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<h1 align="center">Telegram Media Downloader</h1>
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## Overview
> Support two default running
* The robot is running, and the command `download` or `forward` is issued from the robot
* Download as a one-time download tool
### UI
#### Web page
> After running, open a browser and visit `localhost:5000`
> If it is a remote machine, you need to configure web_host:
<img alt="Code style: black" style="width:100%; high:60%;" src="./screenshot/web_ui.gif"/>
### Robot
> Need to configure bot_token, please refer to [Documentation](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/wiki/How-to-Download-Using-Robots)
<img alt="Code style: black" style="width:60%; high:30%; " src="./screenshot/bot.gif"/>
### Support
| Category | Support |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| Language | `Python 3.7` and above |
| Download media types | audio, document, photo, video, video_note, voice |
### Version release plan
* [v2.2.0](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/issues/2)
## Installation
For *nix os distributions with `make` availability
git clone https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader.git
cd telegram_media_downloader
make install
For Windows which doesn't have `make` inbuilt
git clone https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader.git
cd telegram_media_downloader
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
## Docker
> For more detailed installation tutorial, please check the wiki
Make sure you have **docker** and **docker-compose** installed
docker pull tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader:latest
mkdir -p ~/app && mkdir -p ~/app/log/ && cd ~/app
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/master/docker-compose.yaml -O docker-compose.yaml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/master/config.yaml -O config.yaml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/master/data.yaml -O data.yaml
# vi config.yaml and docker-compose.yaml
vi config.yaml
# The first time you need to start the foreground
# enter your phone number and code, then exit(ctrl + c)
docker-compose run --rm telegram_media_downloader
# After performing the above operations, all subsequent startups will start in the background
docker-compose up -d
# Upgrade
docker pull tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader:latest
cd ~/app
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
## Upgrade installation
cd telegram_media_downloader
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
## Configuration
All the configurations are passed to the Telegram Media Downloader via `config.yaml` file.
**Getting your API Keys:**
The very first step requires you to obtain a valid Telegram API key (API id/hash pair):
1. Visit [https://my.telegram.org/apps](https://my.telegram.org/apps) and log in with your Telegram Account.
2. Fill out the form to register a new Telegram application.
3. Done! The API key consists of two parts: **api_id** and **api_hash**.
**Getting chat id:**
**1. Using web telegram:**
1. Open <https://web.telegram.org/?legacy=1#/im>
2. Now go to the chat/channel and you will see the URL as something like
- `https://web.telegram.org/?legacy=1#/im?p=u853521067_2449618633394` here `853521067` is the chat id.
- `https://web.telegram.org/?legacy=1#/im?p=@somename` here `somename` is the chat id.
- `https://web.telegram.org/?legacy=1#/im?p=s1301254321_6925449697188775560` here take `1301254321` and add `-100` to the start of the id => `-1001301254321`.
- `https://web.telegram.org/?legacy=1#/im?p=c1301254321_6925449697188775560` here take `1301254321` and add `-100` to the start of the id => `-1001301254321`.
**2. Using bot:**
1. Use [@username_to_id_bot](https://t.me/username_to_id_bot) to get the chat_id of
- almost any telegram user: send username to the bot or just forward their message to the bot
- any chat: send chat username or copy and send its joinchat link to the bot
- public or private channel: same as chats, just copy and send to the bot
- id of any telegram bot
### config.yaml
api_hash: your_api_hash
api_id: your_api_id
- chat_id: telegram_chat_id
last_read_message_id: 0
download_filter: message_date >= 2022-12-01 00:00:00 and message_date <= 2023-01-17 00:00:00
- chat_id: telegram_chat_id_2
last_read_message_id: 0
# note we remove ids_to_retry to data.yaml
ids_to_retry: []
- audio
- document
- photo
- video
- voice
- animation #gif
- all
- pdf
- epub
- mp4
save_path: D:\telegram_media_downloader
- chat_title
- media_datetime
# required
enable_upload_file: true
# required
remote_dir: drive:/telegram
# required
upload_adapter: rclone
# option,when config upload_adapter rclone then this config are required
rclone_path: D:\rclone\rclone.exe
# option
before_upload_file_zip: True
# option
after_upload_file_delete: True
hide_file_name: true
- message_id
- file_name
file_name_prefix_split: ' - '
max_download_task: 5
web_port: 5000
language: EN
web_login_secret: 123
- **api_hash** - The api_hash you got from telegram apps
- **api_id** - The api_id you got from telegram apps
- **bot_token** - Your bot token
- **chat** - Chat list
- `chat_id` - The id of the chat/channel you want to download media. Which you get from the above-mentioned steps.
