169 lines
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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
if (! isset($data)) {
exit; // no direct access
$allAssets = $data['all']['styles'];
$allAssetsFinal = $data['unloaded_css_handles'] = array();
foreach ($allAssets as $obj) {
$row = array();
$row['obj'] = $obj;
// e.g. Unload on this page, Unload on all 404 pages, etc.
$activePageLevel = isset( $data['current_unloaded_page_level']['styles'] ) && in_array( $row['obj']->handle, $data['current_unloaded_page_level']['styles'] );
$row['class'] = $activePageLevel ? 'wpacu_not_load' : '';
$row['checked'] = $activePageLevel ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
* $row['is_group_unloaded'] is only used to apply a red background in the asset's area to point out that the style is unloaded
* is set to `true` if either the asset is unloaded everywhere or it's unloaded on a group of pages (such as all pages belonging to 'page' post type)
$row['global_unloaded'] = $row['is_post_type_unloaded'] = $row['is_load_exception_per_page'] = $row['is_group_unloaded'] = false;
// Mark it as unloaded - Everywhere
if ( in_array( $row['obj']->handle, $data['global_unload']['styles'] ) ) {
$row['global_unloaded'] = $row['is_group_unloaded'] = true;
// Mark it as unloaded - for the Current Post Type
if ( isset($data['bulk_unloaded_type']) &&
$data['bulk_unloaded_type'] &&
is_array($data['bulk_unloaded'][$data['bulk_unloaded_type']]['styles']) &&
in_array($row['obj']->handle, $data['bulk_unloaded'][$data['bulk_unloaded_type']]['styles']) ) {
$row['is_group_unloaded'] = true;
if ( $data['bulk_unloaded_type'] === 'post_type' ) {
$row['is_post_type_unloaded'] = true;
$isLoadExceptionPerPage = isset($data['load_exceptions_per_page']['styles']) && in_array($row['obj']->handle, $data['load_exceptions_per_page']['styles']);
$isLoadExceptionForCurrentPostType = isset($data['load_exceptions_post_type']['styles']) && in_array($row['obj']->handle, $data['load_exceptions_post_type']['styles']);
$row['is_load_exception_per_page'] = $isLoadExceptionPerPage;
$row['is_load_exception_post_type'] = $isLoadExceptionForCurrentPostType;
$isLoadException = $isLoadExceptionPerPage || $isLoadExceptionForCurrentPostType;
// No load exception to any kind and a bulk unload rule is applied? Append the CSS class for unloading
if ( ! $isLoadException && $row['is_group_unloaded'] ) {
$row['class'] .= ' wpacu_not_load';
// Probably most reliable to use in order to check the unloaded styles; it might be the only one used in future plugin versions
if (strpos($row['class'], 'wpacu_not_load') === false && isset($data['current_unloaded_all']['styles']) && in_array($row['obj']->handle, $data['current_unloaded_all']['styles'])) {
$row['class'] .= ' wpacu_not_load';
if (strpos($row['class'], 'wpacu_not_load') !== false) {
// Actually unloaded CSS, not just marked for unload
$data['unloaded_css_handles'][] = $row['obj']->handle;
$row['extra_data_css_list'] = ( is_object( $row['obj']->extra ) && isset( $row['obj']->extra->after ) ) ? $row['obj']->extra->after : array();
if ( ! $row['extra_data_css_list'] ) {
$row['extra_data_css_list'] = ( is_array( $row['obj']->extra ) && isset( $row['obj']->extra['after'] ) ) ? $row['obj']->extra['after'] : array();
$row['class'] .= ' style_' . $row['obj']->handle;
$row['asset_type'] = 'styles';
$allAssetsFinal[$obj->handle] = $row;
foreach ($allAssetsFinal as $assetHandle => $row) {
$data['row'] = $row;
// Load Template
$parseTemplate = \WpAssetCleanUp\Main::instance()->parseTemplate(
$templateRowOutput = $parseTemplate['output'];
$data = $parseTemplate['data'];
if (isset($data['rows_build_array']) && $data['rows_build_array']) {
$uniqueHandle = $uniqueHandleOriginal = $row['obj']->handle;
if (array_key_exists($uniqueHandle, $data['rows_assets'])) {
$uniqueHandle .= 1; // make sure each key is unique
if (isset($data['rows_by_location']) && $data['rows_by_location']) {
[$row['obj']->locationMain] // 'plugins', 'themes' etc.
[$row['obj']->locationChild] // Theme/Plugin Title
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
} elseif (isset($data['rows_by_position']) && $data['rows_by_position']) {
$handlePosition = $row['obj']->position;
[$handlePosition] // 'head', 'body'
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
} elseif (isset($data['rows_by_preload']) && $data['rows_by_preload']) {
$preloadStatus = $row['obj']->preload_status;
[$preloadStatus] // 'preloaded', 'not_preloaded'
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
} elseif (isset($data['rows_by_parents']) && $data['rows_by_parents']) {
$childHandles = isset($data['all_deps']['parent_to_child']['styles'][$row['obj']->handle]) ? $data['all_deps']['parent_to_child']['styles'][$row['obj']->handle] : array();
if (! empty($childHandles)) {
$handleStatus = 'parent';
} elseif (isset($row['obj']->deps) && ! empty($row['obj']->deps)) {
$handleStatus = 'child';
} else {
$handleStatus = 'independent';
[$handleStatus] // 'parent', 'child', 'independent'
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
} elseif (isset($data['rows_by_loaded_unloaded']) && $data['rows_by_loaded_unloaded']) {
if (isset($data['current_unloaded_all']['styles']) && in_array($row['obj']->handle, $data['current_unloaded_all']['styles'])) {
$handleStatus = 'unloaded';
} else {
$handleStatus = ( strpos( $row['class'], 'wpacu_not_load' ) !== false ) ? 'unloaded' : 'loaded';
[$handleStatus] // 'loaded', 'unloaded'
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
} elseif (isset($data['rows_by_size']) && $data['rows_by_size']) {
$sizeStatus = (isset($row['obj']->sizeRaw) && is_int($row['obj']->sizeRaw)) ? 'with_size' : 'external_na';
[$sizeStatus] // 'with_size', 'external_na'
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
if ($sizeStatus === 'with_size') {
// Associated the handle with the raw size of the file
$data['handles_sizes'][$uniqueHandle] = $row['obj']->sizeRaw;
} elseif (isset($data['rows_by_rules']) && $data['rows_by_rules']) {
$ruleStatus = (isset($data['row']['at_least_one_rule_set']) && $data['row']['at_least_one_rule_set']) ? 'with_rules' : 'with_no_rules';
[$ruleStatus] // 'with_rules', 'with_no_rules'
['style'] = $templateRowOutput;
} else {
$data['rows_assets'][$uniqueHandle] = $templateRowOutput;
} else {
echo \WpAssetCleanUp\Misc::stripIrrelevantHtmlTags($templateRowOutput);