99 );
} else {
\add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'inline_check_script' ), -99 );
\add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'inline_load_script' ), -99 );
} else {
\add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'inline_load_script' ), -90 );
$this->inline_script_attrs = (array) \apply_filters( 'ewwwio_inline_script_attrs', $this->inline_script_attrs );
* Check if pages should be processed, especially for things like page builders.
* @since 6.2.2
* @param boolean $should_process Whether JS WebP should process the page.
* @param string $uri The URI of the page (no domain or scheme included).
* @return boolean True to process the page, false to skip.
public function should_process_page( $should_process = true, $uri = '' ) {
// Don't foul up the admin side of things, unless a plugin needs to.
if ( \is_admin() &&
* Provide plugins a way of running JS WebP for images in the WordPress Admin, usually for admin-ajax.php.
* @param bool false Allow JS WebP to run on the Dashboard. Defaults to false.
false === \apply_filters( 'eio_allow_admin_js_webp', false )
) {
$this->debug_message( 'is_admin' );
return false;
if ( \ewww_image_optimizer_ce_webp_enabled() ) {
return false;
if ( empty( $uri ) ) {
$uri = $this->request_uri;
if ( $this->is_iterable( $this->user_page_exclusions ) ) {
foreach ( $this->user_page_exclusions as $page_exclusion ) {
if ( '/' === $page_exclusion && '/' === $uri ) {
return false;
} elseif ( '/' === $page_exclusion ) {
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, $page_exclusion ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'bricks=run' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, '?brizy-edit' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, '&builder=true' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'cornerstone=' ) || false !== \strpos( $uri, 'cornerstone-endpoint' ) || false !== \strpos( $uri, 'cornerstone/edit/' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'ct_builder=' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'ct_render_shortcode=' ) || false !== \strpos( $uri, 'action=oxy_render' ) ) {
return false;
if ( \did_action( 'cornerstone_boot_app' ) || \did_action( 'cs_before_preview_frame' ) ) {
return false;
if ( \did_action( 'cs_element_rendering' ) || \did_action( 'cornerstone_before_boot_app' ) || \apply_filters( 'cs_is_preview_render', false ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'elementor-preview=' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'et_fb=' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'fb-edit=' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, '?fl_builder' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, '?giveDonationFormInIframe' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'is-editor-iframe=' ) ) {
return false;
if ( '/print/' === \substr( $uri, -7 ) ) {
return false;
if ( \defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'tatsu=' ) ) {
return false;
if ( false !== \strpos( $uri, 'tve=true' ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) && 'tatsu_get_concepts' === \sanitize_text_field( \wp_unslash( $_POST['action'] ) ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification
return false;
if ( \is_customize_preview() ) {
$this->debug_message( 'is_customize_preview' );
return false;
global $wp_query;
if ( ! isset( $wp_query ) || ! ( $wp_query instanceof \WP_Query ) ) {
return $should_process;
if ( $this->is_amp() ) {
return false;
if ( \is_embed() ) {
$this->debug_message( 'is_embed' );
return false;
if ( \is_feed() ) {
$this->debug_message( 'is_feed' );
return false;
if ( \is_preview() ) {
$this->debug_message( 'is_preview' );
return false;
if ( \wp_script_is( 'twentytwenty-twentytwenty', 'enqueued' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'twentytwenty enqueued' );
return false;
return $should_process;
* Grant read-only access to allowed WebP domains.
* @return array A list of WebP domains.
public function get_webp_domains() {
return $this->allowed_domains;
* Replaces images within a srcset attribute with their .webp derivatives.
* @param string $srcset A valid srcset attribute from an img element.