- `download_filter` - Download filter, see [How to use Filter](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/wiki/How-to-use-Filter)
- `last_read_message_id` - If it is the first time you are going to read the channel let it be `0` or if you have already used this script to download media it will have some numbers which are auto-updated after the scripts successful execution. Don't change it.
- `ids_to_retry` - `Leave it as it is.` This is used by the downloader script to keep track of all skipped downloads so that it can be downloaded during the next execution of the script.
- **media_types** - Type of media to download, you can update which type of media you want to download it can be one or any of the available types.
- **file_formats** - File types to download for supported media types which are `audio`, `document` and `video`. Default format is `all`, downloads all files.
- **save_path** - The root directory where you want to store downloaded files.
- **file_path_prefix** - Store file subfolders, the order of the list is not fixed, can be randomly combined.
- `chat_title` - Channel or group title, it will be chat id if not exist title.
- `media_datetime` - Media date, also see pyrogram.types.Message.date.strftime("%Y_%m").
- `media_type` - Media type, also see `media_types`.
- **disable_syslog** - You can choose which types of logs to disable,see `logging._nameToLevel`.
- **upload_drive** - You can upload file to cloud drive.
- `enable_upload_file` - Enable upload file, default `false`.
- `remote_dir` - Where you upload, like `drive_id/drive_name`.
- `upload_adapter` - Upload file adapter, which can be `rclone`, `aligo`. If it is `rclone`, it supports all `rclone` servers that support uploading. If it is `aligo`, it supports uploading `Ali cloud disk`.
- `rclone_path` - RClone exe path, see [How to use rclone](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/wiki/Rclone)
- `before_upload_file_zip` - Zip file before upload, default `false`.
- `after_upload_file_delete` - Delete file after upload success, default `false`.
- **file_name_prefix** - Custom file name, use the same as **file_path_prefix**
- `message_id` - Message id
- `file_name` - File name (may be empty)
- `caption` - The title of the message (may be empty)
- **file_name_prefix_split** - Custom file name prefix symbol, the default is `-`
- **max_download_task** - The maximum number of task download tasks, the default is 5.
- **hide_file_name** - Whether to hide the web interface file name, default `false`
- **web_host** - Web host
- **web_port** - Web port
- **language** - Application language, the default is English (`EN`), optional `ZH`(Chinese),`RU`,`UA`
- **web_login_secret** - Web page login password, if not configured, no login is required to access the web page
## Execution
python3 media_downloader.py
All downloaded media will be stored at the root of `save_path`.
The specific location reference is as follows:
The complete directory of video download is: `save_path`/`chat_title`/`media_datetime`/`media_type`.
The order of the list is not fixed and can be randomly combined.
If the configuration is empty, all files are saved under `save_path`.
## Proxy
`socks4, socks5, http` proxies are supported in this project currently. To use it, add the following to the bottom of your `config.yaml` file
scheme: socks5
port: 1234
username: your_username(delete the line if none)
password: your_password(delete the line if none)
If your proxy doesn’t require authorization you can omit username and password. Then the proxy will automatically be enabled.
## Contributing
### Contributing Guidelines
Read through our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn about our submission process, coding rules and more.
### Want to Help?
Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Read up on our guidelines for [contributing](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
### Code of Conduct
Help us keep Telegram Media Downloader open and inclusive. Please read and follow our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/tangyoha/telegram_media_downloader/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
### Sponsor
<img alt="Code style: black" style="width:30%" src="./screenshot/alipay.JPG">
<img alt="Code style: black" style="width:30%" src="./screenshot/wechat.JPG">