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2024-05-20 15:37:46 +03:00
namespace ShortPixel\Controller;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
use ShortPixel\ShortPixelLogger\ShortPixelLogger as Log;
class ApiController
const STATUS_ERROR = -1;
const STATUS_FAIL = -2;
const STATUS_SKIP = -4;
const STATUS_NOT_FOUND = -5;
const STATUS_NO_KEY = -6;
// const STATUS_RETRY = -7;
// const STATUS_SEARCHING = -8; // when the Queue is looping over images, but in batch none were found.
const STATUS_QUEUE_FULL = -404;
const STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR = -503; // Not official, error connection in WP.
const STATUS_NOT_API = -1000; // Not an API process, i.e restore / migrate. Don't handle as optimized
// Moved these numbers higher to prevent conflict with STATUS
const ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -902;
const ERR_TIMEOUT = -903;
const ERR_SAVE = -904;
const ERR_SAVE_BKP = -905;
const ERR_DOWNLOAD = -907;
const ERR_PNG2JPG_MEMORY = -908;
const ERR_UNKNOWN = -999;
private static $instance;
private $apiEndPoint;
private $apiDumpEndPoint;
protected static $temporaryFiles = array();
protected static $temporaryDirs = array();
public function __construct()
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
$this->apiEndPoint = $settings->httpProto . '://' . SHORTPIXEL_API . '/v2/reducer.php';
$this->apiDumpEndPoint = $settings->httpProto . '://' . SHORTPIXEL_API . '/v2/cleanup.php';
public static function getInstance()
if (is_null(self::$instance))
self::$instance = new ApiController();
return self::$instance;
* @param Object $item Item of stdClass
* @return Returns same Item with Result of request
public function processMediaItem($item, $imageObj)
if (! is_object($imageObj))
$item->result = $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Item seems invalid, removed or corrupted.', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
return $item;
elseif (false === $imageObj->isProcessable() || $imageObj->isOptimizePrevented() == true)
if ($imageObj->isOptimized()) // This only looks at main item
$item->result = $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Item is already optimized', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
return $item;
else {
$item->result = $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Item is not processable and not optimized', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
return $item;
if (! is_array($item->urls) || count($item->urls) == 0)
$item->result = $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('No Urls given for this Item', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
return $item;
else { // if ok, urlencode them.
$list = array();
foreach($item->urls as $url)
$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
if (false !== $parsed_url)
//$url = $this->encodeURL($parsed_url, $url);
$list[] = $url;
$item->urls = $list;
$requestArgs = array('urls' => $item->urls); // obligatory
if (property_exists($item, 'compressionType'))
$requestArgs['compressionType'] = $item->compressionType;
$requestArgs['blocking'] = ($item->tries == 0) ? false : true;
$requestArgs['item_id'] = $item->item_id;
$requestArgs['refresh'] = (property_exists($item, 'refresh') && $item->refresh) || $item->tries == 0 ? true : false;
$requestArgs['flags'] = (property_exists($item, 'flags')) ? $item->flags : array();
$requestArgs['paramlist'] = property_exists($item, 'paramlist') ? $item->paramlist : null;
$requestArgs['returndatalist'] = property_exists($item, 'returndatalist') ? $item->returndatalist : null;
$request = $this->getRequest($requestArgs);
$item = $this->doRequest($item, $request);
ResponseController::addData($item->item_id, 'images_total', count($item->urls));
// If error has occured, but it's not related to connection.
if ($item->result->is_error === true && $item->result->is_done === true)
$this->dumpMediaItem($item); // item failed, directly dump anything from server.
return $item;
/* Ask to remove the items from the remote cache.