* @return bool|string False if no changes were made, or the new srcset if any WebP images replaced the originals.
public function srcset_replace( $srcset ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
$srcset_urls = \explode( ' ', $srcset );
$found_webp = false;
if ( $this->is_iterable( $srcset_urls ) && \count( $srcset_urls ) > 1 ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing srcset urls' );
foreach ( $srcset_urls as $srcurl ) {
if ( \is_numeric( \substr( $srcurl, 0, 1 ) ) ) {
$trailing = ' ';
if ( ',' === \substr( $srcurl, -1 ) ) {
$trailing = ',';
$srcurl = \rtrim( $srcurl, ',' );
$this->debug_message( "looking for $srcurl from srcset" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $srcurl ) ) {
$srcset = \str_replace( $srcurl . $trailing, $this->generate_url( $srcurl ) . $trailing, $srcset );
$this->debug_message( "replaced $srcurl in srcset" );
$found_webp = true;
} elseif ( $this->validate_image_url( $srcset ) ) {
return $this->generate_url( $srcset );
if ( $found_webp ) {
return $srcset;
} else {
return false;
* Replaces images within the Jetpack data attributes with their .webp derivatives.
* @param string $image The full text of the img element.
* @return string The modified noscript tag.
public function jetpack_replace( $image ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
$data_orig_file = $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-orig-file' );
if ( $data_orig_file ) {
$this->debug_message( "looking for data-orig-file: $data_orig_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $data_orig_file ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $image, 'data-webp-orig-file', $this->generate_url( $data_orig_file ), true );
$this->debug_message( "replacing $data_orig_file via data-webp-orig-file" );
$data_medium_file = $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-medium-file' );
if ( $data_medium_file ) {
$this->debug_message( "looking for data-medium-file: $data_medium_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $data_medium_file ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $image, 'data-webp-medium-file', $this->generate_url( $data_medium_file ), true );
$this->debug_message( "replacing $data_medium_file via data-webp-medium-file" );
$data_large_file = $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-large-file' );
if ( $data_large_file ) {
$this->debug_message( "looking for data-large-file: $data_large_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $data_large_file ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $image, 'data-webp-large-file', $this->generate_url( $data_large_file ), true );
$this->debug_message( "replacing $data_large_file via data-webp-large-file" );
return $image;
* Replaces images with the WooCommerce data attributes with their .webp derivatives.
* @param string $image The full text of the img element.
* @return string The modified noscript tag.
public function woocommerce_replace( $image ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
$data_large_image = $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-large_image' );
if ( $data_large_image ) {
$this->debug_message( "looking for data-large_image: $data_large_image" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $data_large_image ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $image, 'data-webp-large_image', $this->generate_url( $data_large_image ), true );
$this->debug_message( "replacing $data_large_image via data-webp-large_image" );
$data_src = $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-src' );
if ( $data_src ) {
$this->debug_message( "looking for data-src: $data_src" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $data_src ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $image, 'data-webp-src', $this->generate_url( $data_src ), true );
$this->debug_message( "replacing $data_src via data-webp-src" );
return $image;
* Search for img elements and rewrite them with noscript elements for WebP replacement.
* Any img elements or elements that may be used in place of img elements by JS are checked to see
* if WebP derivatives exist. The element is then wrapped within a noscript element for fallback,
* and noscript element receives a copy of the attributes from the img along with webp replacement
* values for those attributes.
* @param string $buffer The full HTML page generated since the output buffer was started.
* @return string The altered buffer containing the full page with WebP images inserted.
public function filter_page_output( $buffer ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if (
empty( $buffer ) ||
\preg_match( '/^<\?xml/', $buffer ) ||
\strpos( $buffer, 'amp-boilerplate' )
) {
$this->debug_message( 'JS WebP disabled' );
return $buffer;
if ( $this->is_json( $buffer ) ) {
return $buffer;
if ( ! $this->should_process_page() ) {
$this->debug_message( 'JS WebP should not process page' );
return $buffer;
if ( ! \apply_filters( 'eio_do_js_webp', true, $this->request_uri ) ) {
return $buffer;
$body_tags = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'body' );
$body_webp_script = '<script';
foreach ( $this->inline_script_attrs as $attr_name => $attr_value ) {
if ( empty( $attr_name ) || empty( $attr_value ) ) {
if ( \preg_match( '/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', $attr_name ) ) {
$body_webp_script .= ' ' . $attr_name . '="' . \esc_attr( $attr_value ) . '"';
$body_webp_script .= '>if(typeof ewww_webp_supported==="undefined"){var ewww_webp_supported=!1}if(ewww_webp_supported){document.body.classList.add("webp-support")}</script>';
if (
apply_filters( 'ewwwio_insert_body_webp_script', true ) &&
$this->is_iterable( $body_tags ) &&
! empty( $body_tags[0] ) &&
false !== \strpos( $body_tags[0], '<body' ) &&
false === strpos( $body_tags[0], 'x-init' ) &&
false === strpos( $body_tags[0], 'x-data' ) &&
! $this->str_ends_with( $body_tags[0], '=>' )
) {
// Add the WebP script right after the opening tag.
