<?php namespace kernel\services; use DirectoryIterator; use kernel\helpers\Debug; use kernel\helpers\Files; use kernel\helpers\Manifest; use kernel\helpers\RESTClient; use kernel\models\Option; use ZipArchive; class ModuleService { protected array $errors = []; /** * @param string $module * @return false|array|string */ public function getModuleInfo(string $module): false|array|string { $info = []; $info['path'] = $module; if (file_exists($module . "/manifest.json")) { $manifest = file_get_contents($module . "/manifest.json"); $manifest = Manifest::getWithVars($manifest); $manifest = getConst($manifest); $info = array_merge($info, $manifest); } return $info; } /** * @return array */ public function getErrors(): array { return $this->errors; } /** * @param $msg * @return void */ public function addError($msg): void { $this->errors[] = $msg; } /** * @param string $slug * @return false|array|string */ public function getModuleInfoBySlug(string $slug): false|array|string { return $this->getModuleInfo($this->getModuleDir($slug)); } /** * @param string $slug * @return bool */ public function isActive(string $slug): bool { $active_modules = Option::where("key", "active_modules")->first(); if ($active_modules) { $modules = json_decode($active_modules->value); foreach ($modules->modules as $mod) { if ($mod === $slug) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @param string $module * @return void */ public function toggleModule(string $module): void { $active_modules_info = Option::where("key", "active_modules")->first(); $active_modules = json_decode($active_modules_info->value); if (in_array($module, $active_modules->modules)) { $this->deactivateModule($module); } else { $this->setActiveModule($module); } } /** * @param string $module * @return bool */ public function setActiveModule(string $module): bool { $active_modules_info = Option::where("key", "active_modules")->first(); $active_modules = json_decode($active_modules_info->value); if (in_array($module, $active_modules->modules)) { return true; } $module_info = $this->getModuleInfoBySlug($module); if (isset($module_info['dependence'])) { $dependence_array = explode(',', $module_info['dependence']); foreach ($dependence_array as $depend) { if (!in_array($depend, $active_modules->modules)) { $this->addError("first activate the $depend module"); return false; } } } $active_modules->modules[] = $module; $this->runInitScript($this->getModuleInfoBySlug($module)); $active_modules_info->value = json_encode($active_modules, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $active_modules_info->save(); return true; } /** * @param string $module * @return bool */ public function deactivateModule(string $module): bool { $active_modules_info = Option::where("key", "active_modules")->first(); $active_modules = json_decode($active_modules_info->value); if (!in_array($module, $active_modules->modules)) { return true; } $dependence_array = $this->getDependencies(); $str_for_exception = ''; foreach ($dependence_array as $mod => $depend) { if (in_array($module, $depend)) { if ($str_for_exception !== '') { $str_for_exception .= ', '; } $str_for_exception .= $mod; } } if ($str_for_exception !== '') { $this->addError("You can not deactivate $module module. First deactivate modules: $str_for_exception"); return false; } unset($active_modules->modules[array_search($module, $active_modules->modules)]); $active_modules->modules = array_values($active_modules->modules); $this->runDeactivateScript($this->getModuleInfoBySlug($module)); $active_modules_info->value = json_encode($active_modules, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $active_modules_info->save(); return true; } public function getModuleDir(string $slug) { $module_paths = Option::where("key", "module_paths")->first(); $dirs = []; if ($module_paths) { $path = json_decode($module_paths->value); foreach ($path->paths as $p) { $dirs[] = getConst($p); } } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dir) as $fileInfo) { if (basename($fileInfo->getPathname()) === $slug) { return $fileInfo->getPathname(); } } } return false; } /** * @param $mod_info * @return void */ public function runInitScript($mod_info): void { if (isset($mod_info['module_class'])) { if (isset($mod_info['module_class_file'])) { require_once $mod_info['module_class_file']; } $moduleClass = new $mod_info['module_class'](); $moduleClass->init(); } } /** * @param $mod_info * @return void */ public function runDeactivateScript($mod_info): void { if (isset($mod_info['module_class'])) { if (isset($mod_info['module_class_file'])) { require_once $mod_info['module_class_file']; } $moduleClass = new $mod_info['module_class'](); $moduleClass->deactivate(); } } /** * @return array */ public function getActiveModules(): array { $modules = []; $module_paths = Option::where("key", "module_paths")->first(); $active_modules = Option::where("key", "active_modules")->first(); $dirs = []; if ($module_paths) { $path = json_decode($module_paths->value); foreach ($path->paths as $p) { $dirs[] = getConst($p); } } $active_modules = json_decode($active_modules->value, true); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dir) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDot() or !in_array($fileInfo->getFilename(), $active_modules['modules'])) continue; $modules[] = $this->getModuleInfo($fileInfo->getPathname()); } } return $modules; } /** * @return array */ public function getModulesRouts(): array { $routs = []; $modules = $this->getActiveModules(); foreach ($modules as $module) { if (isset($module['routs'])) { $routs[] = $module['path'] . "/" . $module['routs']; } } return $routs; } /** * @return array */ public function