@param $item Must be object, with URLS set as array of urllist. - Secretly not a mediaItem - shame
public function dumpMediaItem($item)
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
$keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance();
if (property_exists($item, 'urls') === false || ! is_array($item->urls) || count($item->urls) == 0)
Log::addWarn('Media Item without URLS cannnot be dumped ', $item);
return false;
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request['body'] = json_encode(
'key' => $keyControl->forceGetApiKey(),
'urllist' => $item->urls ) , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
Log::addDebug('Dumping Media Item ', $item->urls);
$ret = wp_remote_post($this->apiDumpEndPoint, $request);
return $ret;
/** Former, prepare Request in API */
private function getRequest($args = array())
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
$keyControl = ApiKeyController::getInstance();
$defaults = array(
'urls' => null,
'paramlist' => null,
'returndatalist' => null,
'compressionType' => $settings->compressionType,
'blocking' => true,
'item_id' => null,
'refresh' => false,
'flags' => array(),
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
$convertTo = implode("|", $args['flags']);
$requestParameters = array(
'key' => $keyControl->forceGetApiKey(),
'lossy' => $args['compressionType'],
'cmyk2rgb' => $settings->CMYKtoRGBconversion,
'keep_exif' => ($settings->keepExif ? "1" : "0"),
'convertto' => $convertTo,
'resize' => $settings->resizeImages ? 1 + 2 * ($settings->resizeType == 'inner' ? 1 : 0) : 0,
'resize_width' => $settings->resizeWidth,
'resize_height' => $settings->resizeHeight,
'urllist' => $args['urls'],
if (! is_null($args['paramlist']))
$requestParameters['paramlist'] = $args['paramlist'];
if (! is_null($args['returndatalist']))
$requestParameters['returndatalist'] = $args['returndatalist'];
if($args['refresh']) { // @todo if previous status was ShortPixelAPI::ERR_INCORRECT_FILE_SIZE; then refresh.
$requestParameters['refresh'] = 1;
$requestParameters = apply_filters('shortpixel/api/request', $requestParameters, $args['item_id']);
$arguments = array(
'method' => 'POST',
'timeout' => 15,
'redirection' => 3,
'sslverify' => apply_filters('shortpixel/system/sslverify', true),
'httpversion' => '1.0',
'blocking' => $args['blocking'],
'headers' => array(),
'body' => json_encode($requestParameters, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE),
'cookies' => array()
//add this explicitely only for https, otherwise (for http) it slows down the request
if($settings->httpProto !== 'https') {
return $arguments;
/** DoRequest : Does a remote_post to the API
* @param Object $item The QueueItemObject
* @param Array $requestParameters The HTTP parameters for the remote post (arguments in getRequest)
protected function doRequest($item, $requestParameters )
$response = wp_remote_post($this->apiEndPoint, $requestParameters );
Log::addDebug('ShortPixel API Request sent', $requestParameters['body']);
//only if $Blocking is true analyze the response
if ( $requestParameters['blocking'] )
if ( is_object($response) && get_class($response) == 'WP_Error' )
$errorMessage = $response->errors['http_request_failed'][0];
$item->result = $this->returnRetry($errorCode, $errorMessage);
elseif ( isset($response['response']['code']) && $response['response']['code'] <> 200 )
$errorMessage = $response['response']['code'] . " - " . $response['response']['message'];
$errorCode = $response['response']['code'];
$item->result = $this->returnFailure($errorCode, $errorMessage);
$item->result = $this->handleResponse($item, $response);
else // This should be only non-blocking the FIRST time it's send off.
if ($item->tries > 0)
Log::addWarn('DOREQUEST sent item non-blocking with multiple tries!', $item);
$urls = count($item->urls);
$flags = property_exists($item, 'flags') ? $item->flags : array();
$flags = implode("|", $flags);
$text = sprintf(__('New item #%d sent for processing ( %d URLS %s) ', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'), $item->item_id, $urls, $flags );
$item->result = $this->returnOK(self::STATUS_ENQUEUED, $text );
return $item;
* @param $parsed_url Array Result of parse_url
private function encodeURL($parsed_url, $url)
//str_replace($parsed_url['path'], urlencode($parsed_url['path']), $url);
$path = $parsed_url['path'];
//echo strrpos($parsed_url, ',');
$filename = substr($path, strrpos($path, '/') + 1); //strrpos($path, '/');
$path = str_replace($filename, urlencode($filename), $url);
return $path;
private function parseResponse($response)
$data = $response['body'];
$data = json_decode($data);
return (array)$data;
private function handleResponse($item, $response)
$APIresponse = $this->parseResponse($response);//get the actual response from API, its an array
$settings = \wpSPIO()->settings();
// Don't know if it's this or that.