$buffer = \str_replace( $body_tags[0], $body_tags[0] . "\n" . $body_webp_script, $buffer );
} elseif ( apply_filters( 'ewwwio_insert_body_webp_script', true ) ) {
$buffer = \str_replace( '<body>', "<body>\n$body_webp_script", $buffer );
$images = $this->get_images_from_html( \preg_replace( '/<(picture|noscript).*?\/\1>/s', '', $buffer ), false );
if ( ! empty( $images[0] ) && $this->is_iterable( $images[0] ) ) {
foreach ( $images[0] as $index => $image ) {
if ( false !== \strpos( $image, 'ewww_webp' ) ) {
// Ignore 0-size Pinterest schema images.
if ( \strpos( $image, 'data-pin-description=' ) && \strpos( $image, 'width="0" height="0"' ) ) {
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $image ) ) {
$file = \trim( $images['img_url'][ $index ] );
$this->debug_message( "parsing an image: $file" );
if ( \strpos( $image, 'jetpack-lazy-image' ) && $this->validate_image_url( $file ) ) {
$new_image = $image;
$new_image = $this->jetpack_replace( $new_image );
$real_file = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-src' );
$this->debug_message( 'checking webp for Jetpack Lazy Load data-lazy-src' );
if ( $real_file && $this->validate_image_url( $real_file ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "found webp for Lazy Load: $real_file" );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-src-webp', $this->generate_url( $real_file ) );
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-srcset' );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-srcset-webp', $srcset_webp );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp_lazy_load', true );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
} elseif (
$this->validate_image_url( $file ) &&
( false === \strpos( $image, 'lazyload' ) || false !== \strpos( $image, 'lazyloaded' ) )
) {
// If a CDN path match was found, or .webp image existence is confirmed, and this is not a lazy-load 'dummy' image.
$this->debug_message( 'found a webp image or forced path' );
$new_image = $image;
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-src-img', $file );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-src-webp', $this->generate_url( $file ) );
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $image, 'srcset' );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset-webp', $srcset_webp );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset-img', $srcset );
$this->remove_attribute( $new_image, 'srcset' );
if ( $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-orig-file' ) && $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-medium-file' ) && $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-large-file' ) ) {
$new_image = $this->jetpack_replace( $new_image );
if ( $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-large_image' ) && $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-src' ) ) {
$new_image = $this->woocommerce_replace( $new_image );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'src', $this->placeholder_src, true );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-eio', 'j', true );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp', true );
$this->debug_message( "going to swap\n$image\nwith\n$new_image" );
$noscript = '<noscript>' . $image . '</noscript>';
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image . $noscript, $buffer );
} elseif ( ! empty( $file ) && \strpos( $image, ' data-lazy-src=' ) ) {
// BJ Lazy Load & WP Rocket.
$new_image = $image;
$real_file = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-src' );
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for Lazy Load data-lazy-src: $real_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $real_file ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "found webp for Lazy Load: $real_file" );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-src-webp', $this->generate_url( $real_file ) );
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-srcset' );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazy-srcset-webp', $srcset_webp );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp_lazy_load', true );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
} elseif ( ! empty( $file ) && \strpos( $image, ' data-src=' ) && ( \strpos( $image, ' data-lazy-type="image' ) || \strpos( $image, 'lazyload' ) ) ) {
// a3 or EWWW IO Lazy Load.
$new_image = $image;
$real_file = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-src' );
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for Lazy Load data-src: $real_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $real_file ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for Lazy Load' );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-src-webp', $this->generate_url( $real_file ) );
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset' );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset-webp', $srcset_webp );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp_lazy_load', true );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
} elseif ( ! empty( $file ) && \strpos( $image, 'data-lazysrc=' ) && \strpos( $image, '/essential-grid' ) ) {
// Essential Grid.
