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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
namespace ShortPixel\Model\Converter;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log;
use ShortPixel\Model\Image\ImageModel as ImageModel;
use ShortPixel\Model\File\DirectoryModel as DirectoryModel;
use ShortPixel\Model\File\FileModel as FileModel;
use ShortPixel\Notices\NoticeController as Notices;
use ShortPixel\Controller\ResponseController as ResponseController;
use ShortPixel\Helper\DownloadHelper as DownloadHelper;
class PNGConverter extends MediaLibraryConverter
protected $instance;
protected $current_image; // The current PHP image resource in memory
protected $virtual_filesize;
protected $replacer; // Replacer class Object.
protected $converterActive = false;
protected $forceConvertTransparent = false;
protected $lastError;
protected $settingCheckSum;
public function __construct($imageModel)
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
$env = \wpSPIO()->env();
$this->converterActive = (intval($settings->png2jpg) > 0) ? true : false;
if ($env->is_gd_installed === false)
$this->converterActive = false;
$this->lastError = __('GD library is not active on this installation. Can\'t convert images to PNG', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser');
$this->forceConvertTransparent = ($settings->png2jpg == 2) ? true : false;
// If conversion is tried, but failed somehow, it will never try it again, even after changing settings. This should prevent that switch.
$this->settingCheckSum = intval($settings->png2jpg) + intval($settings->backupImages);
public function isConvertable()
$imageModel = $this->imageModel;
// Settings
if ($this->converterActive === false)
return false;
// Extension
if ($imageModel->getExtension() !== 'png') // not a png ext. fail silently.
return false;
// Existence
if (! $imageModel->exists())
return false;
if (true === $imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->isConverted() || true === $this->hasTried($imageModel->getMeta()->convertMeta()->didTry()) )
return false;
return true;
protected function hasTried($checksum)
if ( intval($checksum) === $this->getCheckSum())
return true;
return false;
public function convert($args = array())
if (! $this->isConvertable($this->imageModel))
return false;
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$defaults = array(
'runReplacer' => true, // The replacer doesn't need running when the file is just uploaded and doing in handle upload hook.
$conversionArgs = array('checksum' => $this->getCheckSum());
$replacementPath = $this->getReplacementPath();
if (false === $replacementPath)
Log::addWarn('ApiConverter replacement path failed');
return false; // @todo Add ResponseController something here.
$replaceFile = $fs->getFile($replacementPath);
Log::addDebug('Image replacement base : ' . $replaceFile->getFileBase());
$prepared = $this->imageModel->conversionPrepare($conversionArgs);
if (false === $prepared)
return false;
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
if ($this->forceConvertTransparent === false && $this->isTransparent())
return false;
Log::addDebug('Starting PNG conversion of #' . $this->imageModel->get('id'));
$bool = $this->run();
if (true === $bool)
$params = array('success' => true);
$result = true;
if (true === $args['runReplacer'])
$result = $this->replacer->replace();
if (is_array($result))
foreach($result as $error)
// new hook.
do_action('shortpixel/image/convertpng2jpg_success', $this->imageModel);
return true;
//legacy. Note at this point metadata has not been updated.
do_action('shortpixel/image/convertpng2jpg_after', $this->imageModel, $args);
return false;
public function getCheckSum()
return intval($this->settingCheckSum);
protected function run()
do_action('shortpixel/image/convertpng2jpg_before', $this->imageModel);
$img = $this->getPNGImage();
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$width = $this->imageModel->get('width');
$height = $this->imageModel->get('height');
// If imageModel doesn't have proper width / height set. This can happen with remote files.
if (! is_int($width) && ! $width > 0)
$width = imagesx($img);
if (! is_int($height) && ! $height > 0)
$height = imagesy($img);
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG doConvert width $width height $height", memory_get_usage());
$bg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
if(false === $bg || false === $img)
Log::addError('ImageCreateTrueColor failed');
if (false === $bg)
$msg = __('Creating an TrueColor Image failed - Possible library error', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser');
elseif (false === $img)
$msg = __('Image source failed - Check if source image is PNG and library is working', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser');
ResponseController::addData($this->imageModel->get('id'), 'message', $msg);
return false;
imagefill($bg, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($bg, 255, 255, 255));
imagealphablending($bg, 1);
imagecopy($bg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
// $fsFile = $fs->getFile($image); // the original png file
// @todo Add ResponseController support to here and getReplacementPath.
$replacementPath = $this->getReplacementPath();
if (false === $replacementPath)
Log::addWarn('Png2Jpg replacement path failed');
return false; // @todo Add ResponseController something here.