$status = false;
if (isset($APIresponse['Status']))
$status = $APIresponse['Status'];
elseif(is_array($APIresponse) && isset($APIresponse[0]) && property_exists($APIresponse[0], 'Status'))
$status = $APIresponse[0]->Status;
elseif ( is_array($APIresponse)) // This is a workaround for some obscure PHP 5.6 bug. @todo Remove when dropping support PHP < 7.
foreach($APIresponse as $key => $data)
// Running the whole array, because handleSuccess enums on key index as well :/
// we are not just looking for status here, but also replacing the whole array, because of obscure bug.
if (property_exists($data, 'Status'))
if ($status === false)
$status = $data->Status;
$APIresponse[$key] = $data; // reset it, so it can read the index. This should be 0.
if (isset($APIresponse['returndatalist']))
$returnDataList = (array) $APIresponse['returndatalist'];
if (isset($returnDataList['sizes']) && is_object($returnDataList['sizes']))
$returnDataList['sizes'] = (array) $returnDataList['sizes'];
if (isset($returnDataList['doubles']) && is_object($returnDataList['doubles']))
$returnDataList['doubles'] = (array) $returnDataList['doubles'];
if (isset($returnDataList['duplicates']) && is_object($returnDataList['duplicates']))
$returnDataList['duplicates'] = (array) $returnDataList['duplicates'];
if (isset($returnDataList['fileSizes']) && is_object($returnDataList['fileSizes']))
$returnDataList['fileSizes'] = (array) $returnDataList['fileSizes'];
else {
$returnDataList = array();
// This is only set if something is up, otherwise, ApiResponse returns array
if (is_object($status))
// Check for known errors. : https://shortpixel.com/api-docs
Log::addDebug('Api Response Status :' . $status->Code );
case -102: // Invalid URL
case -105: // URL missing
case -106: // Url is inaccessible
case -113: // Too many inaccessible URLs
case -201: // Invalid image format
case -202: // Invalid image or unsupported format
case -203: // Could not download file
return $this->returnFailure( self::STATUS_ERROR, $status->Message);
case -403: // Quota Exceeded
case -301: // The file is larger than remaining quota
// legacy
return $this->returnRetry( self::STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, __('Quota exceeded.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
case -306:
return $this->returnFailure( self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Files need to be from a single domain per request.', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
case -401: // Invalid Api Key
case -402: // Wrong API key
return $this->returnFailure( self::STATUS_NO_KEY, $status->Message);
case -404: // Maximum number in optimization queue (remote)
//return array("Status" => self::STATUS_QUEUE_FULL, "Message" => $APIresponse['Status']->Message);
return $this->returnRetry( self::STATUS_QUEUE_FULL, $status->Message);
case -500: // API in maintenance.
//return array("Status" => self::STATUS_MAINTENANCE, "Message" => $APIresponse['Status']->Message);
return $this->returnRetry( self::STATUS_MAINTENANCE, $status->Message);
$neededURLS = $item->urls; // URLS we are waiting for.
if ( is_array($APIresponse) && isset($APIresponse[0]) ) //API returned image details
if (! isset($returnDataList['sizes']))
return $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Item did not return image size information. This might be a failed queue item. Reset the queue if this persists or contact support','shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
// return $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Unrecognized API response. Please contact support.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
$analyze = array('total' => count($item->urls), 'ready' => 0, 'waiting' => 0);
$waitingDebug = array();
$imageList = array();
$partialSuccess = false;
$imageNames = array_keys($returnDataList['sizes']);
$fileNames = array_values($returnDataList['sizes']);
foreach($APIresponse as $index => $imageObject)
if (! property_exists($imageObject, 'Status'))
Log::addWarn('Result without Status', $imageObject);
continue; // can't do nothing with that, probably not an image.