$new_image = $image;
$real_file = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazysrc' );
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for EG Lazy Load data-lazysrc: $real_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $real_file ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "found webp for Lazy Load: $real_file" );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazysrc-webp', $this->generate_url( $real_file ) );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp_lazy_load', true );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
// Rev Slider data-lazyload attribute on image elements.
if ( $this->get_attribute( $image, 'data-lazyload' ) ) {
$new_image = $image;
$lazyload = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-lazyload' );
if ( $lazyload ) {
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $lazyload ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-webp-lazyload', $this->generate_url( $lazyload ) );
$this->debug_message( "replacing with webp for data-lazyload: $lazyload" );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
} // End foreach().
} // End if().
// Now we will look for any lazy images that don't have a src attribute (this search returns ALL img elements though).
$images = $this->get_images_from_html( \preg_replace( '/<(picture|noscript).*?\/\1>/s', '', $buffer ), false, false );
if ( ! empty( $images[0] ) && $this->is_iterable( $images[0] ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing images without requiring src' );
foreach ( $images[0] as $index => $image ) {
if ( $this->get_attribute( $image, 'src' ) ) {
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $image ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'found img without src' );
if ( \strpos( $image, 'data-src=' ) && \strpos( $image, 'data-srcset=' ) && \strpos( $image, 'lazyload' ) ) {
// EWWW IO Lazy Load.
$new_image = $image;
$real_file = \trim( $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-src' ) );
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for Lazy Load data-src: $real_file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $real_file ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for Lazy Load' );
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-src-webp', $this->generate_url( $real_file ) );
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset' );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset-webp', $srcset_webp );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp_lazy_load', true );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
} // End foreach().
} // End if().
// Look for images to parse WP Retina Lazy Load.
if ( \class_exists( '\Meow_WR2X_Core' ) && \strpos( $buffer, ' lazyload' ) ) {
$images = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'img' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $images ) ) {
foreach ( $images as $index => $image ) {
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $image ) ) {
$file = \trim( $this->get_attribute( $image, 'src' ) );
if ( ( empty( $file ) || \strpos( $image, 'R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP' ) ) && \strpos( $image, ' data-srcset=' ) && \strpos( $this->get_attribute( $image, 'class' ), 'lazyload' ) ) {
$new_image = $image;
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset' );
$this->debug_message( 'checking webp for Retina Lazy Load data-src' );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'data-srcset-webp', $srcset_webp );
if ( $new_image !== $image ) {
$this->set_attribute( $new_image, 'class', $this->get_attribute( $new_image, 'class' ) . ' ewww_webp_lazy_load', true );
$buffer = \str_replace( $image, $new_image, $buffer );
// Images listed as picture/source elements.
$pictures = $this->get_picture_tags_from_html( $buffer );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $pictures ) ) {
foreach ( $pictures as $index => $picture ) {
if ( \strpos( $picture, 'image/webp' ) ) {
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $picture ) ) {
$sources = $this->get_elements_from_html( $picture, 'source' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $sources ) ) {
foreach ( $sources as $source ) {
$this->debug_message( "parsing a picture source: $source" );
$srcset_attr_name = 'srcset';
if ( false !== \strpos( $source, 'base64,R0lGOD' ) && false !== \strpos( $source, 'data-srcset=' ) ) {
$srcset_attr_name = 'data-srcset';
} elseif ( ! $this->get_attribute( $source, $srcset_attr_name ) && false !== \strpos( $source, 'data-srcset=' ) ) {
$srcset_attr_name = 'data-srcset';
$srcset = $this->get_attribute( $source, $srcset_attr_name );
if ( $srcset ) {
$srcset_webp = $this->srcset_replace( $srcset );
if ( $srcset_webp ) {
$source_webp = \str_replace( $srcset, $srcset_webp, $source );
$this->set_attribute( $source_webp, 'type', 'image/webp' );
$picture = \str_replace( $source, $source_webp . $source, $picture );
if ( $picture !== $pictures[ $index ] ) {
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for picture element' );
$buffer = \str_replace( $pictures[ $index ], $picture, $buffer );
// NextGEN slides listed as 'a' elements and LL 'a' background images.
