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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
* Displays the content on the plugin settings page
* @package BestWebSoft
* @since 1.9.8
if ( ! class_exists( 'Bws_Settings_Tabs' ) ) {
class Bws_Settings_Tabs {
private $tabs;
private $pro_plugin_is_activated = false;
private $custom_code_args = array();
private $bws_plugin_link = '';
public $plugin_basename;
public $prefix;
public $wp_slug;
public $options;
public $default_options;
public $is_network_options;
public $plugins_info = array();
public $hide_pro_tabs = false;
public $demo_data;
public $is_pro = false;
public $pro_page;
public $bws_license_plugin;
public $link_key;
public $link_pn;
public $is_trial = false;
public $licenses;
public $trial_days;
public $bws_hide_pro_option_exist = true;
public $forbid_view = false;
public $change_permission_attr = '';
public $version;
public $upload_dir;
public $all_plugins;
public $is_multisite;
public $doc_link;
public $doc_video_link;
* Constructor.
* The child class should call this constructor from its own constructor to override
* the default $args.
* @access public
* @param array|string $args
public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
global $wp_version;
$args = wp_parse_args(
'plugin_basename' => '',
'prefix' => '',
'plugins_info' => array(),
'default_options' => array(),
'options' => array(),
'is_network_options' => false,
'tabs' => array(),
'doc_link' => '',
'doc_video_link' => '',
'wp_slug' => '',
'demo_data' => false,
/* if this is free version and pro exist */
'link_key' => '',
'link_pn' => '',
'trial_days' => false,
'licenses' => array(),
$args['plugins_info']['Name'] = str_replace( ' by BestWebSoft', '', $args['plugins_info']['Name'] );
$this->plugin_basename = $args['plugin_basename'];
$this->prefix = $args['prefix'];
$this->plugins_info = $args['plugins_info'];
$this->options = $args['options'];
$this->default_options = $args['default_options'];
$this->wp_slug = $args['wp_slug'];
$this->demo_data = $args['demo_data'];
$this->tabs = $args['tabs'];
$this->is_network_options = $args['is_network_options'];
$this->doc_link = $args['doc_link'];
$this->doc_video_link = $args['doc_video_link'];
$this->link_key = $args['link_key'];
$this->link_pn = $args['link_pn'];
$this->trial_days = $args['trial_days'];
$this->licenses = $args['licenses'];
$this->pro_page = $this->bws_license_plugin = '';
/* get $bws_plugins */
require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/product_list.php';
if ( isset( $bws_plugins[ $this->plugin_basename ] ) ) {
if ( isset( $bws_plugins[ $this->plugin_basename ]['pro_settings'] ) ) {
$this->pro_page = $bws_plugins[ $this->plugin_basename ]['pro_settings'];
$this->bws_license_plugin = $bws_plugins[ $this->plugin_basename ]['pro_version'];
$this->bws_plugin_link = substr( $bws_plugins[ $this->plugin_basename ]['link'], 0, strpos( $bws_plugins[ $this->plugin_basename ]['link'], '?' ) );
if ( ! empty( $this->link_key ) && ! empty( $this->link_pn ) ) {
$this->bws_plugin_link .= '?k=' . $this->link_key . '&pn=' . $this->link_pn . '&v=' . $this->plugins_info['Version'] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version;
$this->hide_pro_tabs = bws_hide_premium_options_check( $this->options );
$this->version = '1.0.0';
$this->is_multisite = is_multisite();
if ( empty( $this->pro_page ) && array_key_exists( 'license', $this->tabs ) ) {
$this->is_pro = true;
$this->licenses[ $this->plugins_info['TextDomain'] ] = array(
'name' => $this->plugins_info['Name'],
'slug' => $this->plugins_info['TextDomain'],
'basename' => $this->plugin_basename,
} else {
$this->licenses[ $this->plugins_info['TextDomain'] ] = array(
'name' => $this->plugins_info['Name'],
'slug' => $this->plugins_info['TextDomain'],
'pro_slug' => substr( $this->bws_license_plugin, 0, stripos( $this->bws_license_plugin, '/' ) ),
'basename' => $this->plugin_basename,
'pro_basename' => $this->bws_license_plugin,
* Displays the content of the "Settings" on the plugin settings page
* @access public
* @param void
* @return void
public function display_content() {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options;
if ( array_key_exists( 'custom_code', $this->tabs ) ) {
/* get args for `custom code` tab */
$save_results = $this->save_all_tabs_options();
$this->display_messages( $save_results );
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['bws_restore_default'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
bws_form_restore_default_confirm( $this->plugin_basename );
} elseif ( isset( $_POST['bws_handle_demo'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
} else {
bws_show_settings_notice(); ?>
<form class="bws_form" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div id="poststuff">
<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-2">
<div id="post-body-content" style="position: relative;">
<?php $this->display_tabs(); ?>
</div><!-- #post-body-content -->
<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">
<div class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">
<div id="submitdiv" class="postbox">
<h3 class="hndle"><?php esc_html_e( 'Information', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">
<div id="minor-publishing">
<div id="misc-publishing-actions">
* Action - Display additional content for #misc-publishing-Actions
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_information_postbox_top' );
if ( $this->is_pro ) {
if ( isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['wrong_license_key'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) || empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'] ) || ! array_key_exists( $this->plugin_basename, $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'] ) ) {
$license_type = 'Pro';
$license_status = __( 'Inactive', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ' <a href="#' . $this->prefix . '_license_tab" class="bws_trigger_tab_click">' . __( 'Learn More', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</a>';
} else {
$finish = strtotime( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'][ $this->plugin_basename ] );
$today = strtotime( gmdate( 'm/d/Y' ) );
if ( isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['trial'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) ) {
$license_type = 'Trial Pro';
if ( $finish < $today ) {
$license_status = __( 'Expired', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
$daysleft = floor( ( $finish - $today ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) );
$license_status = sprintf( __( '%s day(-s) left', 'bestwebsoft' ), $daysleft );
$license_status .= '. <a target="_blank" href="' . esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] ) . '">' . __( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</a>';
} else {
$license_type = isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['nonprofit'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) ? 'Nonprofit Pro' : 'Pro';
if ( ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) && $finish < $today ) {
$license_status = sprintf( __( 'Expired on %s', 'bestwebsoft' ), $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) . '. <a target="_blank" href="https://support.bestwebsoft.com/entries/53487136">' . __( 'Renew Now', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</a>';