// check old filename, replace with uniqued filename.
/** Quality is set to 90 and not using WP defaults (or filter) for good reason. Lower settings very quickly degrade the libraries output quality. Better to leave this hardcoded at 90 and let the ShortPixel API handle the optimization **/
if ($bool = imagejpeg($bg, $replacementPath, 90)) {
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG doConvert created JPEG at $replacementPath");
$newSize = filesize($replacementPath); // This might invoke wrapper but ok
if (! is_null($this->virtual_filesize))
$origSize = $this->virtual_filesize;
else {
$origSize = $this->imageModel->getFileSize();
// Reload the file we just wrote.
$newFile = $fs->getFile($replacementPath);
if($newSize > $origSize * 0.95 || $newSize == 0) {
//if the image is not 5% smaller, don't bother.
//if the size is 0, a conversion (or disk write) problem happened, go on with the PNG
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG converted image is larger ($newSize vs. $origSize), keeping the PNG");
$msg = __('Converted file is larger. Keeping original file', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser');
ResponseController::addData($this->imageModel->get('id'), 'message', $msg);
return false;
elseif (! $newFile->exists())
Log::addWarn('PNG imagejpeg file not written!', $uniqueFile->getFileName() );
$msg = __('Error - PNG file not written', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser');
ResponseController::addData($this->imageModel->get('id'), 'message', $msg);
return false;
else {
$this->newFile = $newFile;
Log::addDebug('PNG2jPG Converted');
return true;
public function restore()
$params = array(
'restore' => true,
$fs = \wpSPIO()->filesystem();
$oldFileName = $this->imageModel->getFileName(); // Old File Name, Still .jpg
$newFileName = $this->imageModel->getFileBase() . '.png';
if ($this->imageModel->isScaled())
$oldFileName = $this->imageModel->getOriginalFile()->getFileName();
$newFileName = $this->imageModel->getOriginalFile()->getFileBase() . '.png';
$fsNewFile = $fs->getFile($this->imageModel->getFileDir() . $newFileName);
$this->newFile = $fsNewFile;
$result = $this->replacer->replace();
protected function isTransparent() {
$isTransparent = false;
$transparent_pixel = $bg = false;
$imagePath = $this->imageModel->getFullPath();
// Check for transparency at the bit path.
if(ord(file_get_contents($imagePath, false, null, 25, 1)) & 4) {
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG: 25th byte has third bit 1 - transparency");
$isTransparent = true;
// return true;
} else {
$contents = file_get_contents($imagePath);
if (stripos($contents, 'PLTE') !== false && stripos($contents, 'tRNS') !== false) {
$isTransparent = true;
if (false === $isTransparent) {
$width = $this->imageModel->get('width');
$height = $this->imageModel->get('height');
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG Image width: " . $width . " height: " . $height . " aprox. size: " . round($width*$height*5/1024/1024) . "M memory limit: " . ini_get('memory_limit') . " USED: " . memory_get_usage());
$image = $this->getPNGImage();
if (false === $image)
return false;
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG width $width height $height. Now checking pixels.");
//run through pixels until transparent pixel is found:
for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $height; $j++) {
$rgba = imagecolorat($image, $i, $j);
if (($rgba & 0x7F000000) >> 24) {
$isTransparent = true;
} // non-transparant.
Log::addDebug("PNG2JPG is " . (false === $isTransparent ? " not" : "") . " transparent");
return $isTransparent;
/** Try to load resource and an PNG via library */
protected function getPNGImage()
if (is_object($this->current_image))
return $this->current_image;
if ($this->imageModel->isScaled())
$imagePath = $this->imageModel->getOriginalFile()->getFullPath();
else {
$imagePath = $this->imageModel->getFullPath();
if (true === $this->imageModel->is_virtual())
$downloadHelper = DownloadHelper::getInstance();
Log::addDebug('PNG converter: Item is remote, attempting to download');
$tempFile = $downloadHelper->downloadFile($this->imageModel->getURL());
if (is_object($tempFile))
$imagePath = $tempFile->getFullPath();
$this->virtual_filesize = $tempFile->getFileSize();
$image = @imagecreatefrompng($imagePath);
if (! $image)
$this->current_image = false;
$this->current_image = $image;
return $this->current_image;
// Try to increase limits when doing heavy processing
private function raiseMemoryLimit()
if(function_exists('wp_raise_memory_limit')) {
wp_raise_memory_limit( 'image' );
} // class