$links = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'a' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $links ) ) {
foreach ( $links as $index => $link ) {
$this->debug_message( "parsing a link $link" );
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $link ) ) {
$file = $this->get_attribute( $link, 'data-src' );
$thumb = $this->get_attribute( $link, 'data-thumbnail' );
if ( $file && $thumb ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for ngg data-src: $file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $file ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $link, 'data-webp', $this->generate_url( $file ) );
$this->debug_message( "found webp for ngg data-src: $file" );
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for ngg data-thumbnail: $thumb" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $thumb ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $link, 'data-webp-thumbnail', $this->generate_url( $thumb ) );
$this->debug_message( "found webp for ngg data-thumbnail: $thumb" );
$bg_image = $this->get_attribute( $link, 'data-back' );
$link_class = $this->get_attribute( $link, 'class' );
if ( $link_class && $bg_image && false !== \strpos( $link_class, 'lazyload' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking a/link for LL data-back: $bg_image" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $bg_image ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $link, 'data-back-webp', $this->generate_url( $bg_image ) );
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for LL data-back' );
if ( $link !== $links[ $index ] ) {
$buffer = \str_replace( $links[ $index ], $link, $buffer );
// Revolution Slider 'li' elements and LL li backgrounds.
$listitems = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'li' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $listitems ) ) {
foreach ( $listitems as $index => $listitem ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing a listitem' );
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $listitem ) ) {
if ( $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'data-title' ) === 'Slide' && ( $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'data-lazyload' ) || $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'data-thumb' ) ) ) {
$thumb = $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'data-thumb' );
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for revslider data-thumb: $thumb" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $thumb ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $listitem, 'data-webp-thumb', $this->generate_url( $thumb ) );
$this->debug_message( "found webp for revslider data-thumb: $thumb" );
$param_num = 1;
while ( $param_num < 11 ) {
$parameter = $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'data-param' . $param_num );
if ( $parameter ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for revslider data-param$param_num: $parameter" );
if ( \strpos( $parameter, 'http' ) === 0 ) {
$this->debug_message( "looking for $parameter" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $parameter ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $listitem, 'data-webp-param' . $param_num, $this->generate_url( $parameter ) );
$this->debug_message( "found webp for data-param$param_num: $parameter" );
if ( $listitem !== $listitems[ $index ] ) {
$buffer = \str_replace( $listitems[ $index ], $listitem, $buffer );
$bg_image = $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'data-back' );
$li_class = $this->get_attribute( $listitem, 'class' );
if ( $li_class && $bg_image && false !== strpos( $li_class, 'lazyload' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking div for LL data-back: $bg_image" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $bg_image ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $listitem, 'data-back-webp', $this->generate_url( $bg_image ) );
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for LL data-back' );
$buffer = \str_replace( $listitems[ $index ], $listitem, $buffer );
} // End foreach().
} // End if().
// WooCommerce thumbs listed as 'div' elements and LL div backgrounds.
$divs = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'div' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $divs ) ) {
foreach ( $divs as $index => $div ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing a div' );
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $div ) ) {
$thumb = $this->get_attribute( $div, 'data-thumb' );
$div_class = $this->get_attribute( $div, 'class' );
if ( $div_class && $thumb && \strpos( $div_class, 'woocommerce-product-gallery__image' ) !== false ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for WC data-thumb: $thumb" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $thumb ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $div, 'data-webp-thumb', $this->generate_url( $thumb ) );
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for WC data-thumb' );
$buffer = \str_replace( $divs[ $index ], $div, $buffer );
$bg_image = $this->get_attribute( $div, 'data-back' );
if ( $div_class && $bg_image && false !== \strpos( $div_class, 'lazyload' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking div for LL data-back: $bg_image" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $bg_image ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $div, 'data-back-webp', $this->generate_url( $bg_image ) );
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for LL data-back' );
$buffer = \str_replace( $divs[ $index ], $div, $buffer );
// Look for LL 'section' elements.