} else {
$license_status = __( 'Active', 'bestwebsoft' );
<div class="misc-pub-section">
<strong><?php esc_html_e( 'License', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <?php echo esc_attr( $license_type ); ?>
<div class="misc-pub-section">
<strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Status', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <?php echo wp_kses_post( $license_status ); ?>
</div><!-- .misc-pub-section -->
<?php } ?>
<div class="misc-pub-section">
<strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Version', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <?php echo esc_attr( $this->plugins_info['Version'] ); ?>
</div><!-- .misc-pub-section -->
* Action - Display additional content for #misc-publishing-Actions
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_information_postbox_bottom' );
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="major-publishing-Actions">
<div id="publishing-Action">
<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->prefix ); ?>_form_submit" value="submit" />
<input id="bws-submit-button" type="submit" class="button button-primary button-large" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Save Changes', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>" />
<?php wp_nonce_field( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
* Action - Display custom metabox
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_display_metabox' );
if ( function_exists( 'bws_affiliate_postbox' ) ) {
<div id="postbox-container-2" class="postbox-container">
* Action - Display additional content for #postbox-container-2
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_display_second_postbox' );
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button button-primary button-large" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Save Changes', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>" />
<?php wp_nonce_field( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ); ?>
if ( ! empty( $this->wp_slug ) ) {
bws_plugin_reviews_block( $this->plugins_info['Name'], $this->wp_slug );}
* Displays the Tabs
* @access public
* @param void
* @return void
public function display_tabs() {
<div id="bws_settings_tabs_wrapper">
<ul id="bws_settings_tabs">
<?php $this->display_tabs_list(); ?>
<?php $this->display_tabs_content(); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<input type="hidden" name="bws_active_tab" value="<?php
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['bws_active_tab'] ) ) {
echo esc_attr( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['bws_active_tab'] ) ) );
?>" />
* Displays the list of tabs
* @access private
* @return void
private function display_tabs_list() {
foreach ( $this->tabs as $tab_slug => $data ) {
if ( ! empty( $data['is_pro'] ) && $this->hide_pro_tabs ) {
$tab_class = 'bws-tab-' . $tab_slug;
if ( ! empty( $data['is_pro'] ) ) {
$tab_class .= ' bws_pro_tab';
if ( ! empty( $data['class'] ) ) {
$tab_class .= ' ' . $data['class'];
<li class="<?php echo esc_attr( $tab_class ); ?>" data-slug="<?php echo esc_attr( $tab_slug ); ?>">
<a href="#<?php echo esc_attr( $this->prefix ); ?>_<?php echo esc_attr( $tab_slug ); ?>_tab">
<span><?php echo esc_html( $data['label'] ); ?></span>
* Displays the content of tabs
* @access private
* @param string $tab_slug
* @return void
public function display_tabs_content() {
foreach ( $this->tabs as $tab_slug => $data ) {
if ( ! empty( $data['is_pro'] ) && $this->hide_pro_tabs ) {
<div class="bws_tab ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->prefix . '_' . $tab_slug . '_tab' ); ?>" aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" role="tabpanel" aria-hidden="false" style="display: block;">
$tab_slug = str_replace( '-', '_', $tab_slug );
if ( method_exists( $this, 'tab_' . $tab_slug ) ) {
call_user_func( array( $this, 'tab_' . $tab_slug ) );
do_action_ref_array( __CLASS__ . '_after_tab_' . $tab_slug, array( &$this ) );
* Save all options from all tabs and display errors\messages
* @access public
* @param void
* @return array
public function save_all_tabs_options() {
$message = $notice = $error = '';
/* Restore default settings */
if ( isset( $_POST['bws_restore_confirm'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_settings_nonce_name' ) ) {
$message = __( 'All plugin settings were restored.', 'bestwebsoft' );
/* Go Pro - check license key */
} elseif ( isset( $_POST['bws_license_submit'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
$result = $this->save_options_license_key();
if ( ! empty( $result['empty_field_error'] ) ) {
$error = $result['empty_field_error'];
if ( ! empty( $result['error'] ) ) {
$error = $result['error'];
if ( ! empty( $result['message'] ) ) {
$message = $result['message'];
if ( ! empty( $result['notice'] ) ) {
$notice = $result['notice'];
/* check demo data */
} else {
$demo_result = ! empty( $this->demo_data ) ? $this->demo_data->bws_handle_demo_data() : false;
if ( false !== $demo_result ) {
if ( ! empty( $demo_result ) && is_array( $demo_result ) ) {
$error = $demo_result['error'];
$message = $demo_result['done'];
if ( ! empty( $demo_result['done'] ) && ! empty( $demo_result['options'] ) ) {
$this->options = $demo_result['options'];
/* Save options */
} elseif ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['bws_restore_default'] ) && ! isset( $_POST['bws_handle_demo'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST[ $this->prefix . '_form_submit' ] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
/* save tabs */
$result = $this->save_options();
if ( ! empty( $result['error'] ) ) {
$error = $result['error'];
if ( ! empty( $result['message'] ) ) {
$message = $result['message'];
if ( ! empty( $result['notice'] ) ) {
$notice = $result['notice'];
if ( '' === $this->change_permission_attr ) {
/* save `misc` tab */
$result = $this->save_options_misc();
if ( ! empty( $result['notice'] ) ) {
$notice .= $result['notice'];
return compact( 'message', 'notice', 'error' );
* Display error\message\notice
* @access public
* @param $save_results - array with error\message\notice
* @return void
public function display_messages( $save_results ) {
* Action - Display custom error\message\notice
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_display_custom_messages', $save_results );
<div class="updated fade inline"
if ( empty( $save_results['message'] ) ) {
echo 'style="display:none"';}
><p><strong><?php echo esc_html( $save_results['message'] ); ?></strong></p></div>
<div class="updated bws-notice inline"
if ( empty( $save_results['notice'] ) ) {
echo 'style="display:none"';}
><p><strong><?php echo esc_html( $save_results['notice'] ); ?></strong></p></div>
<div class="error inline"
if ( empty( $save_results['error'] ) ) {
echo 'style="display:none"';}
><p><strong><?php echo esc_html( $save_results['error'] ); ?></strong></p></div>
* Save plugin options to the database
* @access public
* @param ab
* @return array The Action results
* @abstract
public function save_options() {
