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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
Plugin Name: What The File
Plugin URI: http://www.barrykooij.com/what-the-file/
Description: What The File adds an option to your toolbar showing what file and template parts are used to display the page youre currently viewing. You can click the file name to directly edit it through the theme editor. Supports BuddyPress and Roots Theme. More information can be found at the <a href='http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/what-the-file/'>WordPress plugin page</a>.
Version: 1.6.0
Author: Never5
Author URI: http://www.never5.com/
License: GPL v3
Requires PHP: 5.3
What The File Plugin
Copyright (C) 2012-2022, Never5 - www.never5.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class WhatTheFile {
const OPTION_INSTALL_DATE = 'whatthefile-install-date';
const OPTION_ADMIN_NOTICE_KEY = 'whatthefile-hide-notice';
CONST VERSION = '1.6.0';
/** @var string $template_name */
private $template_name = '';
/** @var array $template_parts */
private $template_parts = array();
* Method run on plugin activation
public static function plugin_activation() {
// include nag class
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/class-nag.php' );
// insert install date
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'frontend_hooks' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_hooks' ) );
* Set up the admin hooks
* @return void
public function admin_hooks() {
// Check if user is an administrator
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
// include nag class
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/class-nag.php' );
// setup nag
$nag = new WTF_Nag();
// include plugin links class
require_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/class-plugin-links.php' );
// setup plugin links
$plugin_links = new WTF_Plugin_Links();
* Set up the frontend hooks
* @return void
public function frontend_hooks() {
// Don't run in admin or if the admin bar isn't showing
if ( is_admin() || ! is_admin_bar_showing() ) {
// WTF actions and filers
add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'print_css' ) );
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'print_frontend_js' ), 50 );
add_filter( 'template_include', array( $this, 'save_current_page' ), PHP_INT_MAX );
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', array( $this, 'admin_bar_menu' ), 1000 );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_frontend_script' ) );
// BuddyPress support
if ( class_exists( 'BuddyPress' ) ) {
add_action( 'bp_core_pre_load_template', array( $this, 'save_buddy_press_template' ) );
// Template part hooks
add_action( 'all', array( $this, 'save_template_parts' ), 1, 3 );
* Get the current page
* @return string
private function get_current_page() {
return $this->template_name;
* Check if file exists in child theme
* @param $file
* @return bool
private function file_exists_in_child_theme( $file ) {
return file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file );
* Returns if direct file editing through WordPress is allowed
* @return bool
private function is_file_editing_allowed() {
return ! ( ( defined( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT' ) && true == DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT ) || ( defined( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS' ) && true == DISALLOW_FILE_MODS ) );
* Save the template parts in our array
* @param string $tag
* @param string|null $slug
* @param string|null $name
public function save_template_parts( $tag, $slug = null, $name = null ) {
if ( 0 !== strpos( $tag, 'get_template_part_' ) ) {
// Check if slug is set
if ( $slug != null ) {
// Templates array
$templates = array();
// Add possible template part to array
if ( $name != null ) {
$templates[] = "{$slug}-{$name}.php";
// Add possible template part to array
$templates[] = "{$slug}.php";
// Get the correct template part
$template_part = str_replace( get_template_directory() . '/', '', locate_template( $templates ) );
$template_part = str_replace( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/', '', $template_part );
// Add template part if found
if ( $template_part != '' ) {
$this->template_parts[] = $template_part;
* Save the BuddyPress template
* @param $template
public function save_buddy_press_template( $template ) {
if ( '' == $this->template_name ) {
$template_name = $template;
$template_name = str_ireplace( get_template_directory() . '/', '', $template_name );
$template_name = str_ireplace( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/', '', $template_name );
$this->template_name = $template_name;
* Save the current page in our local var
* @param $template_name
* @return mixed
public function save_current_page( $template_name ) {
$this->template_name = basename( $template_name );
// Do Roots Theme check
if ( function_exists( 'roots_template_path' ) ) {
$this->template_name = basename( roots_template_path() );
} else if( function_exists( 'Roots\Sage\Wrapper\template_path' ) ) {
$this->template_name = basename( Roots\Sage\Wrapper\template_path() );
return $template_name;
* Add the admin bar menu
public function admin_bar_menu() {
global $wp_admin_bar;
// Check if direct file editing is allowed
$edit_allowed = $this->is_file_editing_allowed();
// Add top menu
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wtf-bar',
'parent' => 'top-secondary',
'title' => __( 'What The File', 'what-the-file' ),
'href' => false
) );
// Check if template file exists in child theme
$theme = get_stylesheet();
if ( ! $this->file_exists_in_child_theme( $this->get_current_page() ) ) {
$theme = get_template();
// Add current page
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wtf-bar-template-file',
'parent' => 'wtf-bar',
'title' => $this->get_current_page(),
'href' => ( ( $edit_allowed ) ? get_admin_url() . 'theme-editor.php?file=' . $this->get_current_page() . '&theme=' . $theme : false )
) );
// Add template parts menu item
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wtf-bar-template-parts',
'parent' => 'wtf-bar',
'title' => 'Template Parts',
'href' => false
) );
// add a dummy child, we replace this via JS
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wtf-bar-template-part-loading',
'parent' => 'wtf-bar-template-parts',
'title' => 'Loading...',
'href' => false
) );
// Add powered by
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'wtf-bar-powered-by',
'parent' => 'wtf-bar',
'title' => 'Powered by Never5',
'href' => 'http://www.never5.com?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=wtf-bar&utm_campaign=what-the-file'
) );
* Print the custom CSS
public function print_css() {
echo "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">#wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar > .ab-item{padding-right:26px !important;background: url('" . plugins_url( 'assets/images/never5-logo.png', __FILE__ ) . "')center right no-repeat !important;} #wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar.hover > .ab-item {background-color: #32373c !important; } #wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar #wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar-template-file .ab-item, #wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar #wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar-template-parts {text-align:right;} #wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar-template-parts.menupop > .ab-item:before{ right:auto !important; }#wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar-powered-by{text-align: right;}#wp-admin-bar-wtf-bar-powered-by a{color:#ffa100 !important;} #wpadminbar .ab-top-secondary .menupop .menupop > .ab-item .wp-admin-bar-arrow:before {right: auto !important;}</style>\n";
* Enqueue frontend JS
* @return void
public function enqueue_frontend_script() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'rp4wp-frontend-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/js/what-the-file.js', array(), self::VERSION, true );
* Print frontend JS
* @return void
public function print_frontend_js() {
$edit_allowed = $this->is_file_editing_allowed();
$templates = array();
foreach ( $this->template_parts as $template_part ) {
// dedupe template parts
foreach ( $templates as $t ) {
if ( $t['file'] == $template_part ) {
continue 2;
$theme = get_stylesheet();
if ( ! $this->file_exists_in_child_theme( $template_part ) ) {
$theme = get_template();
$templates[] = array(
"edit_url" => ( ( $edit_allowed ) ? get_admin_url() . 'theme-editor.php?file=' . $template_part . '&theme=' . $theme : false ),
"file" => $template_part
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>var wtf_templates = " . json_encode( $templates ) . ";</script>";
* What The File main function
function __what_the_file_main() {
new WhatTheFile();
// Init plugin
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', '__what_the_file_main' );
// Register hook
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( 'WhatTheFile', 'plugin_activation' ) );