elseif ($imageObject->Status->Code == self::STATUS_UNCHANGED || $imageObject->Status->Code == self::STATUS_WAITING)
$partialSuccess = true; // Not the whole job has been done.
elseif ($imageObject->Status->Code == self::STATUS_SUCCESS)
$imageName = $imageNames[$index];
$fileName = $fileNames[$index];
$data = array(
'fileName' => $fileName,
'imageName' => $imageName,
// Filesize might not be present, but also imageName ( only if smartcrop is done, might differ per image)
if (isset($returnDataList['fileSizes']) && isset($returnDataList['fileSizes'][$imageName]))
$data['fileSize'] = $returnDataList['fileSizes'][$imageName];
if (! isset($item->files[$imageName]))
$imageList[$imageName] = $this->handleNewSuccess($item, $imageObject, $data);
else {
$imageData = array(
'images_done' => $analyze['ready'],
'images_waiting' => $analyze['waiting'],
'images_total' => $analyze['total']
ResponseController::addData($item->item_id, $imageData);
if (count($imageList) > 0)
$data = array(
'files' => $imageList,
'data' => $returnDataList,
if (false === $partialSuccess)
return $this->returnSuccess($data, self::STATUS_SUCCESS, false);
else {
return $this->returnSuccess($data, self::STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCESS, false);
elseif ($analyze['waiting'] > 0) {
return $this->returnOK(self::STATUS_UNCHANGED, sprintf(__('Item is waiting', 'shortpixel-image-optimiser')));
else {
// Theoretically this should not be needed.
Log::addWarn('ApiController Response not handled before default case');
if ( isset($APIresponse[0]->Status->Message) ) {
$err = array("Status" => self::STATUS_FAIL, "Code" => (isset($APIresponse[0]->Status->Code) ? $APIresponse[0]->Status->Code : self::ERR_UNKNOWN),
"Message" => __('There was an error and your request was not processed.','shortpixel-image-optimiser')
. " (" . wp_basename($APIresponse[0]->OriginalURL) . ": " . $APIresponse[0]->Status->Message . ")");
return $this->returnRetry($err['Code'], $err['Message']);
} else {
$err = array("Status" => self::STATUS_FAIL, "Message" => __('There was an error and your request was not processed.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'),
"Code" => (isset($APIresponse[0]->Status->Code) ? $APIresponse[0]->Status->Code : self::ERR_UNKNOWN));
return $this->returnRetry($err['Code'], $err['Message']);
} // ApiResponse[0]
// If this code reaches here, something is wrong.
if(!isset($APIresponse['Status'])) {
Log::addError('API returned Unknown Status/Response ', $response);
return $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Unrecognized API response. Please contact support.','shortpixel-image-optimiser'));
} else {
//sometimes the response array can be different
if (is_numeric($APIresponse['Status']->Code)) {
$message = $APIresponse['Status']->Message;
} else {
$message = $APIresponse[0]->Status->Message;
if (! isset($message) || is_null($message) || $message == '')
$message = __('Unrecognized API message. Please contact support.','shortpixel-image-optimiser');
return $this->returnRetry(self::STATUS_FAIL, $message);
} // else
// handleResponse function
private function handleNewSuccess($item, $fileData, $data)
$compressionType = property_exists($item, 'compressionType') ? $item->compressionType : $settings->compressionType;
//$savedSpace = $originalSpace = $optimizedSpace = $fileCount = 0;
$defaults = array(
'fileName' => false,
'imageName' => false,
'fileSize' => false,
$data = wp_parse_args($data, $defaults);
if (false === $data['fileName'] || false === $data['imageName'])
Log::addError('Failure! HandleSuccess did not receive filename or imagename! ', $data);
Log::addError('Error Item:', $item);
return $this->returnFailure(self::STATUS_FAIL, __('Internal error, missing variables'));
$originalFileSize = (false === $data['fileSize']) ? intval($fileData->OriginalSize) : $data['fileSize'];
$image = array(
'image' => array(
'url' => false,
'originalSize' => $originalFileSize,
'optimizedSize' => false,
'status' => self::STATUS_SUCCESS,
'webp' => array(
'url' => false,
'size' => false,
'status' => self::STATUS_SKIP,
'avif' => array(
'url' => false,
'size' => false,
'status' => self::STATUS_SKIP,
$fileType = ($compressionType > 0) ? 'LossyURL' : 'LosslessURL';
$fileSize = ($compressionType > 0) ? 'LossySize' : 'LosslessSize';
// if originalURL and OptimizedURL is the same, API is returning it as the same item, aka not optimized.