getModulesMigrationsPaths(): array { $migrationsPaths = []; $modules = $this->getActiveModules(); foreach ($modules as $module) { if (isset($module['migration_path'])) { $migrationsPaths[] = $module['path'] . "/" . $module['migration_path']; } } return $migrationsPaths; } /** * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function installModule(string $path): bool { $zip = new ZipArchive; $tmpModuleDir = md5(time()); $res = $zip->open(ROOT_DIR . $path); if ($res === TRUE) { $tmpModuleDirFull = RESOURCES_DIR . '/tmp/modules/' . $tmpModuleDir . "/"; $zip->extractTo($tmpModuleDirFull); $zip->close(); } else { $this->addError('unable to open zip archive'); return false; } if (!file_exists($tmpModuleDirFull . "app/manifest.json")) { $this->addError('manifest.json not found'); return false; } $manifestJson = getConst(file_get_contents($tmpModuleDirFull . "app/manifest.json")); $manifest = Manifest::getWithVars($manifestJson); $fileHelper = new Files(); $fileHelper->copy_folder($tmpModuleDirFull . 'app', $manifest['app_module_path']); if (isset($manifest['kernel_module_path'])) { $fileHelper->copy_folder($tmpModuleDirFull . 'kernel', $manifest['kernel_module_path']); } else { $fileHelper->copy_folder($tmpModuleDirFull . 'kernel', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $manifest['slug']); } $fileHelper->recursiveRemoveDir($tmpModuleDirFull); return true; } /** * @param string $path * @return void */ public function uninstallModule(string $path): void { $moduleInfo = $this->getModuleInfo(APP_DIR . '/modules/' . basename($path)); if ($this->isActive($moduleInfo['slug'])) { $this->deactivateModule($moduleInfo['slug']); } $fileHelper = new Files(); if (file_exists(APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $moduleInfo['slug'])) { $fileHelper->recursiveRemoveDir(APP_DIR . '/modules/' . $moduleInfo['slug']); } if (file_exists(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $moduleInfo['slug'])) { $fileHelper->recursiveRemoveDir(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $moduleInfo['slug']); } } /** * @param string $path * @return void */ public function packModule(string $path): void { $moduleName = basename($path); $tmpModuleDirFull = RESOURCES_DIR . '/tmp/ad/' . $moduleName . "/"; $fileHelper = new Files(); $fileHelper->copy_folder(ROOT_DIR . $path, $tmpModuleDirFull . 'app/'); if (file_exists(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $moduleName)) { $fileHelper->copy_folder(KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $moduleName, $tmpModuleDirFull . 'kernel/'); } else { mkdir($tmpModuleDirFull . 'kernel/'); } if (!is_dir(RESOURCES_DIR . '/tmp/modules')) { mkdir(RESOURCES_DIR . '/tmp/modules', 0777, true); } $fileHelper->pack($tmpModuleDirFull, RESOURCES_DIR . '/tmp/modules/' . $moduleName . '.igm'); //$fileHelper->recursiveRemoveDir($tmpModuleDirFull); } /** * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function updateModule(string $path): bool { $zip = new ZipArchive; $tmpModuleDir = md5(time()); $res = $zip->open(ROOT_DIR . $path); if ($res === TRUE) { $tmpModuleDirFull = RESOURCES_DIR . '/tmp/modules/' . $tmpModuleDir . "/"; $zip->extractTo($tmpModuleDirFull); $zip->close(); } else { $this->addError('unable to open zip archive'); return false; } if (!file_exists($tmpModuleDirFull . "app/manifest.json")) { $this->addError('manifest.json not found'); return false; } $manifestJson = getConst(file_get_contents($tmpModuleDirFull . "app/manifest.json")); $manifest = Manifest::getWithVars($manifestJson); $fileHelper = new Files(); $fileHelper->copy_folder($tmpModuleDirFull . 'app/manifest.json', $manifest['app_module_path'] . '/manifest.json'); if (isset($manifest['kernel_module_path'])) { $fileHelper->copy_folder($tmpModuleDirFull . 'kernel', $manifest['kernel_module_path']); } else { $fileHelper->copy_folder($tmpModuleDirFull . 'kernel', KERNEL_APP_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $manifest['slug']); } $fileHelper->recursiveRemoveDir($tmpModuleDirFull); return true; } /** * @return array */ public function getDependencies(): array { $modules_info = $this->getActiveModules(); $dependence_array = []; foreach ($modules_info as $mod) { if (isset($mod['dependence'])) { $dependence_array[$mod['slug']] = explode(',', $mod['dependence']); } } return $dependence_array; } public function isInstall(string $slug): bool { $module_paths = Option::where("key", "module_paths")->first(); $dirs = []; if ($module_paths) { $path = json_decode($module_paths->value); foreach ($path->paths as $p) { $dirs[] = getConst($p); } } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dir) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDot()) continue; if ($this->getModuleInfo($fileInfo->getPathname())['slug'] === $slug) { return true; }; } } return false; } public function isLastVersion(string $slug): bool { $modules_info = RESTClient::request($_ENV['MODULE_SHOP_URL'] . '/api/module_shop/gb_slug'); $modules_info = json_decode($modules_info->getBody()->getContents(), true); $mod_info = $this->getModuleInfoBySlug($slug); foreach ($modules_info as $mod) { if ($mod['slug'] === $mod_info['slug'] && $mod['version'] === $mod_info['version']) { return true; } } return false; } public function isKernelModule(string $slug): bool { $modules_info = $this->getKernelModules(); foreach ($modules_info as $mod) { if ($mod['slug'] === $slug) { return true; } } return false; } public function getKernelModules(): array { $modules_info = []; foreach (new DirectoryIterator(KERNEL_MODULES_DIR) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDot()) continue; $modules_info[] = $this->getModuleInfo($fileInfo->getPathname()); } return $modules_info; } }