die( 'function Bws_Settings_Tabs::save_options() must be over-ridden in a sub-class.' );
* Get 'custom_code' status and content
* @access private
private function get_custom_code() {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options, $wp_filesystem;
$this->custom_code_args = array(
'is_css_active' => false,
'content_css' => '',
'css_writeable' => false,
'is_php_active' => false,
'content_php' => '',
'php_writeable' => false,
'is_js_active' => false,
'content_js' => '',
'js_writeable' => false,
if ( ! $this->upload_dir ) {
$this->upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$folder = $this->upload_dir['basedir'] . '/bws-custom-code';
if ( $this->is_multisite ) {
$this->custom_code_args['blog_id'] = get_current_blog_id();
foreach ( array( 'css', 'php', 'js' ) as $extension ) {
$file = 'bws-custom-code.' . $extension;
$real_file = $folder . '/' . $file;
if ( $wp_filesystem->exists( $real_file ) ) {
update_recently_edited( $real_file );
$this->custom_code_args[ "content_{$extension}" ] = $wp_filesystem->get_contents( $real_file );//file_get_contents( $real_file );
if ( ( $this->is_multisite && isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['custom_code'][ $this->custom_code_args['blog_id'] ][ $file ] ) ) ||
( ! $this->is_multisite && isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['custom_code'][ $file ] ) ) ) {
$this->custom_code_args[ "is_{$extension}_active" ] = true;
if ( is_writeable( $real_file ) ) {
$this->custom_code_args[ "{$extension}_writeable" ] = true;
} else {
$this->custom_code_args[ "{$extension}_writeable" ] = true;
if ( 'php' === $extension ) {
$this->custom_code_args[ "content_{$extension}" ] = '<?php' . "\n" . "if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;" . "\n" . "if ( ! defined( 'BWS_GLOBAL' ) ) exit;" . "\n\n" . '/* Start your code here */' . "\n";
* Display 'custom_code' tab
* @access private
private function tab_custom_code() {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options, $wp_version;
<h3 class="bws_tab_label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Custom Code', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></h3>
$bws_hide_premium = bws_hide_premium_options_check( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
<h4><?php esc_html_e( 'The ability to add custom code is available in the Pro version. If the Pro version is not available please contact us via Help Center', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?> (<a href="<?php echo esc_url( 'https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/requests/new' ); ?>"><?php echo esc_url( 'https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/requests/new' ); ?></a>)</h4>
if ( ! $bws_hide_premium ) {
<div class="bws_pro_version_bloc pdfprnt-pro-feature">
<div class="bws_pro_version_table_bloc">
<button type="submit" name="bws_hide_premium_options" class="notice-dismiss bws_hide_premium_options" title="Close"></button>
<div class="bws_table_bg"></div>
<div class="bws_pro_version">
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_plugins' ) ) {
echo '<p>' . esc_html__( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to edit plugins for this site.', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</p>';
$list = array(
'css' => array(
'description' => __( 'These styles will be added to the header on all pages of your site.', 'bestwebsoft' ),
'learn_more_link' => 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Getting_started',
'php' => array(
'description' => sprintf( __( 'This PHP code will be hooked to the %s Action and will be printed on front end only.', 'bestwebsoft' ), '<a href="https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/init" target="_blank"><code>init</code></a>' ),
'learn_more_link' => 'https://php.net/',
'js' => array(
'description' => __( 'These code will be added to the header on all pages of your site.', 'bestwebsoft' ),
'learn_more_link' => 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript',
foreach ( $list as $extension => $extension_data ) {
$name = 'js' === $extension ? 'JavaScript' : strtoupper( $extension );
<strong><?php echo esc_html( $name ); ?></strong>
if ( ! $this->custom_code_args[ "{$extension}_writeable" ] ) {
echo '(' . esc_html__( 'Browsing', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ')';}
<p class="bws_info">
<input type="checkbox" value="1"
if ( $this->custom_code_args[ "is_{$extension}_active" ] ) {
echo 'checked';}
<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Activate custom %s code.', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_html( $name ) ); ?>
<textarea cols="70" rows="25" id="bws_newcontent_<?php echo esc_attr( $extension ); ?>" disabled="disabled"><?php
if ( isset( $this->custom_code_args[ "content_{$extension}" ] ) ) {
echo esc_html( stripslashes_deep( $this->custom_code_args[ "content_{$extension}" ] ) ); }
<p class="bws_info">
<?php echo esc_html( $extension_data['description'] ); ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $extension_data['learn_more_link'] ); ?>" target="_blank">
<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Learn more about %s', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_html__( $name ) ); ?>
<div class="bws_pro_version_tooltip">
<a class="bws_button" href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] ); ?>?k=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->link_key ); ?>&amp;pn=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->link_pn ); ?>&amp;v=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->plugins_info['Version'] ); ?>&amp;wp_v=<?php echo esc_attr( $wp_version ); ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo $this->plugins_info["Name"]; ?>">Upgrade to Pro</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
} else {
<div class="bws_pro_version_tooltip">
<a class="bws_button" href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] ); ?>?k=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->link_key ); ?>&amp;pn=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->link_pn ); ?>&amp;v=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->plugins_info['Version'] ); ?>&amp;wp_v=<?php echo esc_attr( $wp_version ); ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo $this->plugins_info["Name"]; ?>">Upgrade to Pro</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
* Display 'misc' tab
* @access private
private function tab_misc() {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options;
<h3 class="bws_tab_label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Miscellaneous Settings', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></h3>
<?php $this->help_phrase(); ?>
* Action - Display custom options on the Import / Export' tab
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_additional_misc_options' );
if ( ! $this->forbid_view && ! empty( $this->change_permission_attr ) ) {
<div class="error inline bws_visible"><p><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Notice', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <strong><?php printf( esc_html__( 'It is prohibited to change %1$s settings on this site in the %2$s network settings.', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ) ); ?></strong></p></div>