if ($fileData->$fileType === $fileData->OriginalURL)
$image['image']['status'] = self::STATUS_UNCHANGED;
$image['image']['url'] = $fileData->$fileType;
$image['image']['optimizedSize'] = intval($fileData->$fileSize);
// Don't download if the originalSize / OptimizedSize is the same ( same image ) . This can be non-opt result or it was not asked to be optimized( webp/avif only job i.e. )
if ($image['image']['originalSize'] == $image['image']['optimizedSize'])
$image['image']['status'] = self::STATUS_UNCHANGED;
$checkFileSize = intval($fileData->$fileSize); // Size of optimized image to check against Avif/Webp
if (false === $this->checkFileSizeMargin($originalFileSize, $checkFileSize))
$image['image']['status'] = self::STATUS_OPTIMIZED_BIGGER;
$checkFileSize = $originalFileSize;
if (property_exists($fileData, "WebP" . $fileType))
$type = "WebP" . $fileType;
$size = "WebP" . $fileSize;
if ($fileData->$type != 'NA')
$image['webp']['url'] = $fileData->$type;
$image['webp']['size'] = $fileData->$size;
if (false === $this->checkFileSizeMargin($checkFileSize, $fileData->$size))
$image['webp']['status'] = self::STATUS_OPTIMIZED_BIGGER;
else {
$image['webp']['status'] = self::STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (property_exists($fileData, "AVIF" . $fileType))
$type = "AVIF" . $fileType;
$size = "AVIF" . $fileSize;
if ($fileData->$type != 'NA')
$image['avif']['url'] = $fileData->$type;
$image['avif']['size'] = $fileData->$size;
if (false === $this->checkFileSizeMargin($checkFileSize, $fileData->$size))
$image['avif']['status'] = self::STATUS_OPTIMIZED_BIGGER;
else {
$image['avif']['status'] = self::STATUS_SUCCESS;
return $image;
private function getResultObject()
$result = new \stdClass;
$result->apiStatus = null;
$result->message = '';
$result->is_error = false;
$result->is_done = false;
//$result->errors = array();
return $result;
private function returnFailure($status, $message)
$result = $this->getResultObject();
$result->apiStatus = $status;
$result->message = $message;
$result->is_error = true;
$result->is_done = true;
return $result; // fatal.
// Temporary Error, retry.
private function returnRetry($status, $message)
$result = $this->getResultObject();
$result->apiStatus = $status;
$result->message = $message;
//$result->errors[] = array('status' => $status, 'message' => $message);
$result->is_error = true;
return $result;
private function returnOK($status = self::STATUS_UNCHANGED, $message = false)
$result = $this->getResultObject();
$result->apiStatus = $status;
$result->is_error = false;
$result->message = $message;
return $result;
/** Returns a success status. This is succeseption, each file gives it's own status, bundled. */
private function returnSuccess($file, $status = self::STATUS_SUCCESS, $message = false)
$result = $this->getResultObject();
$result->apiStatus = $status;
$result->message = $message;
if (self::STATUS_SUCCESS === $status)
$result->is_done = true;
if (is_array($file))
$result->files = $file;
$result->file = $file; // this file is being used in imageModel
return $result;
// If this returns false, the resultSize is bigger, thus should be oversize.
private function checkFileSizeMargin($fileSize, $resultSize)
// This is ok.
if ($fileSize >= $resultSize)
return true;
// Fine suppose, but crashes the increase
if ($fileSize == 0)
return true;
$percentage = apply_filters('shortpixel/api/filesizeMargin', 5);
$increase = (($resultSize - $fileSize) / $fileSize) * 100;
if ($increase <= $percentage)
return true;
return false;
} // class