$sections = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'section' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $sections ) ) {
foreach ( $sections as $index => $section ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing a section' );
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $section ) ) {
$class = $this->get_attribute( $section, 'class' );
$bg_image = $this->get_attribute( $section, 'data-back' );
if ( $class && $bg_image && false !== \strpos( $class, 'lazyload' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking section for LL data-back: $bg_image" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $bg_image ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $section, 'data-back-webp', $this->generate_url( $bg_image ) );
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for LL data-back' );
$buffer = \str_replace( $sections[ $index ], $section, $buffer );
// Look for LL 'span' elements.
$spans = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'span' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $spans ) ) {
foreach ( $spans as $index => $span ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing a span' );
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $span ) ) {
$class = $this->get_attribute( $span, 'class' );
$bg_image = $this->get_attribute( $span, 'data-back' );
if ( $class && $bg_image && false !== \strpos( $class, 'lazyload' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking span for LL data-back: $bg_image" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $bg_image ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $span, 'data-back-webp', $this->generate_url( $bg_image ) );
$this->debug_message( 'found webp for LL data-back' );
$buffer = \str_replace( $spans[ $index ], $span, $buffer );
// Video elements, looking for poster attributes that are images.
$videos = $this->get_elements_from_html( $buffer, 'video' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $videos ) ) {
foreach ( $videos as $index => $video ) {
$this->debug_message( 'parsing a video element' );
if ( ! $this->validate_tag( $video ) ) {
$file = $this->get_attribute( $video, 'poster' );
if ( $file ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking webp for video poster: $file" );
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $file ) ) {
$this->set_attribute( $video, 'data-poster-webp', $this->generate_url( $file ) );
$this->set_attribute( $video, 'data-poster-image', $file );
$this->remove_attribute( $video, 'poster' );
$this->debug_message( "found webp for video poster: $file" );
$buffer = \str_replace( $videos[ $index ], $video, $buffer );
$this->debug_message( 'all done parsing page for JS WebP' );
return $buffer;
* Handle image urls within the NextGEN pro lightbox displays.
* @param array $images An array of NextGEN images and associate attributes.
* @return array The array of images with WebP versions added.
public function ngg_pro_lightbox_images_queue( $images ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $images ) ) {
foreach ( $images as $index => $image ) {
if ( ! empty( $image['image'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $image['image'] ) ) {
$images[ $index ]['image-webp'] = $this->generate_url( $image['image'] );
if ( ! empty( $image['thumb'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $image['thumb'] ) ) {
$images[ $index ]['thumb-webp'] = $this->generate_url( $image['thumb'] );
if ( ! empty( $image['full_image'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $image['full_image'] ) ) {
$images[ $index ]['full_image_webp'] = $this->generate_url( $image['full_image'] );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $image['srcsets'] ) ) {
foreach ( $image['srcsets'] as $size => $srcset ) {
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $srcset ) ) {
$images[ $index ]['srcsets'][ $size . '-webp' ] = $this->generate_url( $srcset );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $image['full_srcsets'] ) ) {
foreach ( $image['full_srcsets'] as $size => $srcset ) {
if ( $this->validate_image_url( $srcset ) ) {
$images[ $index ]['full_srcsets'][ $size . '-webp' ] = $this->generate_url( $srcset );
return $images;
* Adds WebP URLs to the product variation data before it is JSON-encoded.
* @param array $variation The product variation with all associated data.
* @return array The product variation with WebP image URLs added.
public function woocommerce_available_variation( $variation ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $variation ) && $this->is_iterable( $variation['image'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $variation['image']['src'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $variation['image']['src'] ) ) {
$variation['image']['src_webp'] = $this->generate_url( $variation['image']['src'] );
if ( ! empty( $variation['image']['full_src'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $variation['image']['full_src'] ) ) {
$variation['image']['full_src_webp'] = $this->generate_url( $variation['image']['full_src'] );
if ( ! empty( $variation['image']['gallery_thumbnail_src'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $variation['image']['gallery_thumbnail_src'] ) ) {
$variation['image']['gallery_thumbnail_src_webp'] = $this->generate_url( $variation['image']['gallery_thumbnail_src'] );
if ( ! empty( $variation['image']['thumb_src'] ) && $this->validate_image_url( $variation['image']['thumb_src'] ) ) {
$variation['image']['thumb_src_webp'] = $this->generate_url( $variation['image']['thumb_src'] );
if ( ! empty( $variation['image']['srcset'] ) ) {
$webp_srcset = $this->srcset_replace( $variation['image']['srcset'] );
if ( $webp_srcset ) {
$variation['image']['srcset_webp'] = $webp_srcset;
return $variation;
* Parse template data from FacetWP that will be included in JSON response.