if ( $this->forbid_view ) {
<div class="error inline bws_visible"><p><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Notice', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <strong><?php printf( esc_html__( 'It is prohibited to view %1$s settings on this site in the %2$s network settings.', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ) ); ?></strong></p></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<table class="form-table">
* Action - Display custom options on the 'misc' tab
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_additional_misc_options_affected' );
if ( ! empty( $this->pro_page ) && $this->bws_hide_pro_option_exist ) {
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e( 'Pro Options', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></th>
<input <?php echo esc_attr( wp_kses_data( $this->change_permission_attr ) ); ?> name="bws_hide_premium_options_submit" type="checkbox" value="1"
if ( ! $this->hide_pro_tabs ) {
echo 'checked="checked "';}
<span class="bws_info"><?php esc_html_e( 'Enable to display plugin Pro options.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></span>
<?php } ?>
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e( 'Track Usage', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></th>
<input <?php echo esc_attr( wp_kses_data( $this->change_permission_attr ) ); ?> name="bws_track_usage" type="checkbox" value="1"
if ( ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['products'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) ) {
echo 'checked="checked "';}
<span class="bws_info"><?php esc_html_e( 'Enable to allow tracking plugin usage anonymously in order to make it better.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></span>
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e( 'Default Settings', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></th>
<input<?php echo esc_attr( wp_kses_data( $this->change_permission_attr ) ); ?> name="bws_restore_default" type="submit" class="button" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Restore Settings', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>" />
<div class="bws_info"><?php esc_html_e( 'This will restore plugin settings to defaults.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></div>
* Display 'Import / Export' tab
* @access private
public function tab_import_export() {
<h3 class="bws_tab_label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Import / Export', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></h3>
<?php $this->help_phrase(); ?>
* Action - Display custom options on the Import / Export' tab
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_additional_import_export_options' );
if ( ! $this->forbid_view && ! empty( $this->change_permission_attr ) ) {
<div class="error inline bws_visible"><p><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Notice', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <strong><?php printf( esc_html__( 'It is prohibited to change %1$s settings on this site in the %2$s network settings.', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ) ); ?></strong></p></div>
if ( $this->forbid_view ) {
<div class="error inline bws_visible"><p><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Notice', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>:</strong> <strong><?php printf( esc_html__( 'It is prohibited to view %1$s settings on this site in the %2$s network settings.', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ), esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ) ); ?></strong></p></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<table class="form-table">
* Action - Display custom options on the Import / Export' tab
do_action( __CLASS__ . '_additional_import_export_options_affected' );
* Save plugin options to the database
* @access private
private function save_options_misc() {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options, $wp_version;
$notice = '';
/* hide premium options */
if ( ! empty( $this->pro_page ) ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['bws_hide_premium_options'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
$hide_result = bws_hide_premium_options( $this->options );
$this->hide_pro_tabs = true;
$this->options = $hide_result['options'];
if ( ! empty( $hide_result['message'] ) ) {
$notice = $hide_result['message'];
if ( $this->is_network_options ) {
update_site_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
} else {
update_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
} elseif ( isset( $_POST['bws_hide_premium_options_submit'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $this->options['hide_premium_options'] ) ) {
$key = array_search( get_current_user_id(), $this->options['hide_premium_options'] );
if ( false !== $key ) {
unset( $this->options['hide_premium_options'][ $key ] );
if ( $this->is_network_options ) {
update_site_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
} else {
update_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
$this->hide_pro_tabs = false;
} else {
if ( empty( $this->options['hide_premium_options'] ) ) {
$this->options['hide_premium_options'][] = get_current_user_id();
if ( $this->is_network_options ) {
update_site_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
} else {
update_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
$this->hide_pro_tabs = true;
/* Save 'Track Usage' option */
if ( isset( $_POST['bws_track_usage'] ) && check_admin_referer( $this->plugin_basename, 'bws_nonce_name' ) ) {
if ( empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['products'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['products'][ $this->plugin_basename ] = true;
$track_usage = true;
} else {
if ( ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['products'][ $this->plugin_basename ] ) ) {
unset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['products'][ $this->plugin_basename ] );
$track_usage = false;
if ( isset( $track_usage ) ) {
$usage_id = ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['usage_id'] ) ? $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['usage_id'] : false;
/* send data */
$options = array(
'timeout' => 3,
'body' => array(
'url' => get_bloginfo( 'url' ),
'wp_version' => $wp_version,
'is_active' => $track_usage,
'product' => $this->plugin_basename,
'version' => $this->plugins_info['Version'],
'usage_id' => $usage_id,
'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ),
$raw_response = wp_remote_post( 'https://bestwebsoft.com/wp-content/plugins/products-statistics/track-usage/', $options );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $raw_response ) && 200 === intval( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $raw_response ) ) ) {
$response = maybe_unserialize( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $raw_response ) );
if ( is_array( $response ) &&
! empty( $response['usage_id'] ) &&
$response['usage_id'] !== $usage_id ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['usage_id'] = $response['usage_id'];
if ( $this->is_multisite ) {
update_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
} else {
update_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
return compact( 'notice' );
public function tab_license() {
global $wp_version, $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options;
<h3 class="bws_tab_label"><?php esc_html_e( 'License Key', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></h3>
<?php $this->help_phrase(); ?>
foreach ( $this->licenses as $single_license ) {
$pro_plugin_name = ( strpos( $single_license['name'], 'Pro' ) ) ? $single_license['name'] : $single_license['name'] . ' Pro';
if ( ! empty( $this->pro_page ) || ! empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) {
if ( $this->pro_plugin_is_activated && ( empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) || isset( $this->bws_license_plugin ) ) ) {
$url = 'https://bestwebsoft.com/wp-content/plugins/paid-products/plugins/downloads/?bws_first_download=' . $this->bws_license_plugin . '&bws_license_key=' . $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $this->bws_license_plugin ] . '&download_from=5';
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><?php echo wp_kses_data( $pro_plugin_name ) . ' License'; ?></th>
<strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Your Pro plugin is ready', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></strong>
<?php esc_html_e( 'Your plugin has been zipped, and now is ready to download.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>
<a class="button button-secondary" target="_parent" href="<?php echo esc_url( $url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Download Now', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Need help installing the plugin?', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></strong>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bestwebsoft.com/documentation/how-to-install-a-wordpress-product/how-to-install-a-wordpress-plugin/"><?php esc_html_e( 'How to install WordPress plugin from your admin Dashboard (ZIP archive)', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Get Started', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></strong>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bestwebsoft.com/documentation/"><?php esc_html_e( 'Documentation', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/user/bestwebsoft"><?php esc_html_e( 'Video Instructions', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://support.bestwebsoft.com"><?php esc_html_e( 'Knowledge Base', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
} else {
$attr = $license_key = '';
if ( isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $this->bws_license_plugin ]['count'] ) &&
'5' < $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $this->bws_license_plugin ]['count'] &&
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $this->bws_license_plugin ]['time'] > ( time() - ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) ) ) {
$attr = 'disabled="disabled"';
if ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) {
$license_key = ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['pro_basename'] ] ) ? $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['pro_basename'] ] : '';
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><?php echo esc_html( $pro_plugin_name ) . ' License'; ?></th>
<input <?php echo wp_kses_data( $attr ); ?> type="text" name="bws_license_key_<?php echo esc_attr( ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_slug'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_slug'] : $single_license['slug'] ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $license_key ); ?>" />
<input <?php echo wp_kses_data( $attr ); ?> type="hidden" name="bws_license_plugin_<?php echo esc_attr( ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_slug'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_slug'] : $single_license['slug'] ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_slug'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_slug'] : $single_license['slug'] ); ?>" />
<input <?php echo wp_kses_data( $attr ); ?> type="submit" class="button button-secondary" name="bws_license_submit" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Activate', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'bws_license_key_nonce' ); ?>" />
<div class="bws_info">
<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Enter your license key to activate %s and get premium plugin features.', 'bestwebsoft' ), '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->bws_plugin_link ) . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_html( $pro_plugin_name ) . '">' . esc_html( $pro_plugin_name ) . '</a>' ); ?>
<?php if ( '' !== $attr ) { ?>
<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Unfortunately, you have exceeded the number of available tries per day. Please, upload the plugin manually.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></p>
if ( false !== $this->trial_days ) {
echo '<p>' . esc_html__( 'or', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] . 'trial/?k=' . $this->link_key . '&pn=' . $this->link_pn . '&v=' . $this->plugins_info['Version'] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version ) . '" target="_blank">' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'Start Your Free %s-Day Trial Now', 'bestwebsoft' ), esc_attr( $this->trial_days ) ) . '</a></p>';
} else {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options;
$license_key = ( isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['basename'] ] ) ) ? $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['basename'] ] : '';
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><?php echo esc_html( $pro_plugin_name ) . ' License'; ?></th>
<input type="text" maxlength="100" name="bws_license_key_<?php echo esc_attr( $single_license['slug'] ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $license_key ); ?>" />
<input type="submit" class="button button-secondary" name="bws_license_submit" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Check license key', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>" />
<div class="bws_info">
<?php esc_html_e( 'If necessary, you can check if the license key is correct or reenter it in the field below.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row"><?php esc_html_e( 'Manage License Settings', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></th>
<a class="button button-secondary" href="https://bestwebsoft.com/client-area" target="_blank"><?php esc_html_e( 'Login to Client Area', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<div class="bws_info">
<?php esc_html_e( 'Manage active licenses, download BWS products, and view your payment history using BestWebSoft Client Area.', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>
* Save plugin options to the database
* @access private
* @param ab
* @return array The Action results
private function save_options_license_key() {
global $wp_version, $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options, $wp_filesystem;
/*$empty_field_error - added to avoid error when 1 field is empty while another field contains license key*/
$error = $message = $empty_field_error = '';