* https://facetwp.com/documentation/developers/output/facetwp_render_output/
* @param array $output The full array of FacetWP data.
* @return array The FacetWP data with WebP images.
public function filter_facetwp_json_output( $output ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( empty( $output['template'] ) || ! \is_string( $output['template'] ) ) {
return $output;
$template = $this->filter_page_output( $output['template'] );
if ( $template ) {
$this->debug_message( 'template data modified' );
$output['template'] = $template;
return $output;
* Parse an array of image URLs and replace them with their WebP counterparts.
* Mostly for our Lazy Loader at this point, since it uses JSON when multiple
* background images are used on a single element.
* @param array $image_urls An array of image URLs.
* @return array An array with WebP image URLs.
public function filter_image_url_array( $image_urls ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
if ( $this->is_iterable( $image_urls ) ) {
foreach ( $image_urls as $index => $image_url ) {
$this->debug_message( "checking $image_url for a WebP variant" );
if ( ! empty( $image_url ) && $this->validate_image_url( $image_url ) ) {
$image_urls[ $index ] = $this->generate_url( $image_url );
return $image_urls;
* Converts a URL to a file-system path and checks if the resulting path exists.
* @param string $url The URL to mangle.
* @param string $extension An optional extension to append during is_file().
* @return bool True if a local file exists correlating to the URL, false otherwise.
public function url_to_path_exists( $url, $extension = '' ) {
return parent::url_to_path_exists( $url, '.webp' );
* Validate the user-defined exclusions.
public function validate_user_exclusions() {
$user_exclusions = $this->get_option( $this->prefix . 'webp_rewrite_exclude' );
$this->debug_message( $this->prefix . 'webp_rewrite_exclude' );
if ( ! empty( $user_exclusions ) ) {
if ( \is_string( $user_exclusions ) ) {
$user_exclusions = array( $user_exclusions );
if ( \is_array( $user_exclusions ) ) {
foreach ( $user_exclusions as $exclusion ) {
if ( ! \is_string( $exclusion ) ) {
$exclusion = \trim( $exclusion );
if ( 0 === \strpos( $exclusion, 'page:' ) ) {
$this->user_page_exclusions[] = \str_replace( 'page:', '', $exclusion );
if (
'a' === $exclusion ||
'div' === $exclusion ||
'li' === $exclusion ||
'picture' === $exclusion ||
'section' === $exclusion ||
'span' === $exclusion ||
'video' === $exclusion
) {
$this->user_element_exclusions[] = $exclusion;
$this->user_exclusions[] = $exclusion;
* Checks if the tag is allowed to be rewritten.
* @param string $image The HTML tag: img, span, etc.
* @return bool False if it flags a filter or exclusion, true otherwise.
public function validate_tag( $image ) {
$this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' );
// Ignore 0-size Pinterest schema images.
if ( \strpos( $image, 'data-pin-description=' ) && \strpos( $image, 'width="0" height="0"' ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'data-pin-description img skipped' );
return false;
$test_tag = \ltrim( \substr( $image, 0, 10 ), '<' );
foreach ( $this->user_element_exclusions as $element_exclusion ) {
if ( 0 === \strpos( $test_tag, $element_exclusion ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "$element_exclusion tag skipped" );
$exclusions = \apply_filters(
foreach ( $exclusions as $exclusion ) {
if ( false !== \strpos( $image, $exclusion ) ) {
$this->debug_message( "tag matched $exclusion" );
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the path is a valid WebP image, on-disk or forced.
* @param string $image The image URL.
* @return bool True if the file exists or matches a forced path, false otherwise.
public function validate_image_url( $image ) {
$this->debug_message( __METHOD__ . "() webp validation for $image" );
if ( $this->is_lazy_placeholder( $image ) ) {
return false;
// Cleanup the image from encoded HTML characters.