if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) ), 'bws_license_key_nonce' ) ) {
die( __( 'Security check', 'bestwebsoft' ) );
} else {
foreach ( $this->licenses as $single_license ) {
$bws_license_key = ( isset( $_POST[ ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_slug'] ) ) ? 'bws_license_key_' . $single_license['pro_slug'] : 'bws_license_key_' . $single_license['slug'] ] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST[ ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_slug'] ) ) ? 'bws_license_key_' . $single_license['pro_slug'] : 'bws_license_key_' . $single_license['slug'] ] ) ) : '';
if ( '' !== $bws_license_key ) {
if ( strlen( $bws_license_key ) !== 18 ) {
$error = __( 'Wrong license key', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
/* CHECK license key */
if ( $this->is_pro && empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) {
delete_transient( 'bws_plugins_update' );
if ( ! $this->all_plugins ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
$this->all_plugins = get_plugins();
$current = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
if ( ! empty( $this->all_plugins ) && ! empty( $current ) && isset( $current->response ) && is_array( $current->response ) ) {
$to_send = array();
$to_send['plugins'][ $single_license['basename'] ] = $this->all_plugins[ $single_license['basename'] ];
$to_send['plugins'][ $single_license['basename'] ]['bws_license_key'] = $bws_license_key;
$to_send['plugins'][ $single_license['basename'] ]['bws_illegal_client'] = true;
$options = array(
'timeout' => ( ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) && DOING_CRON ) ? 30 : 3 ),
'body' => array( 'plugins' => serialize( $to_send ) ),
'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ),
$raw_response = wp_remote_post( 'https://bestwebsoft.com/wp-content/plugins/paid-products/plugins/pro-license-check/1.0/', $options );
if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) || 200 !== intval( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $raw_response ) ) ) {
$error = __( 'Something went wrong. Please try again later. If the error appears again, please contact us', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ': <a href=https://support.bestwebsoft.com>BestWebSoft</a>. ' . __( 'We are sorry for inconvenience.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
$response = maybe_unserialize( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $raw_response ) );
if ( is_array( $response ) && ! empty( $response ) ) {
foreach ( $response as $single_response ) {
if ( 'wrong_license_key' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'Wrong license key.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'wrong_domain' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'This license key is bound to another site.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'time_out' === $single_response->package ) {
$message = __( 'This license key is valid, but Your license has expired. If you want to update our plugin in future, you should extend the license.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'you_are_banned' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'Unfortunately, you have exceeded the number of available tries.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'duplicate_domen_for_trial' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'Unfortunately, the Pro Trial licence was already installed to this domain. The Pro Trial license can be installed only once.', 'bestwebsoft' );
if ( empty( $error ) ) {
if ( empty( $message ) ) {
if ( isset( $single_response->trial ) ) {
$message = __( 'The Pro Trial license key is valid.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
$message = __( 'The license key is valid.', 'bestwebsoft' );
if ( ! empty( $single_response->time_out ) ) {
$message .= ' ' . __( 'Your license will expire on', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ' ' . $single_response->time_out . '.';
} else {
/* lifetime */
$single_response->time_out = null;
if ( isset( $single_response->trial ) && $this->is_trial ) {
$message .= ' ' . sprintf( __( 'In order to continue using the plugin it is necessary to buy a %s license.', 'bestwebsoft' ), '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] . '?k=' . $this->link_key . '&pn=' . $this->link_pn . '&v=' . $this->plugins_info['Version'] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version ) . '" target="_blank" title="' . $this->plugins_info['Name'] . '">Pro</a>' );
if ( isset( $single_response->trial ) ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['trial'][ $single_license['basename'] ] = 1;
} else {
unset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['trial'][ $single_license['basename'] ] );
if ( isset( $single_response->nonprofit ) ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['nonprofit'][ $single_license['basename'] ] = 1;
} else {
unset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['nonprofit'][ $single_license['basename'] ] );
if ( ! isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['basename'] ] ) || $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['basename'] ] !== $bws_license_key ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $single_license['basename'] ] = $bws_license_key;
if ( $wp_filesystem->put_contents( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/license_key.txt', $bws_license_key, 0755 ) ) {
$update_option = true;
if ( isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['wrong_license_key'][ $single_license['basename'] ] ) ) {
unset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['wrong_license_key'][ $single_license['basename'] ] );
$update_option = true;
if ( ! isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'][ $single_license['basename'] ] ) || $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'][ $single_license['basename'] ] !== $single_response->time_out ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['time_out'][ $single_license['basename'] ] = $single_response->time_out;
$update_option = true;
if ( isset( $update_option ) ) {
if ( $this->is_multisite ) {
update_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
} else {
update_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
} else {
$error = __( 'Something went wrong. Please try again later. If the error appears again, please contact us', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ' <a href=https://support.bestwebsoft.com>BestWebSoft</a>. ' . __( 'We are sorry for inconvenience.', 'bestwebsoft' );
/* Go Pro */
} else {
$slug = ! empty( $single_license['pro_slug'] ) ? 'bws_license_plugin_' . $single_license['pro_slug'] : 'bws_license_plugin_' . $single_license['slug'];
$bws_license_plugin = isset( $_POST[ $slug ] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST[ $slug ] ) ) : '';
if ( isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['count'] ) && $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['time'] > ( time() - ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) ) ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['count'] = $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['count'] + 1;
} else {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['count'] = 1;
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['go_pro'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['time'] = time();
/* download Pro */
if ( ! $this->all_plugins ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
$this->all_plugins = get_plugins();
if ( ! array_key_exists( $bws_license_plugin, $this->all_plugins ) ) {
$current = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
if ( ! empty( $current ) && isset( $current->response ) && is_array( $current->response ) ) {
$to_send = array();
$to_send['plugins'][ $bws_license_plugin ] = array();
$to_send['plugins'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['bws_license_key'] = $bws_license_key;
$to_send['plugins'][ $bws_license_plugin ]['bws_illegal_client'] = true;
$options = array(
'timeout' => ( ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) && DOING_CRON ) ? 30 : 3 ),
'body' => array( 'plugins' => serialize( $to_send ) ),
'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ),
$raw_response = wp_remote_post( 'https://bestwebsoft.com/wp-content/plugins/paid-products/plugins/pro-license-check/1.0/', $options );
if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) || 200 !== intval( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $raw_response ) ) ) {
$error = __( 'Something went wrong. Please try again later. If the error appears again, please contact us', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ': <a href="https://support.bestwebsoft.com">BestWebSoft</a>. ' . __( 'We are sorry for inconvenience.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
$response = maybe_unserialize( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $raw_response ) );
if ( is_array( $response ) && ! empty( $response ) ) {
foreach ( $response as $single_response ) {
if ( 'wrong_license_key' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'Wrong license key.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'wrong_domain' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'This license key is bound to another site.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'you_are_banned' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'Unfortunately, you have exceeded the number of available tries per day. Please, upload the plugin manually.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} elseif ( 'time_out' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = sprintf( __( 'Unfortunately, Your license has expired. To continue getting top-priority support and plugin updates, you should extend it in your %s.', 'bestwebsoft' ), ' <a href="https://bestwebsoft.com/client-area">Client Area</a>' );
} elseif ( 'duplicate_domen_for_trial' === $single_response->package ) {
$error = __( 'Unfortunately, the Pro licence was already installed to this domain. The Pro Trial license can be installed only once.', 'bestwebsoft' );
if ( empty( $error ) ) {
$bws_license_plugin = ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_basename'] : $single_license['basename'];
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $bws_license_plugin ] = $bws_license_key;
$this->pro_plugin_is_activated = true;
} else {
$error = __( 'Something went wrong. Try again later or upload the plugin manually. We are sorry for inconvenience.', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options[ $bws_license_plugin ] = $bws_license_key;
/* activate Pro */
if ( ! is_plugin_active( $bws_license_plugin ) ) {
if ( $this->is_multisite && is_plugin_active_for_network( ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_basename'] : $single_license['basename'] ) ) {
/* if multisite and free plugin is network activated */
$network_wide = true;
} else {
/* activate on a single blog */
$network_wide = false;
activate_plugin( $bws_license_plugin, null, $network_wide );
$this->pro_plugin_is_activated = true;
/* add 'track_usage' for Pro version */
if ( ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage'][ ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_basename'] : $single_license['basename'] ] ) &&
empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage'][ $bws_license_plugin ] ) ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage'][ $bws_license_plugin ] = $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage'][ ( ! empty( $single_license['pro_basename'] ) ) ? $single_license['pro_basename'] : $single_license['basename'] ];
if ( $this->is_multisite ) {
update_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
} else {
update_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
if ( $this->pro_plugin_is_activated ) {
delete_transient( 'bws_plugins_update' );
} else {
$empty_field_error = __( 'Please, enter Your license key', 'bestwebsoft' );
return compact( 'error', 'message', 'empty_field_error' );
* Display help phrase
* @access public
* @param void
* @return html The Action results
public function help_phrase() {
/*pls */
echo '<div class="bws_tab_description">' . esc_html__( 'Need Help?', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ' ';
if ( '' !== $this->doc_link ) {
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->doc_link ) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html__( 'Read the Instruction', 'bestwebsoft' );
} else {
echo '<a href="https://support.bestwebsoft.com/hc/en-us/" target="_blank">' . esc_html__( 'Visit Help Center', 'bestwebsoft' );
if ( '' !== $this->doc_video_link ) {
echo '</a> ' . esc_html__( 'or', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( $this->doc_video_link ) . '" target="_blank">' . esc_html__( 'Watch the Video', 'bestwebsoft' );
echo '</a></div>';
/* pls*/
public function bws_pro_block_links() {
global $wp_version;
<div class="bws_pro_version_tooltip">
<a class="bws_button" href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] ); ?>?k=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->link_key ); ?>&amp;pn=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->link_pn ); ?>&amp;v=<?php echo esc_attr( $this->plugins_info['Version'] ); ?>&amp;wp_v=<?php echo esc_attr( $wp_version ); ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<?php if ( false !== $this->trial_days ) { ?>
<span class="bws_trial_info">
<?php esc_html_e( 'or', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $this->plugins_info['PluginURI'] . '?k=' . $this->link_key . '&pn=' . $this->link_pn . '&v=' . $this->plugins_info['Version'] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version ); ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo esc_html( $this->plugins_info['Name'] ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Start Your Free Trial', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
* Restore plugin options to defaults
* @access public
* @param void
* @return void
public function restore_options() {
* filter - Change default_options array OR process custom functions
$this->options = apply_filters( __CLASS__ . '_additional_restore_options', $this->default_options );
if ( $this->is_network_options ) {
$this->options['network_apply'] = 'default';
$this->options['network_view'] = '1';
$this->options['network_change'] = '1';