$image = \str_replace( '&#038;', '&', $image );
$image = \str_replace( '#038;', '&', $image );
$extension = '';
$image_path = $this->parse_url( $image, PHP_URL_PATH );
if ( ! \is_null( $image_path ) && $image_path ) {
$extension = \strtolower( \pathinfo( $image_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) );
if ( $extension && 'gif' === $extension && ! $this->get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_force_gif2webp' ) ) {
return false;
if ( $extension && 'svg' === $extension ) {
return false;
if ( $extension && 'webp' === $extension ) {
return false;
if ( \apply_filters( 'ewww_image_optimizer_skip_webp_rewrite', false, $image ) ) {
return false;
if ( $this->get_option( 'ewww_image_optimizer_webp_force' ) && $this->is_iterable( $this->allowed_urls ) ) {
// Check the image for configured CDN paths.
foreach ( $this->allowed_urls as $allowed_url ) {
if ( \strpos( $image, $allowed_url ) !== false ) {
$this->debug_message( 'forced cdn image' );
return true;
} elseif ( $this->allowed_urls && $this->allowed_domains ) {
if ( $this->cdn_to_local( $image ) ) {
return true;
return $this->url_to_path_exists( $image );
* Generate a WebP URL by appending .webp to the filename.
* @param string $url The image url.
* @return string The WebP version of the image url.
public function generate_url( $url ) {
$path_parts = \explode( '?', $url );
return \apply_filters( 'ewwwio_generated_webp_image_url', $path_parts[0] . '.webp' . ( ! empty( $path_parts[1] ) && 'is-pending-load=1' !== $path_parts[1] ? '?' . $path_parts[1] : '' ) );
* Load full WebP script when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled.
public function debug_script() {
if ( ! $this->should_process_page() ) {
if ( ! \apply_filters( 'eio_do_js_webp', true, $this->request_uri ) ) {
if ( ! \ewww_image_optimizer_ce_webp_enabled() ) {
\wp_enqueue_script( 'ewww-webp-check-script', \plugins_url( '/includes/check-webp.js', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_FILE ), array(), $this->version );
\wp_enqueue_script( 'ewww-webp-load-script', \plugins_url( '/includes/load-webp.js', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_FILE ), array(), $this->version, true );
* Load minified WebP script when EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_WEBP_EXTERNAL_SCRIPT is set.
public function min_external_script() {
if ( ! $this->should_process_page() ) {
if ( ! \apply_filters( 'eio_do_js_webp', true, $this->request_uri ) ) {
if ( ! \ewww_image_optimizer_ce_webp_enabled() ) {
\wp_enqueue_script( 'ewww-webp-check-script', \plugins_url( '/includes/check-webp.min.js', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_FILE ), array(), $this->version );
\wp_enqueue_script( 'ewww-webp-load-script', \plugins_url( '/includes/load-webp.min.js', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PLUGIN_FILE ), array(), $this->version, true );
* Load minified inline version of check WebP script.
public function inline_check_script() {
if ( ! $this->should_process_page() ) {
if ( ! \apply_filters( 'eio_do_js_webp', true, $this->request_uri ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'inlining check webp script' );
echo '<script';
foreach ( $this->inline_script_attrs as $attr_name => $attr_value ) {
if ( empty( $attr_name ) || empty( $attr_value ) ) {
if ( \preg_match( '/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', $attr_name ) ) {
echo ' ' . \esc_html( $attr_name ) . '="' . \esc_attr( $attr_value ) . '"';
echo '>' . $this->check_webp_script . '</script>'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Load minified inline version of load WebP script.
public function inline_load_script() {
if ( ! $this->should_process_page() ) {
if ( ! \apply_filters( 'eio_do_js_webp', true, $this->request_uri ) ) {
$this->debug_message( 'inlining load webp script' );
echo '<script';
foreach ( $this->inline_script_attrs as $attr_name => $attr_value ) {
if ( empty( $attr_name ) || empty( $attr_value ) ) {
if ( \preg_match( '/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', $attr_name ) ) {
echo ' ' . \esc_html( $attr_name ) . '="' . \esc_attr( $attr_value ) . '"';
echo '>' . $this->load_webp_script . '</script>'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
global $eio_js_webp;
$eio_js_webp = new JS_Webp();