update_site_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
} else {
update_option( $this->prefix . '_options', $this->options );
public function add_request_feature() {
<div id="bws_request_feature" class="widget-access-link">
<button type="button" class="button" ><?php esc_html_e( 'Request a Feature', 'bestwebsoft' ); ?></button>
$modal_html = '<div class="bws-modal bws-modal-deactivation-feedback bws-modal-request-feature">
<div class="bws-modal-dialog">
<div class="bws-modal-body">
<h2>' . sprintf( esc_html__( 'How can we improve %s?', 'bestwebsoft' ), $this->plugins_info['Name'] ) . '</h2>
<div class="bws-modal-panel active">
<p>' . esc_html__( 'We look forward to hear your ideas.', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</p>
<textarea placeholder="' . esc_html__( 'Describe your idea', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '..."></textarea>
<label class="bws-modal-anonymous-label">
<input type="checkbox" /> ' . esc_html__( 'Send website data and allow to contact me back', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '
<div class="bws-modal-footer">
<a href="#" class="button disabled bws-modal-button button-primary">' . esc_html__( 'Submit', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</a>
<span class="bws-modal-processing hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Processing', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '...</span>
<span class="bws-modal-thank-you hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Thank you!', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
$script = '(function($) {
var modalHtml = ' . wp_json_encode( $modal_html ) . ",
\$modal = $( modalHtml );
\$modal.appendTo( $( 'body' ) );
$( '#bws_request_feature .button' ).on( 'click', function() {
/* Display the dialog box.*/
\$modal.addClass( 'active' );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'has-bws-modal' );
\$modal.on( 'keypress', 'textarea', function( evt ) {
\$modal.on( 'click', '.bws-modal-footer .button', function( evt ) {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) {
var info = \$modal.find( 'textarea' ).val();
if ( info.length == 0 ) {
var _parent = $( this ).parents( '.bws-modal:first' ),
_this = $( this );
var is_anonymous = ( \$modal.find( '.bws-modal-anonymous-label' ).find( 'input' ).is( ':checked' ) ) ? 0 : 1;
url : ajaxurl,
method : 'POST',
data : {
'Action' : 'bws_submit_request_feature_action',
'plugin' : '" . $this->plugin_basename . "',
'info' : info,
'is_anonymous' : is_anonymous,
'bws_ajax_nonce' : '" . wp_create_nonce( 'bws_ajax_nonce' ) . "'
beforeSend: function() {
_parent.find( '.bws-modal-footer .bws-modal-button' ).hide();
_parent.find( '.bws-modal-footer .bws-modal-processing' ).show();
_parent.find( 'textarea, input' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
complete : function( message ) {
_parent.find( '.bws-modal-footer .bws-modal-processing' ).hide();
_parent.find( '.bws-modal-footer .bws-modal-thank-you' ).show();
/* If the user has clicked outside the window, cancel it. */
\$modal.on( 'click', function( evt ) {
var \$target = $( evt.target );
/* If the user has clicked anywhere in the modal dialog, just return. */
if ( \$target.hasClass( 'bws-modal-body' ) || \$target.hasClass( 'bws-modal-footer' ) ) {
/* If the user has not clicked the close button and the clicked element is inside the modal dialog, just return. */
if ( ! \$target.hasClass( 'bws-modal-button-close' ) && ( \$target.parents( '.bws-modal-body' ).length > 0 || \$target.parents( '.bws-modal-footer' ).length > 0 ) ) {
/* Close the modal dialog */
\$modal.removeClass( 'active' );
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'has-bws-modal' );
return false;
function BwsModalEnableButton() {
\$modal.find( '.bws-modal-button' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).show();
\$modal.find( '.bws-modal-processing' ).hide();
function BwsModalDisableButton() {
\$modal.find( '.bws-modal-button' ).addClass( 'disabled' );
function BwsModalShowPanel() {
\$modal.find( '.bws-modal-panel' ).addClass( 'active' );
/* add script in FOOTER */
wp_register_script( 'bws-request-feature-dialog', '', array( 'jquery' ), '2.4.2', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'bws-request-feature-dialog' );
wp_add_inline_script( 'bws-request-feature-dialog', sprintf( $script ) );
* Called after the user has submitted his reason for deactivating the plugin.
* @since 2.1.3
if ( ! function_exists( 'bws_submit_request_feature_action' ) ) {
function bws_submit_request_feature_action() {
global $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options, $wp_version, $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_active_plugins, $current_user;
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['bws_ajax_nonce'] ) ) {
wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['bws_ajax_nonce'] ) ), 'bws_ajax_nonce' );
$basename = isset( $_REQUEST['plugin'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['plugin'] ) ) : '';
$info = isset( $_REQUEST['info'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['info'] ) ) : '';
if ( empty( $info ) || empty( $basename ) ) {
$info = substr( $info, 0, 255 );
$is_anonymous = isset( $_REQUEST['is_anonymous'] ) && 1 === intval( $_REQUEST['is_anonymous'] );
$options = array(
'product' => $basename,
'info' => $info,
if ( ! $is_anonymous ) {
if ( ! isset( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options ) ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options = ( is_multisite() ) ? get_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options' ) : get_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options' );
if ( ! empty( $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['usage_id'] ) ) {
$options['usage_id'] = $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['usage_id'];
} else {
$options['usage_id'] = false;
$options['url'] = get_bloginfo( 'url' );
$options['wp_version'] = $wp_version;
$options['is_active'] = false;
$options['version'] = $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_active_plugins[ $basename ]['Version'];
$options['email'] = $current_user->data->user_email;
/* send data */
$raw_response = wp_remote_post(
'method' => 'POST',
'body' => $options,
'timeout' => 15,
if ( ! is_wp_error( $raw_response ) && 200 === intval( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $raw_response ) ) ) {
if ( ! $is_anonymous ) {
$response = maybe_unserialize( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $raw_response ) );
if ( is_array( $response ) && ! empty( $response['usage_id'] ) && $response['usage_id'] !== $options['usage_id'] ) {
$bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options['track_usage']['usage_id'] = $response['usage_id'];
if ( is_multisite() ) {
update_site_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
} else {
update_option( 'bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options', $bstwbsftwppdtplgns_options );
echo 'done';
} else {
echo wp_kses_data( $response->get_error_code() ) . ': ' . wp_kses_data( $response->get_error_message() );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_bws_submit_request_feature_action', 'bws_submit_request_feature_action' );